Haha... All the exams are officially OVER!!! So let the holidays BEGIN!!! :P Today is the last paper of our exam, IT1... I'll explain more about this soon... Me came to college around 10am and went to library to study IT but I saw someone "unexpectedly" sitting inside the library... Haha...

It's Zam... He came like 9.30am I think... Very nice wanna study early... Hahaha... So me also joined him soon... After some time studying, we went to cafe to study in there... Then Sanjay and Vino comes and ask us to go have lunch...

I spotted Mr Peter walking around the staff room so immediately me and Zam went and talk to him... We ask him about the micro exam and the answer isn't pleasant to hear... He said that every 3 out of 5 students he marked are failed!!! So that means only 2 people get pass grade... See the probability for fail is super high! Now me started to get more scarier and scarier... :(

Oh well... After discussing with him, me, Zam, Sanjay and Vino went to restaurant Sayed... Me once again, ordered my favourite, Nasi goreng kampung... Hehe... After having some nice lunch, we went back to college and start to revise back everything... Tey C, Wayne and some other guys joined us later...

After some hard time reading the notes, we all went to exam hall with one hope... Do this final exam with all our effort!!! After got the paper, went through everything and start to recalling all the facts I memorized... I write down everything I know on to the paper till the last question... :P

I saw Zam walking out somewhere around 4.20pm and at the same time, Ms Hong also came there... Zam smiled at her and she also smiled back... How sweet... Haha... He was like super happy and went out the exam hall and jumping around there... (Or maybe jumping in his heart... :P)

After all the questions are finished, I started to recheck everything and pass up my paper and come out from exam hall at 4.45pm... Officially ending my semester 3 period and starting my 1 month holiday period... :D :D :D When I was walking down the hallway, I start to think about the exam I just did...

The only thing I notice is IT1 was pretty much easier than I expected and I studied way too much than the questions she asked in the exam... All the extra knowledge wasted like that... Ah damn it la... The only thing I'm afraid is micro... Me and Zam very afraid that we gonna fail our micro exam... :(

So far, Microeconomics is the most toughest exam ever taken by me!!! The second would be QM1 because some parts I don't know how to calculate... Third would be the ITL exam... Just because I didn't study that day, I couldn't answer properly so ITL is on a balance of scale... Fourth would be the BCom because I studied all the tutorial questions so I can pretty much answer it...

And last is IT1... The paper is way too easy than I expected as I said up there but the lecturer ruin the paper in the marking segment... I think she don't know where to add and minus the marks and distribute them evenly throughout the question paper... The marks are scattered around!!! Ermm...

Hopefully I'm targeting pass for all my subjects... This exam, I have no hopes at all to get A for each and every subject because of micro! So this semester, I won't score perfectly as I wanted... :(

Ok then... Forget about the exams for now, the holiday just started and I have lots of things to do in this 1 month!!! All are queuing up in the line and I'm ready to do it starting from tomorrow... Today wanna take complete rest!!! Had so many sleepless nights because of exams...

Ok then... Gonna enjoy my holidays now... And to all my friends especially close friends, I'm gonna miss you guys a lot in this one month... Hopefully there would be time for us to meet... :)

Be happy
Do the things you like
3 Responses
  1. joycelyn Says:

    haha damm long loh ur blog..... but damm nice so ur close freind am i include? haha......

  2. Suresh Says:

    haha... ya... so many things to write... ermm... i think so... hahahaha... of course la... you ah...

  3. joycelyn Says:

    haha i just joke mah haha..... i am going to miss u guys too for 1 months.... enjoy ur holiday n take care...

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