The internet is super slow nowadays!!! I don't know why the hell we pay more to them since we don't get the "broadband" connection! Broadband means you should get the YouTube videos buffered in matter of seconds... If you go to YouTube, god knows how long we should wait until the buffering completes... Damn... I hope they do something about that SOON!!!
Besides the net, anything else went smooth today... Didn't go to gym... Got some pain coming on my legs so gonna rest for while... And happy birthday to Firdaus... ;)
Like the title? :P Really... There's basically nothing to talk about today... But got one special occasion that is Zam's birthday... :D Ok then... Later
Today is damn nice day... Haha... Actually a bad day turn into good day... :P You guys still remember yesterday my phone got some trouble so today I want to go to the shop and ask for repair... So I told Zam yesterday to come with me and after the gym, I went to fetch him up and went to the shop...
The girl in there says have to wait for 1 hour to reformat the phone... Damn... All the data lost... So me and Zam went to the mamak shop near here and took a chaya... He said that Johor Jaya is damn nicer than Permas Jaya because it's colourful... The shops of course... :P
After the break, we went to Jusco Tebrau City to find some stuff... I was wearing my gym attire so I was looking like some guy came from the field something in Jusco... Hahha... Then we search for mouse, TV sets and of course, girls... :P
After some rounding there, we went back to the phone shop and take back the phone... A brand-new phone... In terms of software of course... Hehe... And best of all is it's FOC!!! Still under warranty though... :P
Zam is the man behind the wheel of the car almost 80% of the journey... Haha... And what's most surprising thing is when Zam drive the car, I think like more than 7 girls we encounter in the road while we're in the car... Zam was like a happy man... Haha... Guess today is his lucky day too... :P
So after took the phone, we went to Jusco Permas to take his cake and buy some veges... About the cake, do you know that big boss's birthday is tomorrow??? Haha... His parents bought him a cake... Quite a big cake though...
So after that, we went to his house, drop off his stuff and I off Permas Jaya... There's a jam developing in the Pasir Gudang highway by the time I went there... Thank god I was able to come out in one piece... Went in the house and pray at the right time before my parents come... Haha... They don't know where I went though... :D
By the time I'm writing this post, Zam would be celebrating his birthday with his family... So this entire post is dedicated to him...
Happy 19th Birthday To Zameer
Enjoy your special day... :)
Today started pretty warm and it was like all of the sudden, rain comes from nowhere... Haha... Seriously... You don't know what's mother nature going to throw at you... Me and Zam plan to go to college today to know some results... So we plan to meet at McD...
I told him to come at 10... I came and waited there for 45 minutes... I sms him at 10.03am, and he replied at 10.32am... I knew he woke up at that time... Haha... Then I go inside and order my set... Actually wanted the Big Breakfast set but it's ok... Because of someone... Hmm...
So after I finished my french fries, this guy comes... After some chit-chat, we go to college... By the time we reach the highway, the rain starts to pour down heavily... And because of SOMEONE sped off so fast, I lost my way to college and went straight to Perling roads... Haha...
I tried to turn on my GPS but it didn't go well because
1. I'm driving...
2. It's raining super duper heavily... and
3. Every car are speeding like hell even though the road were flooded. because it's Highway...
I found a bridge that have U-turn there so quickly I made the U-turn and made my way back to college... All the roads here were flooded too... First time got scared driving in rain because the car, which is very heavy, when you drive into a pool of waters, the whole car basically felt like floating above the water surface... Haha... Easy to lose control!!!
So finally I reached the college and saw Zam's car in there... I tried to park beside the big guy's car and eventually it's way to close to park so when I drive forward, I didn't turn my wheel much so I go bang my car on the divider there... OMG!!!
It sounded so bad I thought the guards will be running towards me... I look around and no one was coming... Surprised? That's because the sound of the rain surpassed the sound of my car banging into the divider... Haha... So I turn round and park my car somewhere near... Turned off engine and walk off coolly as if nothing had happened... :P
Met Zam and his friends at cafeteria... I didn't know Zam brought his umbrella into the cafe... :P So after some rounding around the college, we went to lecturers office trying to find some lecturers... We saw Ms. Rebecca sitting there... Guess what? We both got an A for IT1!!! YAAY!!!
Trusted me isn't? Haha... Actually what happen was, we asked our results but she said we only can know when the semester starts... So with 'hard-broken' feelings, we went out and continue to rounding the college... Haha... At 2pm, me and Zam ciao ready...
