For the first time in my life, I went to Nando's in Jusco Tebrau City with my friends... Thanks to them, I really enjoyed every minute of it... Too bad Zam didn't come with us... Well, I wasn't so sure how it would taste because I never went there before... So I ordered the chicken grill with some salad... Mild Peri flavor... Hehe...

Nando's Welcome Card...

The Flavor I Chose... Hehe...

After few minutes, all of our food arrives hot and fresh... Well, the rice isn't enough to eat... So pretty much felt it's not enough for me when I finished eating it... Haha... Since Zam said the Extra Hot Peri sos is WAY too hot, I'll try it with the chicken... Hehe... Not that spicy but if you taste the chili itself, you're going to fire out!!! Haha... I didn't order any drinks so the hotness stays in my throat for several minutes... Hehe...

Remember This Bottle Zam??? :P

The Money Collector Is Back!!! Haha...

After having some nice lunch, we all went back to college... The classes are all good except for the BCom and ME class... After lunch, we all sure get tired and for sure we all start to lose the concentration power... Unless you become someone who understands everything like Mr. W!!! Haha...

Zam Khan Is Going To KL So Wish Him Luck... Have Fun Dude...

Since Zam is going on a vacation to KL tomorrow, so we all take some nice pictures at the end of the class... Hehe... Have a nice trip Zam... Take some pictures... Hehe... Ok then... See you guys... Take care...
Haha... As the title says, today's post is all about The Boss a.k.a. Zam's day today... Haha... Don't worry... I won't tell a lot... Only what happen during the college I'll write about it... Hehe... Interested??? Check it out below...

In IT1 Class...

Was focusing what's the lecturer teaching till this guy came and rested on me... Haha...

In QM1 Class... My Shot...

In QM1 Class... Joyce's Shot...

In QM1 Class... Haha...

Hahaha... Well, he slept at 3am yesterday because he was searching for some hotels... So basically he took advantage to sleep at some classes today... Expect for one class only he got awake... Look below...

In ITL Class...

Che... Reading ah... Hehe...

In IT Lab... Was searching for hotels... Again!!! Hehe...

Well, that explains the Zam's day today overall... Haha... The classes were ok today... Thank god today's class at first and second floor... Pretty cool weather too... Well, that's it... See you guys tomorrow...
After so long, today's whether is very cool... Because in the morning like 11 something, it was raining heavily outside... Even now also it's very cool here... :D

Today's classes was great except the QM class... Because I couldn't understand what's the probability is about... The lecturer asks to do the tutorial... Haven't touch yet... Haha...

Did some stuff just now... Took the newspaper and cut out the health and education section for BCom assignment... Wanna show to lecturer tomorrow... Since Tey C called me in the evening, he ask me to find the education section because he "couldn't find" it... Haha...

Tomorrow going to be a headache day... Classes till 4 and the "super-duper" subjects tomorrow... Haha... Not only that... It's going to be third floor most probably... So Zam, get ready... Hehe... Ok then... Catch you guys tomorrow then... Nights...
I'm not talking about the taste region in the tougue... Haha... Took sweet and sour chicken rice in Tesco with Tey C, Joyce and Firdaus... Mr. Zam was missing because "appereantly" he went to fetch his friend and want to buy laptop... Hehe... So only we went to Tesco to take lunch...

After taking lunch, we had a rounding around Tesco... Joyce went to play some machine games in there... We just sit and watch... There was one guy who came from nowhere, started to play the machine game called "Hoops"... This machine is you throw the ball into the net and you'll get a point from every successful ball enters the net... I hope you got the idea how it looks...

Anyway, he came and play in this machine... So he basically have 60 seconds to throw all the balls into the net... If he achieve the highest score, the time will be extended... He plays, plays and continues to play it until after couple of minutes later, the game is over... I think he shoots like 400+ of the balls into the net... Imagine that!!! We all amazed...

After that, we went rounding again... Joyce want to buy scorpion... Err... Better make some distance from her guys... You'll never know what's under your shoes if you did something wrong to her... Hehe... After that, we all went back home...

Was drizzing by the time I reach my home... Just at the right time, the rain comes... Thank goodness I went inside ready... If not, I'll be totally washed away by the rain... Hehe... Right now, gonna do the IT1 assignment... Ok then... See ya tomorrow...

