Since most of the classes are in third floor, what more could you expect??? Hot classes of course... We pretty much lose our concentration after the lunch break... I hope the management aware of this situation... Hopefully they will give us first or second floor classes... Hehe...

Even the lecturers also lose their cool... On BCom class, the lecturer scolded Sharir for using the phone... And even more worse in ITL class... The lecturer can't take the students making some noises at the back and also the class were so HOT!!! She finally gave up and scolded us... :( IT1 lecturer is nothing also... She also scold us but we don't quite care about it... Hehe...

Well, I'm really missing someone so badly... Wonder she noticed it or not... Let's see... Ok then... See you guys tomorrow...
2 Responses
  1. joycelyn Says:

    erm....... ur blog hv been saying someone special and miss someone, thinking who is that person? very curious to know haha.......... the htird class sucks....

  2. Suresh Says:

    haha... ya... got someone... i'll tell you guys once i really confirm it... :) and yeah.. third floor sucks a lot!!!

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