Is it bad vasthu sasteram (in chinese known as feng shui) or is it meant to happen??? After 1 week that my car got accident, my brother's car also got accident early morning today... The same way as mine!!! But his car wasn't that badly damaged as mine...

It happened in the traffic junction near my area... When the traffic turns green, my brother just speed up a little... But the girl behind my brother's car ram up the accelerator causing the car go ram into my brother's car...

Left is the broken piece of the light and right is the new light...

Everything settled now and my brother's car get fixed ready...Is this coincidence or something else??? Ermm... Well, the day went well... Nothing much happened... Just did some assignment works... Tomorrow the class starts again... So gotta sleep now... See ya...
Not me... My car that is... Hehe... After 4 days of repair, my car finally returned from the workshop today... Looks pretty good too... But the car is really dirty... Because they repair it inside the shop where all the dust and dirt comes...

Looks clean and new...

So me and my dad went to car wash to clean and shine the car... Still need some more cleaning to do... Might do it tomorrow... Well, in the morning, there was really nice sight when I woke up... After so long, the rain comes in the morning... Pretty cold right now too... Hopefully it will come tomorrow also... Hehe... So that's it... See ya later...
Today pretty much I relax myself... Didn't do anything today... Gave myself a one day holiday... Hehe... Tomorrow have to start everything back... Still got lots of things to do...

Today, as I said, I relax myself so nothing much happened... Got heavy rain in evening... And during that time, me and my mom talked about childhood stories... Just to pass time...

At night, we went to phone shop to fix the button on the phone... Mom didn't cook today so we all went out for lunch and dinner...

Tomorrow going to get my car... Hopefully it will be same as before the accident... Hmm...
We finally pass up the 3 assignments (BCom, QM1 and ME) today... Successfully completed!!! Still got 2 more... IT and ITL... I'll start working on these two tomorrow... Because I need some rest... Didn't sleep quite well these past few days... Need a peaceful sleep tonight... Hehe...

The classes today were great... The final 4 groups present today for BCom presentation... Out of four, only the Jaya group did good... Because other groups just look at the screen and read... Oh well... It all depends on how the lecturer sees it...

Since I put my car at the workshop, I had to take taxi to come to college today... Thank god tomorrow no class... Hehe... Zam, as he said, didn't come to college today... We all went to take lunch at Neighbours Cafe... In rushing way to be precise...

Because we didn't do some work for the ME and BCom assignment so we were rushing to get lunch and go back to college... This is the first time I eat so fast... Hopefully I won't do that again... And Joyce got angry because I kept looking on the watch... Hehe... I like to be punctual... So sorry about that... :P

After we pass up the assignment, there was huge burden off my shoulders now... Got two more to do... Right now, I'm listening to music and updating my computer... So see ya guys later... MSN seem to be working well now... Isn't??? Hehe...

:( :( :( Assignments!!! :( :( :(

I'm very busy today... Because we need to pass up three assignments tomorrow... And it's pretty big assignments... I just finished typing out and print it... Called Tey C for confirmation and still doing some post-production work here...

During BCom Presentation... Accidently took this picture...
Wanna take the video but the picture mode snap up this...

Even though I'm pretty busy now, I manage to update my blog and and snap some pictures... Ok then... Gotta finish this things up... See ya tomorrow...

And yeah... Zam's grandfather passed away... So sorry about that macha...
Just finished up a pile of ME assignment needed to be typed into computer... Tey C gave me this... :( Well, the day went well... The classes were great and it's quite boring too... Wonder why... Maybe tomorrow's BCom presentation can help us a little bit... Hehe... Let's see about that...

In evening, me and my dad went to see the car workshop again in Desa Jaya... Talked how to fix my car and we decided to give the car tomorrow morning... It will take 4 days to repair it... I don't know how I'm going to go back to home for next two days... Ermm... :( Ok la... Going to take dinner... See ya...
Hehe... The presentation went well much nicer than I expected... I waited for my turn and I just present everything I know on the article... Hopefully I talk rightly... Hehe... Zam and Tey C also did very well... The ending part is where the whole class laughed... Because I put mine, Zam's and Tey C's picture there... It was my idea and worked out pretty well... Hehe....

Zam checking Tey C's presentation... Hehe....