And yeah... Forgot to tell... Today the classes were great... The wheather is still quite hot... Today we got another assignment from BCom lecturer... Now got 4 assignment ready... Zam and Joyce, got anything familiar what you guys said in the class and what I wrote above there??? Haha...

I took some pictures today while we're at Tesco but since "someone" don't want their pictures to be published here, I won't upload it...
Your choice guys... Happy now...

After soooooo long, the rain came today pouring down some decent amount of water... But it's still hot here... Maybe a heavy rain will be nice... Hehe... Let's see tomorrow...

Nothing much special want to tell today... Pretty boring... Don't know what to do also... Now also I'm listening to songs... Haha... Have to start study...

After the rain, I went to start my car because it's been 3 days since I start it... At first it didn't start... Tried again second time and it worked... Thank god... Tomorrow got college... At night, took to BHP to fill up the air in the tyres...

Ok then... See you guys tomorrow... Take care...
35.5C??? Are you mad??? Well, if the temperature stays like that, sure each one of us become mad... Damn hot nowadays... Wonder why... Even after took shower also, the heat is still in there... Rain, please please come soon... :(

The day today... Well, boring... Nothing to do and the heat is really made me a bit mood out most of the time... Took some pictures of me today... Don't know why... Just thought take them and update my photo database... Hehe...

How is it??? Hehe...

In evening, Tey C called me to ask whether I did the IT1 assignment or not... I haven't started yet... :P Well, right now, I'm going to find some info so will be busy... See you tomorrow guys...
Why nowadays sooooo hot??? Even after shower also still hot... :( Well, nothing much I did today... Waked up at 11 today... Still sleepy... Haha... Then went to computer and check mails... Updated my friendster and cleaned up my computer...

In evening, my uncle came and hangs out with us... He repaired my brother's power window... Me and mom cleaned up the aquarium... Now the fish has growen... Hehe... At night, I checked my mail again and got a mail from Ms. Sheela... In Tuesday, we discuss about what day we want to replace the ITL class because last time, we had a public holiday and that day got ITL class...

So we pretty much lagging behind the schedule completion of the subject... So the whole class agreed on the monday replacement but today, the lecturer sent us the mail about the monday class cancelation... Thank god we escaped the 2 hour penalty!!! Hehe... Ok then... See you guys tomorrow...
Today went well except the last class of today which is ME class... Well, at the end of the class, we got this econs class... Most of us tired at the start of the class because it's too late ready and we can't concentrate what's the lecturer teaching us...

So the whole class, we just look at him and didn't get anything from him... Only one person in the class "understands everything" he teaches... That's none other than Wilson... He just keep nodding and say understands when the lecturer ask the CLASS whether WE understand or not... Damn...

Other classes were ok and the class is all over the floor... First was first floor then second and come back at first floor... On QM1 class, the lecturer teaches us further about probability... Now it's getting harder... :( On BCom class, we had a small test to see how well we grasp the BCom until chapter 4... Well, I didn't study it so pretty much got lots of wrong answers... ITL class is interesting today because that's the first class... Hehe...

The cleaners here doing some final minute preparation to clean up everything in the college because the Sunway founder is coming to pay a visit here... That's why they painted the college... After some tiring classes, we all went back home...

Right now, felt like not going to study so me going to listen some songs and will decide what's the next course of action... Haha... Till then, catch you tomorrow...
I don't know why every wednesday's class, they give us third floor classes!!! Today's subjects are critical ones!!! Especially QM and ITL... How we suppose to do the questions and listen to the lecturers if our class is damn hot???

The whole class was crying because of the heat and hot class!!! Thank goodness the IT lecturer changed the class to a cooler room... After the lunch break, we had another session of hot classes... Thank god Ms. Sheela changed the room to a much more cooler room...

I think that's the only room (311) in the third floor so so cold!!! Well, after some hot classes, I went back home... Just now, I copied some ITL notes... Tomorrow got class so have to wake up early...

Speaking of today, I bought some practical joke stuff... It's a chewing gum!!! Naa... You'll be nodding your head now... How chewing gum become a practical joke stuff... Well, it does look like chewing gum but it isn't!!! Hehe... If you pull the wrapper, you'll get a shock... It's not just shock... It's small electrical shock... Hehe...

