Today pretty much I relax myself... Didn't do anything today... Gave myself a one day holiday... Hehe... Tomorrow have to start everything back... Still got lots of things to do...

Today, as I said, I relax myself so nothing much happened... Got heavy rain in evening... And during that time, me and my mom talked about childhood stories... Just to pass time...

At night, we went to phone shop to fix the button on the phone... Mom didn't cook today so we all went out for lunch and dinner...

Tomorrow going to get my car... Hopefully it will be same as before the accident... Hmm...
2 Responses
  1. joycelyn Says:

    wow so i wish i can do that too..... hehe don't worry ur car will be ok...

  2. Suresh Says:

    haha... today have to start working la... yeah... hope so my car will be ok...

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