
Just Before Waking Up

Before Going To College... Taking Milo... Hehe...

During ME Class...

In ME Class... Trying To Pose... Hehe...

In IT1 Class...

Listening To Lecturer... Hehehe...

Going To Newly Opened Domino's Pizza

Nice Banners...

My Friends Ordering Pizza...

In Domino's Pizza...

The Money Collector... Hehe...

Finally, Our Pizza Arrives...

Finished Both Pizzas... Yummy...

"Domino's Is Da Best!!!" Haha...

Giving Lecture or Just Washed His Hand??? Hehe...

Going Back To College... Guys At Back Excited... Hehe...

In IT1 Class Again (After Lunch)

Taking A Brief Break...

After The Classes Finished... Going Back Home...

In Home...

At Bus Stop...

Well, I had this wild idea couple days ago... Why not I post my blog how my day went by taking pictures at regular interval... Well, today is the day to do it... So there you go... My day with the picture...

Hopefully you'll able to interpret the meaning behind those pictures... Well, some of you may got doubt why I end up in bus stop so I wanna write what happened today... Hehe... Waked up early today because class start at 9am... Went to college... Finished up all the first session of the class...

Stephen wanted to come with us and take lunch outside... So we all initially planned to go to Sayed but since it's crowded so we decided to go to Domino's Pizza which newly opened closed to the college... Went there, order 2 pizza and waited pretty long... Like 30 minutes??? Haha...

After had a nice meal, we all went back college... On the way, Zam, which took all of us (7 people) in his Toyota, made some fun by blocking Bernice's car... Hehe... After went to college, we finished up the second session of the class...

I went to home after that and since I was drop my mom to the bus stop in my area, so I had to go with her... Now that explained, you should be able to understand... Hehe... Well, I hope you enjoyed today's blog with those pictures... Give feedback if possible... See you tomorrow... Bye...

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