Yes... It's the end of the world... Haha... No la... Still got 3 years more for that... Right Zam?? :P Well, it's the end for our third semester session for our course... 27 March-2 July... Even though there were 5 subjects to learn, it's all super-tough subjects also, the lecturer also kinda strict and making us harder day by day, but we still enjoyed this semester...

Third semester is something new for all of us... Lots of challenges and problems... We hope that we all go through it and gain success! With all the classes are officially finished, we are going to the final part of our semester... Unfortunely it's the hardest part of all... The Exam!!!

Next week begins our exam... And it ain't going to be easy and we all are working extra hard for this semester... As I mentioned before, it's the hardest semester so far... And there are more semesters going to come... For now, let's call it a day and focus on our studies... Better start studying now guys... If you wanna get pass of course... Because getting A is really not going to be perfectly achieveable...

Well, the day went nicely... Nice way to end the semester... First, I came to college around 8.30am... I thought wanna go to library and study but it's closed when I went there... So I saw David and Tey C sitting at cafeteria... I joined them shortly...

Then Mr. Ben comes with his high-tech camera... He said he wanna take some pictures on the cafeteria to put into the Sunway brochure... He asked some of the girls sitting there and also three of us to come there take photo... Our group was totally unexpected invitation!!

Then he called me and Tey C to come first... When I saw at the back, David run away ready to library... Haha... Then Mr. Ben took some shots of us taking food and paying at counter... I hope it will turn out nicely... And don't call me the Sunway College model... Coz I don't deserve one... Hahahaha...

We had some nice chit-chat with Mr. Ben after so freaking long time!!! Really nice to talk to him... Hopefully next semester he comes and teach us again... So after that, we all went to library to study... I go through some law books to find some answers... Zam came in to library after so long!!! Haha...

Yeah... We're the best!!!

After that, we went to QM class... She gave some answers to the past year exam questions and also took some pictures with the whole class... I don't have the picture... I'll upload it soon... The below one is taken by me... Hehe... After that, we have 2 hours of break time... 2 HOURS!!! That's the first time we had such a long break time...

Actually we suppose to have 3 hours of break but IT subject was replaced with an hour... But still 2 hours is a new record!!! Haha... We all thinking where to go during this period... Then after some hard discussions, we finally chose Bharat Curry House located near the hospital... And Zam, you better plan faster next time!!! This people make me wait for so long... PUNCTUAL la guys!!! OMG...

So we all went there to take lunch for the first time... First impression when Zam was driving in that area was, "Wow... This restaurant is quite famous... Lots of people... No parking some more..." Then Zam parked near the shop and we all went in... And the second impression is the food in the display array looks nice and tasty...

So we all sit inside the shop and ordered drinks... Then we went to choose the food... After we choose it, the third impression comes in when the waiter writes the bill, "Ermm... RM 9.70... Expensive also?!?!?" Haha... The food was nice but it's quite expensive then normal mamak shop food... And mamak shop one is tasty... :D

So after we all finished, Zam, Firdaus and Joyce went to puff while me, Tey C and Chee Poh stayed inside... I didn't know your drinks haven't finish your drinks so I didn't say anything to them... Sorry yall... Hehe... After that, Joyce gave an idea that to play paintball in Desa Tebrau...

Now you can see why I called it off-road... Haha...

I really didn't know that they were going to play until The Boss gave OK signal to Joyce... Haha... We went off-road when we reach the place... Zam's tyres is durable for this type of conditions right??? Haha... It was pretty much drizzling by the time we reach there... We all payed RM3 for 15 paintballs to play with...

The Boss and His Car...

Everyone had a turn shooting the target... You can see the video below how well they preformed... Haha... By the time we finished, the rain started to pour down ready... We all rush to the car and went back to college... And when we reach the college, the rain force us to back down by pouring down heavily... Haha...

We all were going to shoot the target...

Zam said you guys all gonna run to college with me... The Joyce said go drop us at the entrance there... But Zam said cannot... Then I made a statement which is, "We live together, We die together"... The guys at back laughed loudly... :P And since Zam isn't backing down, he parked his car and we all scramble to the entrance...

When going back to college...

While running in the middle of the college, the rain starts to pour down more heavily!!! Haha... We all were totally wet when we reached the lobby of the college... There were some students standing in there... We were quite embrassed with the situation but anyone would be wet when they run through the blanket of water out there... Haha...

We quickly cleaned up and went to class... During ME class, it's really one of the best finale class ever... The lecturer gave tips like hell... Haha... He even showed us and question paper and the answers of the questions!!! He even came in close on some of the students and gave in-depth look into it... Haha...

Seriously... Does any lecturer in this WORLD ever does that??? I'm still wondering... After the class, everyone went back home quickly... Someone broke the DBA-Aug 08 Group B history!!! Don't we all have to go down the entrance and take a group shot?? We've been doing that for past 2 semesters... What happen this time??

So some of us waited at cafeteria and have some last chit-chat before our exam starts... This day happened so many things... Very good day to end the semester... Have a blazt with you guys today... We really enjoyed these semester a lot... Noticed that how many times we all went out than we did in semester 1??? Haha... Ok then... This blog post is getting more and more longer so I've better end here... Haha... See ya tomorrow...

---The Countdown Starts Now---
***3 Days To Go***
3rd Semester <<<>>> 5 Subjects
2 Responses
  1. joycelyn Says:

    blog 2day damm long.... haha among the 6 of us who is the best?
    anyway this sem really damm nice lah i enjoy it so much hehe.... haha n love it too.

  2. Suresh Says:

    ya... way to long... hehe... 6 of you ah? maybe me la... cheee... haha

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