Then I went to Tesco to buy some computer stuffs... Well, just now, I tried to copy the pictures we took in SSD but somehow, the photo got corrupted... I don't know why... Then I tried to reboot the phone but it doesn't work... Ermm... What is wrong with me today? 1st is the rain, 2nd is the car divider thing and now this... Damn!!! Ok then... Later... And sorry I couldn't upload the pictures... :(
Haha... Had another round of wantan mee today... And haven't went to exercise quite a long time ready... I'll better get started soon... Well, nothing much happened today... Just same old boring day... Ok then... Taking dinner now... Later...
I just watch the Vaanavil Super Star program in Astro just now... It's about a program searching for singing talents all over Malaysia... Very nice program...
Well, before that, went to refuel my car and bought some durian... Hehe... I cleaned up my computer because been a long time since I clean it up... Re-arranged all the icons and stuff... Ok then... Later...
New layout, cleaner look, more colourful and lots more... The all-new layout makes this blog more nicer to read... I hope you guys like it... :) Any comments or feedback are welcomed... Just post it in the CBox on the right...
Well, I spent the whole day figuring out how to install this layout and took me lots of research and problems to make this nice! And yet, I still have time to go for gym... Only 1 and half hours but felt like heavy workout... Hehe...
Tomorrow my dad is off so going for wantan mee for sure... Haha... Just once doesn't make any harm, right? :P Just now I watch a movie, Vennila Kabadi Khuzu... It's about some village guys playing a famous game in India, Kabadi... Really damn nice movie... The end is unexpected though...
During midnight, I've changed my blog to a little bit... And the result is what you're looking now... :P I guess changing the layout of the blog would be better to give it more fresher and modern look... I'm still editing it to make it more nicely so be patient... I hope you guys like it... Enjoy a brand new blog from me... :D
Been a long time since I eat seafood... Just took dinner! Very nice! But have to workout well tomorrow... :P
The day went well... Spent some time in the house... Watching Tv and nothing else... Haha... I thought wanna go to college but because of someone, it's canceled!!! Hehe...
And yeah... You guys going to see some major changes tomorrow... Stay tuned... Hope you all will like it... :D
Haha... As "someone" said that today, when the total sun eclipse occurs, there's going be a bad tsunami gonna hit the world...
And as many of you already knew, we haven't heard anything about this happening so it's officially, unofficial statement! Well, as the email says, "Predicting" so that means they only predict it's gonna happen... Not CERTAINLY going to happen... So be happy... :D
Well, today went to gym, did some extra workout and came back home... Today, there was nice rain after so long... And it's very cloudy so it would be hard to see the sun eclipse happening... Ok then... Later...
Well, there's some mails circulating the cyberworld wildly which is, tomorrow, when the total sun eclipse occurs, the world is going to experience some extraordinary things... And one of them is the tsunami...
From NST Today... Open it to read it more clearly...
I know most of you guys probably received one of this mails in your inbox... I don't know whether it's true or not, but whatever is it, just keep informed about the latest news... Remember that when the tsunami occurred in 2006, we all just watch entertainment, music or talk shows in TV... If you watch CNN or some news channels, you'll know that the big disaster is happening with live footage showing there... So keep updated! :)
The mail which circulating around the net... Well, today went pretty well... I went to TGV cinema today to watch Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen again... Hehe... Went alone though... And I'm the only one sitting in my row!!! So nice is that would be? :P After I came back home, I gather some videos around my house's car porch and edited out nicely... Enjoy it...
Transformers Again... :P
A View Around Front Of My House...
And the music is pretty much related to the video...
Ask me what's the meaning if you wanna know... :)
Today went to gym after so long... Pretty tired but it's ok... Kinda workout very hard... Let's see about it tomorrow... Haha... Well, nothing much to write anyway... So till then, see ya tomorrow...
Today Zam come back to JB after spending two days in KL watching the match... I talked to him just now... He says the Score is (MU) 3 - 2... I really can't believe that Malaysian team did well in this game... Surprisingly... Haha...
Well, that means they somehow prepared to face the Reds or the ManU team didn't prepared well... :P... What ever it is, all the best for both teams... I didn't watch the match because I'm not that much interested...
Me: How's your feelings when you watch the match live?
Zam: Got goosebums...
Haha... Hope one of his dreams were fulfilled... Ok then... Later...
Today is the friendly match by Manchester United VS Malaysian team... I didn't watch the match coz I was busy watching a movie that time... You guys would probably knew that Malaysian team gonna suck as they always do...
