Damn la this TNB people... Yesterday night at 12.30am, the whole neighbourhood went blackout... So I have no choice but to sit on the sofa and wait for the electric to come back... I waited and waited and waited!!! It was totally hot in the hall...

I was still awake till 2am and still no sign of coming back from blackout... I was totally tired the whole day so I was really sleepy that time... How could you sleep without no air ventilation? So I tried to sleep on the sofa... It was so hot, I was sweating a lot...

Then at 4am, the electric comes... But after few seconds, it went off again... This happens like 4 or 5 times!!! Each time the current comes and goes, the alarm also goes off too... Because the alarm got a backup system... This battery only lasts like 2-3 hours... The blackout is already been like 4 hours so the alarm system also dies together...

I had to rush and reset the alarm each time it went off... Imagine that... I sleep, run to reset the alarm and so hot in here... I don't know why TNB play like this... Then finally at 4.30am, the electric fully restored! Finally I'm able to sleep peacefully this time with air-con set at 18C! :P But I got 3 hours to sleep cause today, I wanna go to college at 9am... I off the lights, set the alarm and went to bed...

Well, the next day that is today, I want to wake up at 8.30am... I cancel the alarm and went to sleep... Haha... I suddenly wake up and see the time, it's 9am ready... I rush myself to go to college at 9.45am... Met up with Joyce when I park my car... Then we met up with Zam and went to lecturers office to meet Ms Rebecca to talk about the ME problem...



Today's classes were on first floor... First time we went to class 111 to study... It's pretty hot class too... During recess, me, Zam, Joyce, Tey C, Chee Poh and Firdaus went to Neighbour's Cafe for lunch... Hehe... Zam and Joyce also ordered my favorite dish, Nasi Goreng Kampung for the first time... After thet eat, they both say it's pretty nice... Zam say he wanna try again... Hehe... After that, we went back to college...

Did some design on the plate... What does it looks like?? Haha...

The whether was pretty cold when we came back... Really nice and windy... During BCom class, we didn't study at all because all the students busy discussing about the assignment... Another 1 and half hour wasted... :P During ME class, Ms Rebecca and Ms Ong (Head of Diploma programmes) came to our class and ask the lecturer to go out for few minutes...

They both discuss about the problems we have with the assignment, the lecturer and the subject itself... This is the first time Ms Ong come to our class... And when Ms Ong comes, expect the problem we're facing is really serious!!! Once she hear our problems, she say she will talk to the lecturer and ask to extend the assignment due date...

When the lecturer comes back, his face pretty much changed and he tells us (pretty in bad mood) that the assignment due date is extended to 28th May... We hope we will complete it before the date... And during the class also, his teaching style changed a bit... Not sure whether it's good or bad because I really lost my concentration when he started to teach... So after the class ended, the classmates go ask him some questions about the assignment...

I also stayed there till 5.30pm... Didn't get much info from him either... There's even one girl cried because she ask the lecturer to check her work, but he declined to see it... So bad... Oh well... We all went back home after that... It was pretty heavy raining from here till my house... Really heavy rain... Included some pictures below...

During Jusco Tebrau City Road...

180 Degree View Of My Area...
Click To Enlarge

Thank god my car stayed intact because most of the rain water was splashing from the tyres... At night, I did some editing on my slide show and did some work for Tey C... Ok then... Since I sleep for only 3 hours, me going to sleep now... See you guys later...
2 Responses
  1. joycelyn Says:

    haha u really remember wht we hv said in the cafe..... haha 2day blog also very long hehe the picture we took outside the collage and cafe damm cute and funny haha........

  2. Suresh Says:

    hehehe... ya ya.. today also got lots of things to tell... :P

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