I accidently bought the red shirt for this presentation... Because I didn't know that Zam also will wear the same colour... Haha... Anyway, it suits for us... The other two groups also did well... Pretty interesting... Now the tense is pretty low ready... After this is IT presentation...

Group Shot... From left, Zam, Tey C and Myself...

The day is quite hot... We all wear long sleeve so it's pretty much la sweating inside hell a lot!!! Zam and Tey C played smart by not wearing it at first place... Haha... Too bad for me... Other than that, the classes were ok today...

Zam sleeping during IT1 Class... Look at his face... How cute... Hahahaha....

Zam pretty tensed up with Micro assignment... :P

Had extra 1 hour for IT class because last time she cancelled our class... We suffered an additional 1 hour for this... Haha... Oh well, tomorrow we got small test for QM1... I didn't revise well... I seriously don't know how to do it... :( Let's see about it tomorrow... Gonna sleep now...
Tomorrow is the presentation for BCom assignment... I did some final preparation for the presentation in morning... Hopefully I will do it in right way... Me and my parents went to The Store to buy formal clothes for my presentation tomorrow and also IT one... Ok then... Gonna practice the presentation now... I'll tell the outcome about the presentation tomorrow... Hehe...
Pretty busy today... Did some assignment work just now... I hope I complete it before Monday... Damn... Got lots of work to do... In noon, there was pretty heavy rain here... Now it's much cooler... The Chinaman who 'banged' my car and the mechanic had a "serious" discussion last night... Haha... Hopefully we will settle it soon... My car is still under intensive care right now... Because I have to use it next week to go to college... I hope it will be fixed soon... Ok then... Going to sleep... Bye...
Well, today is pretty bad day for me... Normally, every 22th day on every month sure got something good will happen but today, that's changed! For the first time in my life, I've encountered a accident involving myself... I was so sure I won't encounter any accidents in my whole life but that just may seem like a dream after this incident happened...

The Back View Of My Car...

The whole event started like this... Well, I wanted to take the Pasir Gudang highway because the Jusco road was pretty jammed... So I was following Zam's car because he also use the same road... So there was some guy infront of Zam's car, driving very fast... So there was some road repair going on someone near the flyover... So that guy put a sudden brake because he didn't notice that...

The Side View Of My Car...

This made Zam to sudden brake and which made me to do the same... All the cars stopped but the car at back of my car didn't stop so he just rammed into my car... I heard pretty loud sound at the back... Zam also heard the sound from his car, Toyota Fortuner (you guys know right Toyota cars all have pretty good sound proofing to reduce minimal noise inside the car)... So imagine he's inside the car can hear the sound, imagine how loud it would be in my car...

The Side View Of The Guy's Car...

So I just stopped at the road where he bang me and put emergency signal... Zam also stopped infront of my car and come with me... He ask me to take the guy's number, address, IC and phone number... I was totally don't know how and what to do because this is the first time I'm experiencing this...

The Guy's Car Closer View...

And the road is really "high-wanted" road... Because it's the main road connecting to Ulu Tiram and also JB... And the time he bang me was 12.30pm!!! Lunch hour time... So the whole road got jammed because of this... The guy called his friends and mechanics to come and check the damage... Wayne who was going on the opposite road going to Sunway saw us and he also help us...

Actually I thought my car going to be pretty worse by judging the sound I heard... But actually it was his car which was totally junked... My car only suffered minor scratches, the bumper was a bit misplace and the bonet couldn't close properly... The guy says his car's brake wasn't fucntioning well... That's why his braking force is not too powerful enough to stop the car...

After the mechanics checked, we follow him to his car workshop... Zam also followed me... We went to the workshop and talked with the worker there... He said the guy is going to pay the damage cost because it was his fault... So my car, the repair costs about RM550... His car however, costs about RM2000-3000... Imagine that...

So me and Zam talked about it... He asks me to call my dad to tell about it... After calling to dad, we leave the car there because the repair would take like 2 days... If I leave my car today, I'll get it back tomorrow evening... So Zam and me went back from there... We went to coffee shop to have some drinks and cool down... After that, he drop me at home and went back...

On 4pm, the car workshop guy called me... He tells me that the guy bang my car don't want to pay... He ask me to go make police report because he wanna repair by claiming insurance... So I called my uncle and tell to him... On 6pm, me, my brother and uncle went to the shop again... The guy also comes there... So we all go to police station to make the report... After the report, the police interviewed us individually...