First, I tried ask Zam to take it... Well, this guy is tough to crack... Immediately he notices something wrong... He say don't bluff people la... Haha... After that, I ask Tey C to take it... He got a little shock... After that, I ask Joyce but she didn't budge at all...

Zam trying out new glasses from Stephen... The Boss Pose... :P

Then came my ultimate victim, Wilson to save the day... Haha... He really happy when I ask him want chewing gum or not... Then he pulls it and gets hell out of shock... Haha... Some people fall into the trick, some people don't... Anyways, it's a fun day... Hehe... Ok then... See you guys tomorrow... Take care...
Today might be the one of the "close-call" days... What I mean by close call is that, when I was driving the car and someone suddenly comes near me almost want to accident... If that happens, I'll say in my heart, fewww... Close call... So that's how the word came about... Haha... Enough of the history...

So, I pretty much got couple of close calls today... Almost want to accident but I escaped it... Haha... Might be my unlucky day... Well, on the other side, it's pretty nice day... Today the classes start at 8.30am so had to wake up early...

Dad woke up late so he was rushing by the time I woke up... Haha... Took milo and went to college... Was raining in the early morning... It's really nice since it's been a long time I've seen a rain in the early morning... No wonder I sleep so peacefully... Haha... The classes were ok today... Not that much stress...

After the classes finished, we all went to cafeteria and took lunch... Waited in there till 1pm... Only Zam knows why... By the time we walk out, there was one girl walking in front of us... Zam start to sing tamil song and she didn't look... Second, he changed the song and sing it, the girl looks at him with confusion look... Haha... Dei, too much la... After that, me and Zam went to Giant... He want to ask something about Astro... After that, we went to Permas Jaya (Zam's Area... Hehe...)

The first thing I noticed when I went there was everyone parked their car after another car parked infront... Haha... Took some pictures... Zam, why la your area like this??? Control la since you're The BOSS... Hehe...

Save time by parking at the back of another car???
I heard some horns when I took this picture so imagine it... Hahaha...

See The Way They Parked??? Haha....

So, we both went inside the EON Bank because I didn't get PIN number for my card so I want to ask them... Zam actually helped me a lot in there... :P It's really small bank than I expected... Hmm... After filling up the forms, we went to take chaya (means drinks... hehe...) After taking some rest, Zam said he's interested to apply for the card so we finish our drinks and went to the bank again... And met with the same person, a malay lady... Haha... She got surprise and asked may I help you... Then Zam said want to apply for the card...

After several minutes, he finally got the card and happily went back... Hehe... After that, I also guilded my way to the Johor Jaya road after some intense traffic zam in Permas... Went to 7-11 to top up my hotlink number... Then went back home...

At night, I tried to do my QM1 tutorial but eventually stalled because I get an infinity answer... Damn... Oh well... Guess have to do it tomorrow... With Tey C... :P See ya guys...

P.S. I really saw lots of BMWs on the road today... Below are some of the pictures I took... Hehe... Enjoy it...

Damn... Lots of assignments... Closer deadline... Short time... Busy semester... And the consequences is, STRESS!!! For now, I already got 3 assignments in my hands...

Got 2 more to do... Econs assignment, we have to do 12-15 pages!!! Can't even do a 2 page assignment also, want to do 12 pages ah??? Haha...

Talking to Jaya... :P

Well, the day went well except of the assignments... But it's ok... I'll get over it... Have to do it... IT1 lecturer got angry because the guys at the back can't stop talking... Hehe... For the first time, we went to 301 class at third floor... It's pretty cool because it's the first class and thank god it's not like other rooms... It's pretty cold...

In IT1 Class... Busy writing tutorial...

Me and Zam planned to go to EONBank after the class but he said it will be closed at 3pm... So we postponed tomorrow... Right now, I'm going to do some revision... So see ya guys later...
Rain rain in the sky... Where are you??? We all are dying because of the sun... Please come as soon as possible... Hehe... Today also a very hot day... 34.9C!!! Can you imagine that???

Well, today also waked up early... Took wantan mee and went to market... In the market, I was sitting in the car, reading newspaper and dad went to the market... While I was reading the newspaper, I saw lots of shadows in the newspaper... I wonder what is it... Then I look up, I saw this huge group of pigeons flying towards the coconut basket... Lots of them!!! Look at the picture below... It's really a lot than you see in the picture actually... Hehe...

