Well, today's class were great... Even though there was some 'great' incident happened today... Hehe... Well, today I waked up at 8.30am and went to college like 9.30am... The carpark was totally full just like yesterday!!! I parked my car beside Zam's one... On the grass that is!!! I was afraid to park in the grass because there's a building construction going on beside there so I was afraid maybe something like nail will be in there...

Well, I parked anyway and went to cafeteria... Catched up with Zam and our friends came in shortly... We went to 1st floor for our first class session... Thank god we got first floor... First was ITL so no need to say anything... :( Then QM1... The time really flies when this class comes!!! Hehe... After that is lunch break... I took like some chicken will look fresh but it the taste, isn't! fresh!! Haha...

After taking lunch, we went to second floor for the rest of the classes... During the BusCom class, we got our second semester result... And guess what I got... 2A's in 2 subjects... Some students also got 2A's but some of them also got B or C for either BE or MGMT...

Well, Zam got A for BE and B for MGMT... When he said to me congrats man, I felt bad about it... Because he didn't get the result he wanted so I felt bad about it... That's why I didn't celebrate much about it... Ms Rebecca told us if we want to recheck our results, we can appeal... Don't know how many people going for it...

Some of them (basically the whole class) is angry on BE2 lecturer because she didn't teach Business English but Basic English!!! After settled down, we continue the BusCom class again... And after that is ME class... This is the interesting class because something happened during the class...

All the students are facing a problem... The problem is ME, notes, guilds & lecturer!!! Let me explain about those problems... Basically, the lecturer handed out the study guilds to all students in the second class of first week... He also teaches us with his own notes too... So when we want to search on the study guild, we couldn't find it and so while we're trying to find on the guild, our concentration is decreased and moved away...

The lecturer quickly go to another slide and this makes us confused... And because of this, we all didn't understand anything during the ME class... So now you see that all the problems I mentioned above there are co-related to each other... And it's just second week but still we all can't cope with it...

So we just brust out our 'suffering' to the lecturer during the last 30 minutes of the class... Wayne started it first and it continues to Tey C, Joyce, VK, David, Zam, Jansen and even Jason also voice out their problems...

The lecturer got shocked when he heard this because in the first week, he said that he likes our group because we pretty much understand what he's teaching about... Group 1 didn't understand at all... So when he heard this, he got sad... I can see his expression from his face...

Pretty sad actually but what to do? We can't let this to suffer us... Just like what happened last semester... MGMT and BE2 classes... We really don't understand anything but we didn't do anything... But this semester, we voice out on the second week of our semester... Because we don't want to continue like this till the end of the semester... At the end, we don't get anything also...

And whole class debated on this matter which continued till the end of the class!!! I don't know what happened after that because I came out... After that, we all went back home... I didn't revise today because I'm busy doing something else now... Catch you guys tomorrow... Haha... Look at this post... Pretty long ah? :P Take care guys...
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