The traffic division for Johor Jaya area...

The case is going against that guy because it's his fault to bang my car at the back (that's the law pretty much)... The case awarded to me... The sarjan took the pictures of our both cars and asks us to come back on Monday to obtain the case result to make insurance claim... We all went back after that... I parked my car inside the house because the car cannot lock properly... Somehow we managed to close the bonet...

Well, today is really bad day for me... I'll sure remember this day... Oh well, that's just some of the major events happened today... Let me say about some minor things happened today... Today, me went to college to discuss about the assignment and the presentation we going to have next week...

Me, Tey C and Zam booked the yellow room... Later Joyce, Firdaus and Chee Poh joins us... We all bring our laptops and discuss until 11.30am and went back... And that's when the whole thing happened... Thank god my car saved me from worse... Oh well, me going to take some rest from this incident happened today... See you guys tomorrow...

P.S : Thank you very much Zam... Thank god you were there to help and settle this things all... I really don't know how it will went without you were there with me... Really appreaciate your help macha... And sorry for wasting your time... Really sorry for that...
Damn la this TNB people... Yesterday night at 12.30am, the whole neighbourhood went blackout... So I have no choice but to sit on the sofa and wait for the electric to come back... I waited and waited and waited!!! It was totally hot in the hall...

I was still awake till 2am and still no sign of coming back from blackout... I was totally tired the whole day so I was really sleepy that time... How could you sleep without no air ventilation? So I tried to sleep on the sofa... It was so hot, I was sweating a lot...

Then at 4am, the electric comes... But after few seconds, it went off again... This happens like 4 or 5 times!!! Each time the current comes and goes, the alarm also goes off too... Because the alarm got a backup system... This battery only lasts like 2-3 hours... The blackout is already been like 4 hours so the alarm system also dies together...

I had to rush and reset the alarm each time it went off... Imagine that... I sleep, run to reset the alarm and so hot in here... I don't know why TNB play like this... Then finally at 4.30am, the electric fully restored! Finally I'm able to sleep peacefully this time with air-con set at 18C! :P But I got 3 hours to sleep cause today, I wanna go to college at 9am... I off the lights, set the alarm and went to bed...

Well, the next day that is today, I want to wake up at 8.30am... I cancel the alarm and went to sleep... Haha... I suddenly wake up and see the time, it's 9am ready... I rush myself to go to college at 9.45am... Met up with Joyce when I park my car... Then we met up with Zam and went to lecturers office to meet Ms Rebecca to talk about the ME problem...



Today's classes were on first floor... First time we went to class 111 to study... It's pretty hot class too... During recess, me, Zam, Joyce, Tey C, Chee Poh and Firdaus went to Neighbour's Cafe for lunch... Hehe... Zam and Joyce also ordered my favorite dish, Nasi Goreng Kampung for the first time... After thet eat, they both say it's pretty nice... Zam say he wanna try again... Hehe... After that, we went back to college...

Did some design on the plate... What does it looks like?? Haha...

The whether was pretty cold when we came back... Really nice and windy... During BCom class, we didn't study at all because all the students busy discussing about the assignment... Another 1 and half hour wasted... :P During ME class, Ms Rebecca and Ms Ong (Head of Diploma programmes) came to our class and ask the lecturer to go out for few minutes...

They both discuss about the problems we have with the assignment, the lecturer and the subject itself... This is the first time Ms Ong come to our class... And when Ms Ong comes, expect the problem we're facing is really serious!!! Once she hear our problems, she say she will talk to the lecturer and ask to extend the assignment due date...

When the lecturer comes back, his face pretty much changed and he tells us (pretty in bad mood) that the assignment due date is extended to 28th May... We hope we will complete it before the date... And during the class also, his teaching style changed a bit... Not sure whether it's good or bad because I really lost my concentration when he started to teach... So after the class ended, the classmates go ask him some questions about the assignment...

I also stayed there till 5.30pm... Didn't get much info from him either... There's even one girl cried because she ask the lecturer to check her work, but he declined to see it... So bad... Oh well... We all went back home after that... It was pretty heavy raining from here till my house... Really heavy rain... Included some pictures below...

During Jusco Tebrau City Road...

