Ok then... Here we go...
1.what are you doing now?
thinking whether want to sleep or not... haha...
2.when was the last time u had fast food?
fast food... i guess it's on monday... right zam? lol
fast food... i guess it's on monday... right zam? lol
3.would you spend money on food or clothes?
both... food and clothes are necessaries!!! but food comes first... hehe... much do you love your parents?
ermm... no comments... and don't ask me why...
5.who was the last person who called you?
tey c... he missed called me... haha...
6.what would you do to someone you hate very much?
go away from them as far as possible... much would you spend to make someone you love happy?
whatever i have during that time... maybe spend even more than i think... :)
8.what is the last movie you watched?
pattiyal... just finish watching it...
9.who did you watch it with?
me, my bro and dad...
me, my bro and dad...
10.where are you now?
in study room...
11.what were you doing 7 hours ago?
still sleeping... hehe...
12.who are you thinking of?
13.what is the one thing you are regretting now?
i didn't do my assignment as planned... hehe... my bad...
14.your happiest moment today?
none... staying at jail is the happiest moment for you? haha...
15.what do you think is not sufficient each day?
talking with your loved ones...
16.what is the best thing that happened to you last month?
i spent my time with someone special... was very happy then... you use maxis,digi,u-mobile or celcom?
always DiGi!!!
18.anywhere you feel like going?
anywhere away from my HOUSE!!! please... anyone???
19.who are you thinking of now?
Still Vinoo...
20.who was the last person you hugged?
no one...
21.what is love to you?
love is similar to life... you have to live with your sweetheart with full of joy, happiness and affection forever and ever... love is blind that's why you'll never know when will you fall, who you going to love and how it all begins... one of the nice mysteries in life!!! love yourself, love the ones who love you and moreover, love is really a powerful feeling!!! enjoy it...
i tag:
whoever reads my blog... you know it's you!!! haha....
whoever reads my blog... you know it's you!!! haha....
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