No offense people... You guys especially football fans know more than me about how Malaysian team preforms... So yeah... Malaysia "Boleh"... LOL... Well, I thought wanna go to gym and workout but it's was so hot, I cancelled it... Maybe on monday I'll start again... Ok then... Take care...
P.S.: I know Zam and Jay are having fun in the match... :P
Yes... It's true... Manchester United is coming to Malaysia for friendly match against the Malaysian team... And you know what that means... The die-hard fans of Man-U would flood the Stadium Bukit Jalil to watch this match... Nevertheless thousands of people watching this match live on TV...
And speaking about die-hard fans, today, two Man-U fans also went to KL... First one is for sure, Mr. Zam and second one I'm not sure whether he is a fan or not, Sanjay... Zam talked to me yesterday night, asked me to drop both of them to Larkin bus station... After much discussion and consideration, I agreed...
So today, I woke up early and went to Permas to fetch him up... After getting some "stuff", we went to take breakfast at McD... Then we go to college and wait till Sanjay comes there... After some chattting, we all went to Larkin and drop them off... I use my GPS to come to my house safely... Haha... I hope those two guys gonna enjoy the moment in their life so much... Ok then... Tired now... Going to sleep...
P.S.: You remembered that police came and ask me some questions? Haha... The same thing happens to Zam today when he was waiting for me outside... Here's what happened when the police approach him while he was talking to me on phone:
Police: Hei, buat apa kat sini?
Zam: Tunggu member jab...
Police: Tu mak engkau ah?
Zam: Ya...
Police: Oh... Bukan lari dari rumah ah?
Zam: Haha... Tak la...
Well, because of the mid-heavy workout yesterday, I got some pains in the biceps now... Is that good or bad?? Haha... So because of that, I'm taking a off day today... Tomorrow might be going to gym... Haha... Got some plans to do tomorrow... Everything is perfectly done and let's see whether it works or not... Ok then... Gotta go...
The holiday begins today and as I said, lots of stuff to do... And top of it is going to gym and exercise... :D Today I wake up pretty early, bath and went to gym at 11.30am... Spent there about 2 hours of great workout (a bit heavier than the sunday's session) and went back at 1.30pm... I don't feel any pain now... Let's see about that tomorrow... I want to watch some new movies now you catch you guys tomorrow... Bye...
Haha... Today is the first time I went to gym... Went there with my uncle and practices some nice exercise there... Spent like 3 hours... But I didn't feel anything also... Maybe tomorrow will do... Haha... Just now I tried to study a bit after dinner, I can't... Errr... Don't know why... The final exam is coming soon and yet I haven't fully prepared yet... Damn... Ok then... Ciaoz...
Well, this is one of the disaster day waiting to happen on me... Usually, I will wake up when the alarm rings but sometimes I just cancel it and sleep for few minutes... This only happens when I was in school days...
But today is the first time I overslept after so long... And that's for college... I was too tired to wake up... That's what caused to oversleep... I thought that I study law till 12am and wake up at 3am... But I accidentally deleted the alarm while it was ringing... You'll never know what people would do when their sleeping very deeply especially if you didn't sleep very good...
So in the morning, about 7.35am, my dad was switching on the air-con... Then I also woke up and saw the time on the phone, it's 7.35am... WHAT??? 7.35AM??? DAMNNNNNN... The next thing I remember is rush to college without taking breakfast or even drinking water!!! I also ram my machine till the max to reach the college before 8am... Sorry about that, Wira@Car... :(
Since I didn't wake up in the early morning as planned, I had to revise and memorize everything (which is about 10 pages of LAW!!!) in the cafeteria where lots of people are studying in there and making some loud noise too... And Zam, thanks for your faith in me... That helped me a lot... :)
At the last minute of study, I managed to memorize some parts and went to the exam hall and expect for the worse to come... Received the paper, look through it and it's pretty much similar thing which the lecturer gave us in toturial format... I ran through all the things I memorize and wrote everything word of it into the paper...
However, there was some parts which I couldn't answer properly because I can't remember it at that point of time... I hope that I'll get pass for this because since I didn't revise properly, I cannot expect to get A... So yeah... It's doomed too same like micro... Damn it... The other thing which I'm happy is that all the super duper tough subjects are finished ready...
We only have 1 subject which is IT... I can't say it's easy because I also haven't study that yet so I can't be sure about it... Today, I didn't plan to study and me taking some nice rest... Tomorrow I'll start to study... Ok then... Enough talking, have a nice break!!!
