Not me... My car that is... Hehe... After 4 days of repair, my car finally returned from the workshop today... Looks pretty good too... But the car is really dirty... Because they repair it inside the shop where all the dust and dirt comes...

Looks clean and new...

So me and my dad went to car wash to clean and shine the car... Still need some more cleaning to do... Might do it tomorrow... Well, in the morning, there was really nice sight when I woke up... After so long, the rain comes in the morning... Pretty cold right now too... Hopefully it will come tomorrow also... Hehe... So that's it... See ya later...
2 Responses
  1. joycelyn Says:

    gd lah since the cdar is back from the ICU haha.... so monday can drive to collage....

  2. Suresh Says:

    yup... finally can drive... hehe

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