Well, there's some mails circulating the cyberworld wildly which is, tomorrow, when the total sun eclipse occurs, the world is going to experience some extraordinary things... And one of them is the tsunami...
From NST Today... Open it to read it more clearly...
I know most of you guys probably received one of this mails in your inbox... I don't know whether it's true or not, but whatever is it, just keep informed about the latest news... Remember that when the tsunami occurred in 2006, we all just watch entertainment, music or talk shows in TV... If you watch CNN or some news channels, you'll know that the big disaster is happening with live footage showing there... So keep updated! :)
Well, today went pretty well... I went to TGV cinema today to watch Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen again... Hehe... Went alone though... And I'm the only one sitting in my row!!! So nice is that would be? :P After I came back home, I gather some videos around my house's car porch and edited out nicely... Enjoy it...
A View Around Front Of My House...
And the music is pretty much related to the video...
Ask me what's the meaning if you wanna know... :)
walau u watch transformer again Omg.........
yes i do.... :D