The exam today... Err... I really don't wanna talk about it... Anyways, today's exam is the most difficult exam of all time (as of from 1st till 3rd semester)
Whenever I do the exam, I usually feel that I either get A or B... But this time, especially micro exam, I start to think whether I'll get pass or fail!!! Seriously... I've lost all my confidence in this subject from yesterday when I couldn't study micro... I don't know why... Even I studied in the morning also I couldn't get anything...
I thought I can maintain my perfect straight A score but that's going to be destroyed because of this one subject... I did section A quite good but lost my confidence on section B and C... Let's hope that not only me, but for all of us get pass grade... I also know how you guys feel there...
Well, since micro is completely out of the way, we only have two exams to go... Micro is the biggest headache for me so far... Tomorrow is ITL... I haven't fully memorize everything yet so me going to do that now... See ya tomorrow...
Well, today is one of those days which is boring and not good... That's it... Nothing to blog... Bye...
Haha... You guys seriously thought that I would end my blog like that ah? Haha... No way man... Plus, you all maybe wondering why I wrote the title like that... Soon you gonna know it... Soon people...
So actually, I thought waking up late and watch tv today... But then, suddenly Zam sms me to come to KFC Permas there... I ask why... He say wanna study... Ermm... Ok then... So I woke up, went to shower and rush to Permas...
Me reading the notes, the hard way... It was 12.20pm so you can imagine how the roads look like especially the Permas roads all... Damn... Freaking jam plus the motorist are crasy!!! They're riding like their own roads... Almost kena bang one fella... He escaped ready... Haha...
Even Mr. Police also can't cope with it... So went there at 12.30pm... And as I was standing outside the KFC waiting for Zam, suddenly a patrol car a.k.a. police car came and stop opposite me... They call me and ask some silly questions!!! They ask me where's your IC and what are you doing here... I gave my IC and wondering how to answer the second question...
One of the building in the Permas... I like the structure... Then I calmly said "Err... Saya nak makan kat KFC tuan..." And then they was like WHAT??? Obviously guys... Why would people stand beside KFC??? To bank in some cash? No right... They all bengang, gave my IC back and ciao ready... Because of this guys stopped at the road, the whole road got jammed!!! And they put up the strobe light to give some "high-risk operation" impression going on... What the hell???
Oh... Even the Mr. Police and came to eat KFC... My bad... :P After they went, suddenly I saw another figure coming towards me... It's printed Police word on both sides of the shirt... I was like, here we go again... Then I look again, it's Zam himself... Hahaha... Then we went inside and ordered our lunch set... This is the figure I was talking about there... Haha...
What's up Police macha???
After ate it, we start our discussion... This ran till 4pm... After that we cannot continue again... And Zam came up with pretty good idea... He say he wanna go to Danga City Mall to check out the newly opened paintball shop... So I start to make my own story to "make sure" I go to my house after this discussion... Haha... Literally I didn't say anything to my parents la... What else? :P
Zam's car got "saman"ed for the first time!!! Haha...
Even with the logo infront also they didn't scare...
Try to open up this image in other tab to read his offences... Haha... So me and Zam prepared everything and went to JB city shortly... We went inside the Danga City Mall after finding some nice parking spot... This is the first time Zam come here so he was like in "heaven" when every minute he spends there... Especially in the Football stuff shop there... Haha...
Pretty empty hallway in Danga City Mall... So we went rounding in the mall... Floor by floor, shop by shop... Haha... Finally found the paintball at the top of the mall... Went inside and check out... After much thinking, me and Zam ordered 10 paintballs for target practice... And the guns are nowhere near compared to the one we played in Desa Tebrau... Haha...
Mr. Police is guarding the mall by inspecting every inch of it... Nice work man... Seriously... It's damn big, almost look like rifle, and it's super fast!!! We didn't know whether we shot it or not also... Haha... After we played that, we went to bowling center and take a look and then went out... After that, Zam took me to a new place... It's none other than the Bapok Alley itself!!! Haha... He ask me to record the video while going there so I quickly take my camera and start to shoot... I really didn't expect the "bapok" in there would do something like that!!! You can watch the video yourself... And a reminder... It's 18+ video so you might be turning to other page... Or you're so curious to watch on what's going to happen... Either way, enjoy it... :P After that bapoks, we went to eat at the indian restaurant there... I didn't know Zam was ordering Masala Thosai so I also ordered the same thinking that it's roti prata... :P It's pretty tasty! :)
The "famous" Bapok Alley!!!
