It's the day 2 of our exam... And today is QM1 subject... Well, yesterday night didn't enjoy much because of the overdose of super duper excitement!!! See yesterday's post for more info... So I didn't have the time to study actually...

When I came to college only I start to revise... So at the last minute, I memorized everything and went to the exam hall... Got the question paper, went through every question except probability questions... (Didn't even bother to read the probability questions also... Haha) The questions I targeted came all in right sections!!! Hehe...

So quickly did all the targeted questions and finished it and got like 15 minutes more to spare... I did screw some up parts but it's ok... Overall I can do the exam... Maybe might get B la... But no so sure... Let's see about that... Well, after the exam, I came back home and listen to music...

Just now, went outside to meet my friend... He's car broke down so someone need to tow his car to his house... Don't worry... It's not my car... It's some other car that is 4-wheel drive one... Haha... So after some chit-chat, went back home ready... Tomorrow is another super duper exam!!! Not gonna say about it... See ya later...

P.S.: Zam made a World New Record to come to college in the fastest time ever and also went back to home and came online fastest ever... Haha... Congrats man...

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These are the videos which taken yesterday... It took so long to process so I save it to post it today... Enjoy it...

In Danga City Mall... Paintball...

In KFC... See the world shakes when Mr. Police comes... Hahaha...
2 Responses
  1. joycelyn Says:

    big no use whether u can run that's a problem haha..... anyway outdoor is better.....

  2. Suresh Says:

    haha... big is fun!!!

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