New month
New experience
New problems
New solutions
New stuff
New hope
Same old mental-state...
New experience
New problems
New solutions
New stuff
New hope
Same old mental-state...
We finally finished our second class today after ITL... Well, today for the first time, had a 2 and half hour class for two subjects!!! First was IT class... Well, it's quite enjoyable class although we had one faulty air-con!!!
After that, we all went to Neighbours Cafe for lunch... Been a long time since we or especially me had nasi goreng kampung!!! Majority of us ordered that except for Tey C... And after lunch, Tey C made a brave move asking the girl... Haha...
After we come back to college, we straight away go to class... The lecturer haven't give any tips for QM so far... Maybe tomorrow she might give... Let's see... After this class, it's another subject with 2 and half hours... Someone "escaped" the class session... Not only those two, some of the guys also "escaped" the class too... I only saw VK, Jansen and some other guys at the back... Haha...
She did give something for us to study for exam... Let's hope it's all coming for exam... After the class finished, I went to library to borrow some books... Then went back home... Just now studied BCom and some IT... Tomorrow is our last class for the third semester... After that, we going to the danger zone soon... You'll know what's the danger zone soon...
Ok then... Going to sleep... And I have this another wild idea to experience it... Wanna try that tomorrow morning... See what is that on tomorrow's post... Till then, nightzzz...
---The Countdown Starts Now---
***4 Days To Go***
***4 Days To Go***
3rd Semester <<<>>> 5 Subjects
exam is just around the corner... haha everyone stress hehe........... so many people skip 2day class haha that show how boring is her class haha.... let's add oil together study hard......
haha... not only oil, have to add salt, sugar, and some ingredients also... :P
wht lah u......