Enjoy the video or don't click the play button there...
Either way, enjoy it...
Enough said...
After that, Zam took me to the JB tour with some places such as, convent school, Landmark, CIQ and much more... After that, he drop me off then me went back home and reach here at 7pm!!! Just as the time Zam promised me... Hehe... I pretty much have no mood to study so will take a short break for now... P.S.: Since Zam ask me to update my blog, I've been writing this since 7pm till now!!! The video is processing ever since... Damn!P.S.S.: All the Bapok Alley and other things are for entertainment proposes only... No hard feelings please... :PAnd finally to Zam, I'm glad that you sent me the message this morning... Totally enjoyed this whole day!!! Thanks la macha...
The D-Day starts today and will be ended on 14th July... First of all, I did cover up something while me driving all the way to college... Don't ask me how... I did it successfully without any accidents... :D And for Tey C, now you know why I didn't take out the notes while in the cafe... Got it?
And second of all, what the hell??? Why suddenly there's lots of people coming to the college even at 8am also??? It's freaking full by the time 8.15am... Holidays ended for you guys maybe? And third of all, the exam...
We all did prepared to a certain level where all of us can at least get pass grade... So as usual, we all go to the exam hall before 15 minutes and put the bag outside... Suddenly the head invigilator said we have to put our phones into our bag...
WHAT??? Are you serious? Then I started to think what would happen if someone stole it... Wait a sec... Then the head invigilator said that we all have to bring the bag inside the hall... Oooh ok then... I go out and bring the inside... And again, he remind us to put the phone inside the bag...
Now I understand so I go back to my place, get my phone, go back to front of the hall, put it inside, come back, walk all the way till the last row and sit firmly!!! And the air-con is strangely pretty warm... Usually it's freaking cold... Don't know why it's special today...
Then I write out my particulars and hope that everything I study comes out in the paper... Got the nod, flip through the pages, skipped the MCQ part, went straight to section B... Think which question to choose and finally decided... After I close the page, then the head said answer now... Haha...
I pretty much did well but got some parts screwed up which cost me lots of time... But still I take it easy, do it nicely, and tie up all the papers... I see the time and it's 12.05pm!!! Which means I only have 5 freaking minutes to recheck everything...
Since I write super duper fast, I didn't recheck everything... Just take a sip of water and relax until the time is finished... After that, had some time discussing the question with my friends and went out for lunch...
Just because someone said wanna go to college and study back, I followed them but they all bailed out after several minutes... So went back home, take coffee and sit on TV... Now also Zam reminded me to update my blog... That's why updating it quickly because my favourite show is going to air at 10pm... I'm not gonna miss it so see ya...
Yeah right... Tomorrow is the least day we all wait for... The exam is tomorrow and I still got like 45% prepared... Still got lots of things to cover up... I hope I'll cover it tomorrow morning... Tomorrow is BCom... It's one of the easy subjects but got lots of things to memories also... Damn...
Other than that, the whole day, it was raining pretty good... Even now also it's raining too... Thank god it's like this... Can sleep peacefully before the exam... Hope so... Oh well... Can't talk much... Going to sleep now... See ya...
And yeah guys... All the best for your exams tomorrow... Remember that, every effort you put in, will be reflected in your exam grades when you receive it... So start it now!!!
Yes it is... Exam is just few days away and yet I'm still not prepared yet... Thought wanna wake up early but slept on till 11am... Haha... Didn't do much on evening... Just now, I studied some law notes... Well, nothing much to talk about also so I'm going to sleep... Take care guys...
Yes... It's the end of the world... Haha... No la... Still got 3 years more for that... Right Zam?? :P Well, it's the end for our third semester session for our course... 27 March-2 July... Even though there were 5 subjects to learn, it's all super-tough subjects also, the lecturer also kinda strict and making us harder day by day, but we still enjoyed this semester...