180 Degree View Of My Area...
Click To Enlarge

Thank god my car stayed intact because most of the rain water was splashing from the tyres... At night, I did some editing on my slide show and did some work for Tey C... Ok then... Since I sleep for only 3 hours, me going to sleep now... See you guys later...
Today is pretty busy day for me... Got so many things to do... Most of them were assignments!!! We all facing a big problem on the 3 assignments, BCom, IT and most stressful is ME!!! Morning I did some notes for ME to give Tey C because he's struggling on the assignment...

The classes were great today... Can concentrate... The major factor for that is because today's class all at 1st and 2nd floor... No third floor... This is the first time since we go to 1st and 2nd floor on wednesday... Haha...

My New Car... Hahaha...

After the classes, me and Tey C wait at the cafeteria to discuss about the assignment and Zam changed his clothes to soccer-style because he wanna play soccer... I hope he's ok now... Cause he had operation so don't know whether he can cope or not... Play safe macha...

Just now, I did some work for the BCom assignment... I hope we all finish it before Monday because Monday we have to presentation in front of the class... And we're the 2nd group!!! Haven't buy long-sleeve shirt yet... :( Damn... So stressed... Ok la... See you guys tomorrow.... Take care ya'll...
Today is pretty interesting day and also tiring day!!! Lots of event happened today... Hehe... Let me start off my day... Well, today the class at 8:30am so I had to wake up early again... The road expansion thing going on in my area is picking up pretty fast... Today also I managed to escape the road... Hehe...

Then we all go to our ME class... Today, Ms. Rebecca was with us sitting in the class during the whole ME class... I didn't notice her in the class... Kinda surprising too... That's why today's class was a bit toned down... Haha... Then we change the class for ITL subject... Law is interesting today... Hehe... Conditions and warranties... :P

Zam writing answers for the QM questions... :P

So after the class, me and Zam went to cafeteria to buy some drinks... When we came back to class for QM1, Wayne came and told us that they complain to Ms Rebecca about the ME lecturer... So they all want to meet her in the staff room at 12:30pm... Now I know why she came to the class and why the lecturer teach a bit "nicely"... So after the QM class, we all waited in cafeteria... Then she came there and ask us to go to room 201 to discuss privately...

Then after all the students came (expect 4 people), we start the discussion with the student's feedback form... Since Wayne represents the class's case, he starts to list out the problems we all facing with this lecturer... Ms Rebecca patiently sit and listen to us each and every problem... So after some discussion, she said she will talk to Ms Ong about this problem and will come up with a solution soon... So we have to do the assignment no matter what... Damn...

After that discussion, me, Zam, Joyce, Tey C and Chee Poh went to take lunch at Neighbour's Cafe again... Hehe... This time Zam come with us to exprience it... :P Today also I order my favourite Nasi Goreng Kampung... This time, Chee Poh also choose the same... Hehe... He couldn't eat it because it's too spicy... For me, it's just nice...

After having some nice lunch time, we went back to college to discuss about the assignments... By the time we go to the carpark area, it was totally full!!! Even the whole road jammed because there's no place to PARK!!! Even The Boss also have to retreat back because no space for his "machine" to rest... Haha... So he dropped us and he went to park his car somewhere...

Zam and Stephen Fights!!! Haha....

We were too tired by this time so we thought want to go back home... Then Joyce and Firdaus went to library to discuss and me and Tey C went to cafeteria to sit and relax... Well, Tey C's drafted assignment got rejected by the ME lecturer so he's under stress to complete it...

Oh well... Got 3 more assignments to pass up next week and also the presentation also coming next week!!! Gonna be a headache week la... :( Then we all waited till 4pm for the lecturer to come to discuss the assignment... I was too tired to listen to his "laugh" talk so me and Tey C went back home... I tried to do some question now but still not completed... Hmmm... Ok then... See you guys tomorrow...

When we're going for lunch... :P
Haha... Don't get confused with the title there... It's AssignmentConfusion Day... Hehe... It's nice when the words fused together... Hehe... Well, after 1 week "holiday", we got the college starting up again... So had to wake up early...

There was major road expansion going on in my area so the road is quite cramped up... Especially when the buses go there, damn!!! Major headache... So I finally managed to get through the road and reach college safely... Hehe...

There was P1 WiMax roadshow going in the college... So me and my friends go check it out... Quite expensive though... The classes today is good... Especially during the IT1 and BCom class... Hehe...

