Today started pretty warm and it was like all of the sudden, rain comes from nowhere... Haha... Seriously... You don't know what's mother nature going to throw at you... Me and Zam plan to go to college today to know some results... So we plan to meet at McD...

I told him to come at 10... I came and waited there for 45 minutes... I sms him at 10.03am, and he replied at 10.32am... I knew he woke up at that time... Haha... Then I go inside and order my set... Actually wanted the Big Breakfast set but it's ok... Because of someone... Hmm...

So after I finished my french fries, this guy comes... After some chit-chat, we go to college... By the time we reach the highway, the rain starts to pour down heavily... And because of SOMEONE sped off so fast, I lost my way to college and went straight to Perling roads... Haha...

I tried to turn on my GPS but it didn't go well because
1. I'm driving...
2. It's raining super duper heavily... and
3. Every car are speeding like hell even though the road were flooded. because it's Highway...

I found a bridge that have U-turn there so quickly I made the U-turn and made my way back to college... All the roads here were flooded too... First time got scared driving in rain because the car, which is very heavy, when you drive into a pool of waters, the whole car basically felt like floating above the water surface... Haha... Easy to lose control!!!

So finally I reached the college and saw Zam's car in there... I tried to park beside the big guy's car and eventually it's way to close to park so when I drive forward, I didn't turn my wheel much so I go bang my car on the divider there... OMG!!!

It sounded so bad I thought the guards will be running towards me... I look around and no one was coming... Surprised? That's because the sound of the rain surpassed the sound of my car banging into the divider... Haha... So I turn round and park my car somewhere near... Turned off engine and walk off coolly as if nothing had happened... :P

Met Zam and his friends at cafeteria... I didn't know Zam brought his umbrella into the cafe... :P So after some rounding around the college, we went to lecturers office trying to find some lecturers... We saw Ms. Rebecca sitting there... Guess what? We both got an A for IT1!!! YAAY!!!

Trusted me isn't? Haha... Actually what happen was, we asked our results but she said we only can know when the semester starts... So with 'hard-broken' feelings, we went out and continue to rounding the college... Haha... At 2pm, me and Zam ciao ready...

Then I went to Tesco to buy some computer stuffs... Well, just now, I tried to copy the pictures we took in SSD but somehow, the photo got corrupted... I don't know why... Then I tried to reboot the phone but it doesn't work... Ermm... What is wrong with me today? 1st is the rain, 2nd is the car divider thing and now this... Damn!!! Ok then... Later... And sorry I couldn't upload the pictures... :(
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