After that, we went back home... I washed my car after so long... Pretty dirty... After some nice car washing session, I cleaned up the interior and parked my car outside... Watched a movie on Astro...

Just now, we went to BHP to refuel my car... Now I'm thinking whether want to study or watch TV... Hehe... Ok then... See you guys tomorrow...
Man... It's so hot again... 33.4C!!! That's inside the house... :( Well, took thosai after so long at Kassim today... After that, went to market to buy some chicken and spices... Then we went back home... Mom for the first time made vadai today... It's nice and tasty to eat... Hehe...

What do you expect a 13 year old car would look like??? Hehe...

Well, my car got a problem... When I want to lock my car, the passenger's left door didn't lock properly... I ask my uncle to fix it and since he's working at Wheels, me, my uncle and brother went to the company and ask the technician to fix it... Then we went to the canteen and wait in there...

The Empty Canteen...

The technician fixing the lock...

The Production Sector...

The Newly Installed Car-Alarm & Waiting For Despatch...

After several minutes, we went back down and he fixed it... After that, went back home... Now, I think we going to my relative's house again so see you guys tomorrow... Take care yall...
Well, today dad took off because want to pay up the tax money so I woke up at 8am... Got ready and wait for mom to come back... Then we all went to Larkin to pay up the tax... It's really been a long time since I went around JB area... Really nice to see it after so long...

Plaza Angsana...

After that, mom suggested to go to Danga Bay so check around... Dad went there and what a sight... Lots of tourist, lots of children playing around, lots of people looking at the sea and swimming... You believe me isn't??? Haha...

Danga Bay...

All the things I said is opposite when I see at there... There was no people, no activities going on and it's really deserted!!! And back to the title, Danga Bay??? What's that??? Maybe there's some construction going around in there that's why no people... Oh well...

No Activity At All...

After that, we went back home... Didn't do anything at home... Just listen to music and burn some videos on CD... Mom didn't cook today so went out for breakfast, lunch and also dinner... As usual, my dinner is always nasi goreng kampung... Hehe... Ok then... Going to watch movie... See you guys tomorrow...
Again we had a fine day just like on monday... Today's class starts at 10:30am so waked up late today... Went to college at 9:30am... It was almost deserted on the cafeteria!!! No people at all except the canteen people... Haha...

Around 10am, my friends all come... After having some discussions, we all went to class... Today's class at first and second floor... Thank god... In ITL class, the lecturer was rushing to finish some sections... After that is QM1 class... We all went to IT lab to do some excel questions...

I tried to bring up the data analysis tool in excel but the computer didn't open it... It shows "Registry Error"... That means it didn't install properly... And the lecturer called the staff in there to check it out... She also try it but can't get it work too... Then took a piece of paper and write something... Then went away!!! Haha... Some of the computers also didn't work too... I think they reformated the computer or something...

After wasting some time in there, we all went to take lunch... Me, Zam, Joyce, Firdaus, Tey C, Chee Poh and Wilson got a "heated" discussion at the cafeteria... Hehe... Don't worry... It didn't ended up in fight or something... By the way, Wilson's appearence was really unexpected view... I wonder where he comes and joins us also... Hehe... Anyway, we all discuss where we all want to go and take lunch...

All agree to go out and eat but Zam don't want to come at first... After couple of minutes, we all ask him to come then only he agrees to come and takes us by his car... Hehe... We all went to Jusco Tebrau City to take KFC as lunch... I ordered Zinger set and my friends order chicken rice, fish burger and some ice-creams...

My Friends Lunch... Finished Ready... Hehe...

My Personal Set... Zinger Set...

Talking To Phone + Drinking Pepsi + Posing At Camera = Mr. Zam a.k.a The Boss!!! Haha...

After taking wonderful lunch, we all went back college... We had a fun ride when we go to Jusco and come back to college... Hehe... We reached the college at 2:00pm... Tey C was very worried because we all might be late for the class...

Took This Before We Took The Lift And Went To Class...

When we all went to the class, what a sight!!! There was no one except the Neevya, Elvina, Jaya and the lecturer... Haha... Wondered where all other students were... Hehe... In BCom class, we did some writing on the job application...

