The D-Day starts today and will be ended on 14th July... First of all, I did cover up something while me driving all the way to college... Don't ask me how... I did it successfully without any accidents... :D And for Tey C, now you know why I didn't take out the notes while in the cafe... Got it?

And second of all, what the hell??? Why suddenly there's lots of people coming to the college even at 8am also??? It's freaking full by the time 8.15am... Holidays ended for you guys maybe? And third of all, the exam...

We all did prepared to a certain level where all of us can at least get pass grade... So as usual, we all go to the exam hall before 15 minutes and put the bag outside... Suddenly the head invigilator said we have to put our phones into our bag...

WHAT??? Are you serious? Then I started to think what would happen if someone stole it... Wait a sec... Then the head invigilator said that we all have to bring the bag inside the hall... Oooh ok then... I go out and bring the inside... And again, he remind us to put the phone inside the bag...

Now I understand so I go back to my place, get my phone, go back to front of the hall, put it inside, come back, walk all the way till the last row and sit firmly!!! And the air-con is strangely pretty warm... Usually it's freaking cold... Don't know why it's special today...

Then I write out my particulars and hope that everything I study comes out in the paper... Got the nod, flip through the pages, skipped the MCQ part, went straight to section B... Think which question to choose and finally decided... After I close the page, then the head said answer now... Haha...

I pretty much did well but got some parts screwed up which cost me lots of time... But still I take it easy, do it nicely, and tie up all the papers... I see the time and it's 12.05pm!!! Which means I only have 5 freaking minutes to recheck everything...

Since I write super duper fast, I didn't recheck everything... Just take a sip of water and relax until the time is finished... After that, had some time discussing the question with my friends and went out for lunch...

Just because someone said wanna go to college and study back, I followed them but they all bailed out after several minutes... So went back home, take coffee and sit on TV... Now also Zam reminded me to update my blog... That's why updating it quickly because my favourite show is going to air at 10pm... I'm not gonna miss it so see ya...
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