During IT class, Wayne made fun about "something" and Zam made fun on the armpit shaver... Haha... Then in the BCom class, I said to Zam there was a dead cockroach down the chair... He took it and put on the table where Jaya, Elvina and Neevya normally sits...

We all waited for their "arrival"... When they come to the class, only Neevya noticed it... After Jaya saw her, then she also knew the "cockroach" was on the table... Elvina, however, proceded to put her bag and bottle in her table without noticing there was a "live" cockroach on the table beside her... After she saw both of them standing one step back, then only she reacts to it... Haha... The whole class was laughing when they saw them... Hehe... Zam, you ah... :P

Well, it was raining around noon so it's pretty cold that time... Even now also I feel the same... Nice!!! The IT class after lunch was cancelled because the lecturer said going to some meeting... We go to staff room to see Econs lecturer but he was teaching... So we all went back home...

Took a video when me and Zam going to the carpark... Just ignore some words in there... Quite unuseful and censored thing... If you wanna scold, scold the guy in the video... Me said nothing!!! He started it... So Zam, please be careful tomorrow... Haha...

Snapshot this image in the video... It looks nice... That's why... Hehe... The Transformers!!!

The P-Word... Explained by The Boss!!!
Now you know what's the meaning for the P stickers in those cars... :P
Nothing much happened today... I thought wanna clean up my car but I changed my mind... Cause there was heavy rain past few days so I "think" it's pretty clean... Hehe... Went to Sayed for dinner just now... Tomorrow the college starts again so going to sleep early now... See ya...
The rainy day comes again... In morning, there was quite heavy raining out there... Now at night, the heat comes back... Weird isn't?? Haha... Wanted to do my assignment but got bored so the whole day watch TV... Hehe... Quite short update because I've got nothing to tell now... See you tomorrow... And good luck for the MU team... I heard they won the league title but not so sure... Ok then... Byezzz....
Ok then... Here we go...

1.what are you doing now?
thinking whether want to sleep or not... haha...
2.when was the last time u had fast food?
fast food... i guess it's on monday... right zam? lol
3.would you spend money on food or clothes?
both... food and clothes are necessaries!!! but food comes first... hehe... much do you love your parents?
ermm... no comments... and don't ask me why...
5.who was the last person who called you?
tey c... he missed called me... haha...
6.what would you do to someone you hate very much?
go away from them as far as possible... much would you spend to make someone you love happy?
whatever i have during that time... maybe spend even more than i think... :)
8.what is the last movie you watched?
pattiyal... just finish watching it...
9.who did you watch it with?
me, my bro and dad...
10.where are you now?
in study room...
11.what were you doing 7 hours ago?
still sleeping... hehe...
12.who are you thinking of?
13.what is the one thing you are regretting now?
i didn't do my assignment as planned... hehe... my bad...
14.your happiest moment today?
none... staying at jail is the happiest moment for you? haha...
15.what do you think is not sufficient each day?
talking with your loved ones...
16.what is the best thing that happened to you last month?
i spent my time with someone special... was very happy then... you use maxis,digi,u-mobile or celcom?
always DiGi!!!
18.anywhere you feel like going?
anywhere away from my HOUSE!!! please... anyone???
19.who are you thinking of now?
Still Vinoo...
20.who was the last person you hugged?
no one...
21.what is love to you?
love is similar to life... you have to live with your sweetheart with full of joy, happiness and affection forever and ever... love is blind that's why you'll never know when will you fall, who you going to love and how it all begins... one of the nice mysteries in life!!! love yourself, love the ones who love you and moreover, love is really a powerful feeling!!! enjoy it...
i tag:

whoever reads my blog... you know it's you!!! haha....

After so long, there were some heavy downpour in here... It was so hot in the morning... Now also it's still hot but a bit cool down... Thanks to the rain... I thought wanna do the assignment in noon but got bored so I listen to music only... Hehe... Only after this I'm going to start it... That's why I update my blog so soon... For the first time... Haha... Ok then... See you guys tomorrow...
Today also we went to college to discuss about the assignment... This time with Tey C!!! We called him to come on monday and tuesday but don't want to come... And the Econs lecturer also went to holiday ready... So we had some hard time discussing it together with BCom...

