We finally pass up the 3 assignments (BCom, QM1 and ME) today... Successfully completed!!! Still got 2 more... IT and ITL... I'll start working on these two tomorrow... Because I need some rest... Didn't sleep quite well these past few days... Need a peaceful sleep tonight... Hehe...

The classes today were great... The final 4 groups present today for BCom presentation... Out of four, only the Jaya group did good... Because other groups just look at the screen and read... Oh well... It all depends on how the lecturer sees it...

Since I put my car at the workshop, I had to take taxi to come to college today... Thank god tomorrow no class... Hehe... Zam, as he said, didn't come to college today... We all went to take lunch at Neighbours Cafe... In rushing way to be precise...

Because we didn't do some work for the ME and BCom assignment so we were rushing to get lunch and go back to college... This is the first time I eat so fast... Hopefully I won't do that again... And Joyce got angry because I kept looking on the watch... Hehe... I like to be punctual... So sorry about that... :P

After we pass up the assignment, there was huge burden off my shoulders now... Got two more to do... Right now, I'm listening to music and updating my computer... So see ya guys later... MSN seem to be working well now... Isn't??? Hehe...
9 Responses
  1. joycelyn Says:

    hei i am not angry lah..... i just feel like want to laugh when i see u keep looking at the watch and ur face look so funny lah..... haha
    is gd to be punctual. the msn still can't log in lah... so boring.

  2. Suresh Says:

    haha... ok cool... yeah... punctual is very important to me... my msn logged in after 2 or 3 attempts... much better than previously... 15-20 times!!! haha...

  3. joycelyn Says:

    i agree just get to log haha..... tell u the truth i had people that are not punctual....

  4. joycelyn Says:

    i mean i agree with u punctual is improtant... and i just get to log in to the MSN... ok sorry left out some word haha... sorry

  5. Suresh Says:

    hahaha... why la still rushing ?? hehe

  6. joycelyn Says:

    coz last nite the Bcom assingmnet not yet finish.... haha finally the MSN ok already haha......

  7. Suresh Says:

    no no... i mean we already pass up the assignment right? then why want to rush to type some few words also?? hehehe

  8. joycelyn Says:

    u all finish already but i not yet finish so i rush haha...........

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