Today is pretty interesting day and also tiring day!!! Lots of event happened today... Hehe... Let me start off my day... Well, today the class at 8:30am so I had to wake up early again... The road expansion thing going on in my area is picking up pretty fast... Today also I managed to escape the road... Hehe...

Then we all go to our ME class... Today, Ms. Rebecca was with us sitting in the class during the whole ME class... I didn't notice her in the class... Kinda surprising too... That's why today's class was a bit toned down... Haha... Then we change the class for ITL subject... Law is interesting today... Hehe... Conditions and warranties... :P

Zam writing answers for the QM questions... :P

So after the class, me and Zam went to cafeteria to buy some drinks... When we came back to class for QM1, Wayne came and told us that they complain to Ms Rebecca about the ME lecturer... So they all want to meet her in the staff room at 12:30pm... Now I know why she came to the class and why the lecturer teach a bit "nicely"... So after the QM class, we all waited in cafeteria... Then she came there and ask us to go to room 201 to discuss privately...

Then after all the students came (expect 4 people), we start the discussion with the student's feedback form... Since Wayne represents the class's case, he starts to list out the problems we all facing with this lecturer... Ms Rebecca patiently sit and listen to us each and every problem... So after some discussion, she said she will talk to Ms Ong about this problem and will come up with a solution soon... So we have to do the assignment no matter what... Damn...

After that discussion, me, Zam, Joyce, Tey C and Chee Poh went to take lunch at Neighbour's Cafe again... Hehe... This time Zam come with us to exprience it... :P Today also I order my favourite Nasi Goreng Kampung... This time, Chee Poh also choose the same... Hehe... He couldn't eat it because it's too spicy... For me, it's just nice...

After having some nice lunch time, we went back to college to discuss about the assignments... By the time we go to the carpark area, it was totally full!!! Even the whole road jammed because there's no place to PARK!!! Even The Boss also have to retreat back because no space for his "machine" to rest... Haha... So he dropped us and he went to park his car somewhere...

Zam and Stephen Fights!!! Haha....

We were too tired by this time so we thought want to go back home... Then Joyce and Firdaus went to library to discuss and me and Tey C went to cafeteria to sit and relax... Well, Tey C's drafted assignment got rejected by the ME lecturer so he's under stress to complete it...

Oh well... Got 3 more assignments to pass up next week and also the presentation also coming next week!!! Gonna be a headache week la... :( Then we all waited till 4pm for the lecturer to come to discuss the assignment... I was too tired to listen to his "laugh" talk so me and Tey C went back home... I tried to do some question now but still not completed... Hmmm... Ok then... See you guys tomorrow...

When we're going for lunch... :P
3 Responses
  1. joycelyn Says:

    that's a long blog... video again haiz....
    feel like giving up the assignmnet fo ME... hope Ms rebecca can help us or i shd say come out with something...^.^

  2. Suresh Says:

    haha... long day so long blog... :P don't worry la... sure she will help us postpone it...

  3. joycelyn Says:

    haha it really work.... so happy haha

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