We don't know some question so we went to search for the lecturer... And she was sitting in the courtyard with one indian lecturer (I think)... So Tey C go and ask some question to the lecturer... Then suddenly this lady laughs like crazy and talks like she knows everything... Hello... We're talking to the lecturer, not to YOU, you dumb***!!!

Seriously... If you were standing beside me that time, for sure you will tell the same thing... :( A bit mood out that time... Then we went to IT lab to see some assignments... After some discussion there, we went back home... Zam today also parked his car on special place... See the video below... Haha... Ok then... See you guys tomorrow then... Take care...

Today also I went to college to discuss with Zam about the assignment... After discussing it, we join Stephen to see how he plays the ping pong... During those time, we took some picture and video... Check it out below... Haha...

Zam is lonely at the SSD... Wonders who will come and talk to him...

Suddenly Stephen comes and entertain him...
Zam was sooooo excited, he hugged him for coming there... Haha...

Then Zam said something bad about the jersey Stephen was wearing...

Stephen said something back about Zam's football team...
Zam gets furious and going to attack him... Hahaha...

When Stephen Enters SSD... Hehe...

First time Zam parked his car on this side...
So took a video to give you guys a in-depth view... Hehe...


It's better to call the empty floor in Sunway College!!! Haha... Not that much students comes and study there because they didn't know?? Hehe... Well, today, me and Zam went to college to discuss about the assignments... You know Zam right... He's probably can't stand the place because it's too silent so he bring up his friend's laptop and start playing the Counter-Strike... Here's the images of the victory and the failure during the game...

Started the game...

Lose at the first attempt...

Thinking how to tackle the game...

Tries to start the game again...

And The Boss wins!!!

The First Part

The Second Part
I still haven't start anything yet on the assignment... Wonder when will I start it... Hehe... The day went, as usual, boring!!! Nothing to do so I just sit and watch TV... Zam is sick so he had to stay at the home... Thought wanna discuss the assignment but it's ok... Let him to recover first... Had pizza hut for dinner just now... Hehe... Quite food... Ok then... See you guys tomorrow...
1.besides ur lips, where is the favourite spot to get kissed?
My forehead... Think so... haha... did you feel when you woke up this morning?
kinda sad... because of one person...
3.who was the last person/people you took photo with?
Mr. Zam a.k.a. The Boss
4.would you consider yourself spoiled?
Not at all. Me good guy... hehe...
5.will you ever donate blood?
Think so... Haven't thought about it much...
6.have you ever had a best friend who was of opposite sex?
No one yet... Hopefully someone will be soon... Someone?? hehe...
7.Do you want someone to be dead?
Ermm... No... I'm not that cruel... haha...
8.what does your last text message say?
Good night and sweet dreams... Hehe...
9.what are you thinking right now?
Whether tomorrow's plan will work out or not... hehe...
10.Do you want someone to be with you right now?
Yeah... Wonder they notice it or not...
11.what was the time you went to bed last night?
Like 1am something...
12.where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
No idea... Kinda long I have it...
13.Is someone on your mind right now?
Yup... Someone...
14.who was the last person(s) who text you?
Someone special... I think...

Happy mother's day to moms all over the world... Make your day special... :)

The heat is back guys... So hot today... Wish could stay in the air-con room forever... Haha... So, the day today is really boring... Nothing to do!!!

Tomorrow going to college even though we got off for 1 week... Because, I can't stay any longer here... Oh well... See you guys tomorrow...
Since Monday, something is bothering my mind... I wonder when it will completely get out from my mind... Couldn't concentrate, can't do anything, and much more... Yesterday, I had some hard time discussing about this thing late night... I hope all the things will solved soon...

Well, nothing much happened today... Just another boring day again... Going to be like this for the next 1 week so expect me to say the boring word again and again...

Ok then... See you tomorrow guys... Take care...

P.S. : Thanks Zam...
Haha... If you ask me how would I rate the food at Vivo, I'd say 5/10!!! So, Nando's is better than Vivo and Neighbour's Cafe is even more better than those two!!! Hehe...

Vivo... Da Besh!!! Haha....

Well, for the first time I went to Vivo at Jusco Tebrau City to take lunch... I flipped through the menu and finally settled on chicken rice baked something... The food comes couple of minutes and the first look at the food actually looks nice...