After that class, we got ME class... Got the assignment today... Damn... So far got 3 assignments pending in my hands now... Have to start working... Pretty busy nowadays... :( After the class, we go to book store to photocopy the ME assignment for Zam and Tey C...

After that, we all went back home... Didn't took the Pasir Gudang highway today because it was drizzling at that time... At night, I didn't do anything... Hehe... Wanna relax I guess... Hehe... Pretty hungry though... Ok la... See you tomorrow... Bye...

P.S. : Dei Zam, take care yourself la... You remember what I told you yesterday night right? Hope you understand it... Don't worry... All the problems will be solved soon... Ok? Be Cool...
It's really hot today even though got some heavy rain in the morning... Especially Zam... Right Zam??? Haha... Well, the first session of the class today (1 and half hours) were quite ok... Because everyone was still fresh from that time...

After we took our lunch, the boredom starts to kick in... And so our concentration!!! And you know where's the class today?? At third floor!!! Haha... The most hottie place in the college... And some changes happened in the third floor classes... In room 307 and 308, they took out the old blue colour table and replaced it with table-cum-chair (which is also blue colour)...

Giving "The B.O.S.S." Pose... Che...
I took a candid shot before this but this guy delete it...
Asked me to take another shot so there you go... Happy macha? Haha...

It's quite irritating sitting in this "All in one" because there's no space to put the bag and the books!!! Even Zam was in pain due to his operation at his back... After some gruelling class, we finally finished it and went back home...

Probably The Biggest Hall In The College... Hehe...

I ride on the Pasir Gudang highway for second time today and still it's quite scary... :( But using this highway saves me a lot of time than coming on the Jusco-Johor Jaya route...

At night, I finish up my BCom homework and going to take dinner now so see you guys tomorrow... Take care...
Maybe because the class starts at 8.30am today, I felt tired or something... Nothing much happened today... We got QM1 test... It was first closed-book test but after several minutes, the lecturer allowed us to do open-book test... Maybe we all didn't understand?? Hehe...

We all planned to go to Jusco after the class but canceled because Zam felt "tired"... Haha... At night, I wanted to go my homework but suddenly felt no mood to do it... So gonna watch movie soon... Ok then... See you tomorrow guys... And yeah...

Happy Tamil New Year!!!
En Iniya Chithirai Puthandu Naal Valtugal...


Just Before Waking Up

Before Going To College... Taking Milo... Hehe...

During ME Class...

In ME Class... Trying To Pose... Hehe...

In IT1 Class...

Listening To Lecturer... Hehehe...

Going To Newly Opened Domino's Pizza

Nice Banners...

My Friends Ordering Pizza...

In Domino's Pizza...

The Money Collector... Hehe...

Finally, Our Pizza Arrives...

Finished Both Pizzas... Yummy...

"Domino's Is Da Best!!!" Haha...

Giving Lecture or Just Washed His Hand??? Hehe...

Going Back To College... Guys At Back Excited... Hehe...

In IT1 Class Again (After Lunch)

Taking A Brief Break...

After The Classes Finished... Going Back Home...

In Home...

At Bus Stop...

Well, I had this wild idea couple days ago... Why not I post my blog how my day went by taking pictures at regular interval... Well, today is the day to do it... So there you go... My day with the picture...

Hopefully you'll able to interpret the meaning behind those pictures... Well, some of you may got doubt why I end up in bus stop so I wanna write what happened today... Hehe... Waked up early today because class start at 9am... Went to college... Finished up all the first session of the class...

Stephen wanted to come with us and take lunch outside... So we all initially planned to go to Sayed but since it's crowded so we decided to go to Domino's Pizza which newly opened closed to the college... Went there, order 2 pizza and waited pretty long... Like 30 minutes??? Haha...

After had a nice meal, we all went back college... On the way, Zam, which took all of us (7 people) in his Toyota, made some fun by blocking Bernice's car... Hehe... After went to college, we finished up the second session of the class...

I went to home after that and since I was drop my mom to the bus stop in my area, so I had to go with her... Now that explained, you should be able to understand... Hehe... Well, I hope you enjoyed today's blog with those pictures... Give feedback if possible... See you tomorrow... Bye...