Well, today dad took off because want to pay up the tax money so I woke up at 8am... Got ready and wait for mom to come back... Then we all went to Larkin to pay up the tax... It's really been a long time since I went around JB area... Really nice to see it after so long...

Plaza Angsana...

After that, mom suggested to go to Danga Bay so check around... Dad went there and what a sight... Lots of tourist, lots of children playing around, lots of people looking at the sea and swimming... You believe me isn't??? Haha...

Danga Bay...

All the things I said is opposite when I see at there... There was no people, no activities going on and it's really deserted!!! And back to the title, Danga Bay??? What's that??? Maybe there's some construction going around in there that's why no people... Oh well...

No Activity At All...

After that, we went back home... Didn't do anything at home... Just listen to music and burn some videos on CD... Mom didn't cook today so went out for breakfast, lunch and also dinner... As usual, my dinner is always nasi goreng kampung... Hehe... Ok then... Going to watch movie... See you guys tomorrow...
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