My Drink Ok La... What's In Your Drink La Zam???
Don't Like The Taste Ah... Excuse Me Waiter...
We Have A Problem Here...
According To The Law, You've Made No Consideration
For The Drink To Taste Good...
Therefore, You're subjected to...

After taking some, I felt it kinda vomitting... Not vomitting, don't know how to explain the taste... When Joyce said the cheese is kinda rich, then only I knew why it tastes like that... And I didn't know they put mushroom inside... :-O!!! Finally ate it after some hard moments swallowing it... Haha...

Pheww... After some I.T.T., consideration, offer and conditional offer explaination to the waiter, we finnaly get our drinks back... And it's tasty... Hehe...

It's ok la to eat in Vivo... If you have different appetite, then please don't go there or at least choose other food... Haha... Actually we all planned to go to Neighbour's Cafe but then there was heavy rain outside plus high voltage lighting!!! This made the whole row of shop lots around the college black out!!! The college survives though... Wonder how... Haha...

<- The Boss ->
Watcha Lookin' At??? Huh huh huh...

So me, Joyce, Chee Poh and Zam discuss where to go next and settled to Vivo... Tey C and Firdaus didn't come because they had other plans to do... And we managed to ditch our "friend" from following us today... :P After having some lunch, we all went back home...

Thinking where's his money gone from his wallet when the waiter asks him to pay... Haha...

And about the Windows 98 thing, I tried to open up the PC and check all the cables... Then I check back again and still the floppy drive isn't working... So, it's kinda sad for me... Naa... It's ok la...

The new money collector - Zam!!!
And I'm trying to get some some from there... Just waiting for perfect timing... Hmmm...

Yeah... Forgot to tell... We had a extra ITL class today from 8:30 to 10:30am... 2 long straight hours with no BREAK!!! And the class is cold too plus the heavy rain outside, even made more colder!!! We successfully finished the ITL class and now we're in par with the group A guys...

Starting from today, we have a mid-term semester break for 1 week... Well, I better start doing my assignment tomorrow... Let's see... See you guys later...
Haha... There's a shop called Neighbour's Cafe around the college here... So today, we went to take lunch in there... Actually we all planned to go to eat pizza at Jusco... But then, Ms Sheela came and interrupted us to inform that tomorrow's class starts at 8:30am... She talks and talks and continues to talk... We lose about 30 minutes with her "lecture"... Haha...

So when we look at the time, I said it's not enough for us to go there so we changed our plan and go take lunch at Neighbour's Cafe... It's really not a kind of restaurant that I expected... I thought it's a normal coffee shop because the name says it all... Kinda lame though... But when they give out the cards, there's a variety of food and drinks available there...

First thing I saw is the price... It's pretty expensive for a person like me... (I think)... Haha... After intense moment of thinking which food I want to order, I settled with my favourite, Nasi Goreng Kampung... When the food comes, it really looks great... Nicely served with all the dried onions and veges on the rice...

Joyce asks me it looks nice but does it tastes nice as well??? So to answer that question, I taste it... Wow... Really really nice than I expected... Seriously... It's even better than I have it in my local mamak shop... I really enjoyed eating it till the last grain of rice... It's RM5.20... It's pretty expensive but it's really tasty so I actually have no problem paying at that price...

Now I really dissapointed why I paid so much money for eating at Nando's last week... The rice is not enough, the chicken taste moderately and the mild peri-peri flavor isn't good as I thought... And it's RM10.90!!! At that time, I wasn't really sastified paying at that price... But for today's lunch, I'm really happy... Tomorrow we got ITL class so we all planned to go there again... Hehe... Going to be nice... Zam didn't come with us today but he's going to come tomorrow... He also going to be enjoying it...

Ok then... Let's talk about today's class... Well, they moved all the class from 110 to 301 (which I really don't know why... admin guys... grrrr) At first, 301 was the only class in the third floor which is quite cool class... But today's class were quite hot... Don't know why... Oh well...

We had a small test on the ME subject in the IT lab... Haha... Kinda open-book test but it's closed-book test... Confusing isn't??? Hehe... Even the lecturer also helped me to correct my mistake... First I didn't understand what's he trying to show... After few minutes, he got fed up and erased my mistake by himself... Haha... I wish lecturers do like that in the final exam also... How nice it would be... Hmmm...

