Went to college today to finish up some remaining assignments... Met up with Stephen at library so both plan to take lunch together... First I suggested Neighbours but he said Bharat... So he picked me up in his car and both went to Bharat...

On the way there, he changed again... This time is in Taman Daya... He said the restaurant is pretty cheap and tastes good... So I said ok... After pumping some oil, we went there... First impression was quite impressive... People are queuing up to take the food... I never show this in Johor Jaya... Something new to me... :P

So me and Stephen quickly queue up with the crowd... It's same like in college... Pick your food and pay for it... But there's a major differences in this restaurant... First, it's super sized menu with lots of varieties... You'll get lost on what to choose in there... :P Secondly, it's the price... It's super cheap too... I got RM4 with three items... If I took like that in college, for sure I'll get charged like RM6-7... Finally it tastes super great too... Really super satisfied eating there... Thanks Stephen... :D My tummy had a good time for lunch...

At night, I installed the new OS, Windows 7 into my lappy... Working nicely now... Gonna install the remaining software in coming hours so better go now... See ya later peepz...
1 Response
  1. joycelyn Says:

    wht shop u all when.... where i come i stay in taman daya i never know there is a shop like that?....

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