Third semester is something new for all of us... Lots of challenges and problems... We hope that we all go through it and gain success! With all the classes are officially finished, we are going to the final part of our semester... Unfortunely it's the hardest part of all... The Exam!!!Next week begins our exam... And it ain't going to be easy and we all are working extra hard for this semester... As I mentioned before, it's the hardest semester so far... And there are more semesters going to come... For now, let's call it a day and focus on our studies... Better start studying now guys... If you wanna get pass of course... Because getting A is really not going to be perfectly achieveable...Well, the day went nicely... Nice way to end the semester... First, I came to college around 8.30am... I thought wanna go to library and study but it's closed when I went there... So I saw David and Tey C sitting at cafeteria... I joined them shortly...Then Mr. Ben comes with his high-tech camera... He said he wanna take some pictures on the cafeteria to put into the Sunway brochure... He asked some of the girls sitting there and also three of us to come there take photo... Our group was totally unexpected invitation!!Then he called me and Tey C to come first... When I saw at the back, David run away ready to library... Haha... Then Mr. Ben took some shots of us taking food and paying at counter... I hope it will turn out nicely... And don't call me the Sunway College model... Coz I don't deserve one... Hahahaha...We had some nice chit-chat with Mr. Ben after so freaking long time!!! Really nice to talk to him... Hopefully next semester he comes and teach us again... So after that, we all went to library to study... I go through some law books to find some answers... Zam came in to library after so long!!! Haha...
Yeah... We're the best!!! After that, we went to QM class... She gave some answers to the past year exam questions and also took some pictures with the whole class... I don't have the picture... I'll upload it soon... The below one is taken by me... Hehe... After that, we have 2 hours of break time... 2 HOURS!!! That's the first time we had such a long break time...Actually we suppose to have 3 hours of break but IT subject was replaced with an hour... But still 2 hours is a new record!!! Haha... We all thinking where to go during this period... Then after some hard discussions, we finally chose Bharat Curry House located near the hospital... And Zam, you better plan faster next time!!! This people make me wait for so long... PUNCTUAL la guys!!! OMG...So we all went there to take lunch for the first time... First impression when Zam was driving in that area was, "Wow... This restaurant is quite famous... Lots of people... No parking some more..." Then Zam parked near the shop and we all went in... And the second impression is the food in the display array looks nice and tasty...So we all sit inside the shop and ordered drinks... Then we went to choose the food... After we choose it, the third impression comes in when the waiter writes the bill, "Ermm... RM 9.70... Expensive also?!?!?" Haha... The food was nice but it's quite expensive then normal mamak shop food... And mamak shop one is tasty... :DSo after we all finished, Zam, Firdaus and Joyce went to puff while me, Tey C and Chee Poh stayed inside... I didn't know your drinks haven't finish your drinks so I didn't say anything to them... Sorry yall... Hehe... After that, Joyce gave an idea that to play paintball in Desa Tebrau...
Now you can see why I called it off-road... Haha... I really didn't know that they were going to play until The Boss gave OK signal to Joyce... Haha... We went off-road when we reach the place... Zam's tyres is durable for this type of conditions right??? Haha... It was pretty much drizzling by the time we reach there... We all payed RM3 for 15 paintballs to play with...
The Boss and His Car... Everyone had a turn shooting the target... You can see the video below how well they preformed... Haha... By the time we finished, the rain started to pour down ready... We all rush to the car and went back to college... And when we reach the college, the rain force us to back down by pouring down heavily... Haha...
We all were going to shoot the target...
Zam said you guys all gonna run to college with me... The Joyce said go drop us at the entrance there... But Zam said cannot... Then I made a statement which is, "We live together, We die together"... The guys at back laughed loudly... :P And since Zam isn't backing down, he parked his car and we all scramble to the entrance...
When going back to college...
While running in the middle of the college, the rain starts to pour down more heavily!!! Haha... We all were totally wet when we reached the lobby of the college... There were some students standing in there... We were quite embrassed with the situation but anyone would be wet when they run through the blanket of water out there... Haha...We quickly cleaned up and went to class... During ME class, it's really one of the best finale class ever... The lecturer gave tips like hell... Haha... He even showed us and question paper and the answers of the questions!!! He even came in close on some of the students and gave in-depth look into it... Haha...Seriously... Does any lecturer in this WORLD ever does that??? I'm still wondering... After the class, everyone went back home quickly... Someone broke the DBA-Aug 08 Group B history!!! Don't we all have to go down the entrance and take a group shot?? We've been doing that for past 2 semesters... What happen this time??So some of us waited at cafeteria and have some last chit-chat before our exam starts... This day happened so many things... Very good day to end the semester... Have a blazt with you guys today... We really enjoyed these semester a lot... Noticed that how many times we all went out than we did in semester 1??? Haha... Ok then... This blog post is getting more and more longer so I've better end here... Haha... See ya tomorrow...---The Countdown Starts Now---
***3 Days To Go***
3rd Semester <<<>>> 5 Subjects