Today is quite nice day... Hehe... Waked up at 6.50am... Pretty sleepy... Dad is sick so he took off and went to clinic... Me went to college and started to do BCom homework which I forgot to do it last week... Hehe... Today's class is on second floor so it's really nice... Hehe...

On ME class, I really didn't expect the lecturer changed his teaching method completely... He didn't teach us using the slides but the study guilds as notes itself!!! Hahaha... Guess he know where he made a fatal mistake... Now he didn't open the laptop and use it...

After that is IT1 class... Don't know why... Today's IT1 class is really fun... Wayne and his gangz made laughter and Zam > Really ah??? Don't bluff la teacher... Hahahaha... Nice la macha... We planned to watch Fast & Furious 4 tomorrow at Jusco Tebrau City... Let's see the time >

TGV Tebrau City
11:30 AM 12:10 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 4:20 PM 4:45 PM 6:45 PM 7:10 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 11:20 PM 11:55 PM

Haha... Look at the time guys... Class ends at 12 but the movie starts at 12.10... :P Zam, come and discuss with me tonight... We'll see about it... Today is the first time I drive on Pasir Gudang highway... Pretty scary with all the big lorries... Hehe... Ok la... See you guys tomorrow... Make sure bring extra money... Hehe...
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