Well, finally we "managed" to answer the questions all and pass it up... There was a teacher's day celebration in the MPH... I think it's organized by the Pre-U students because most of the audience in the hall are THEM!!! We take a peek in the hallway and went back home...

Just now, I installed Windows 98 in my old desktop computer because in the past (somewhere like 1999), I save my school and some documents in my floppy disks... Now when I try to access it on Windows XP, it cannot detect it... It says that I need to install back Windows 98 to recover it...

So I install Windows 98 and try to open it again, it's unavailabe... The floppy drive isn't detected properly... That means I have to open up the computer and check the cables all... That's going to take a long time so when I come back from college tomorrow, this what I'll be doing for the rest of the evening... Hopefully I'll be able to recover it... Ok then... Me going to take dinner so see you guys tomorrow... Take care...

P.S. : After so long, I write a post long one... Hehe...
Since most of the classes are in third floor, what more could you expect??? Hot classes of course... We pretty much lose our concentration after the lunch break... I hope the management aware of this situation... Hopefully they will give us first or second floor classes... Hehe...

Even the lecturers also lose their cool... On BCom class, the lecturer scolded Sharir for using the phone... And even more worse in ITL class... The lecturer can't take the students making some noises at the back and also the class were so HOT!!! She finally gave up and scolded us... :( IT1 lecturer is nothing also... She also scold us but we don't quite care about it... Hehe...

Well, I'm really missing someone so badly... Wonder she noticed it or not... Let's see... Ok then... See you guys tomorrow...
:( Don't know why today I feel so sad and tired... Couldn't concentrate on my studies also... Oh well...

The classes were ok today... As I told you, I couldn't concentrate so pretty much didn't get what's the lecturers talking about... We pass up the IT assignment today in the staff office... We might get the ITL assignment somewhere tomorrow or on thursday... Haha...

After the class, we all went to IT lab to discuss about the QM1 assignment... After that, I hang around in the cafeteria for a while before going back home...

Around 5pm, there's a announcement that the MBJB will do a mosquito cleaning work around my area... So they asks us to come out from the house... So we all went out... I didn't expect the guy to inside the house and spray in there... Haha... Pretty much oily right now... I hope all the mosquitos will be dead by now... Hehe...

Yesterday was the first time in my history!!! I didn't come online at all!!! Haha... It's all because of stupid streamyx network!!! Couldn't connect to the internet at all... Zam and Joyce also said their area connection also pretty slow... Wonder what happened... TM, please fix this problem soon la... Too slow... 1KBps!!! And that's broadband!!! Haha...

Ok then... See you guys tomorrow...
Today is really nice day for me... The classes today were confusing because they always change the class for each subject... And because BCom lecturer didn't come, we get an extra 1 hour of break period... Nice!!!

Me and Tey C went to IT lab to discuss about the assignment... The classes were quite good... Can understand it... We entered a new chapter for IT today... After the class, I went to see my someone special... Hehe... Well, that's it... Tomorrow have to pass up the IT assignment... See you guys...
Damn... Still got the flu... Have to find a way to cure this soon... :( Oh well, the day went fine... Not much happy, not much boring... Just a normal Sunday... Also took wantan mee today... Hehe...

The whole evening spent on this place... Assignments!!! :(

After that, me and my dad went to market to buy some meat... And went back home... Nothing much I do in home... Almost 80% of my IT assignment are completed for now... Tomorrow, I'll might print it... Hopefully I did it without going off-topic... Ok then... See you guys tomorrow... Signing out...
Oh well, I thought I won't get infected by my brother's flu but I've got it today... :( I hope I'll get cured in few days... The day today is quite fine as I already told you, I've got flu so pretty much my mood a bit toned down all the time...

Nothing much happened today... Took wantan mee after so long... Hehe... Don't care about the swine flu or formally known as influenza A... Haha... Went to Cosway on evening to take the portable hard disk from the gift section... 250 massive GB!!! It's more than the twice of my current hardisk space in my computer... Hehe...

Just now only watched the Astro indian talent show so sorry to update it late... See you guys tomorrow... Hopefully this flu will be cured... Take care...
Today is labour day so everyone around the world is holiday... Except for those who are needed to work such as police, prison, high industry companies and heavy machinery... Well, whatever it is, enjoy this holiday and appreciate the people working for you... :)

Since I'm also working in this blog, I'm taking a day off... Hehe...

More updates tomorrow... :D