
Happy Deepavali!!!!

Today is Deepavali... I've been so busy today... Which is good and bad too... The good part is, I enjoyed the day till max... The bad part, I missed to do my moral assignment... Damn... I'm gonna do it after posting this...

The day, as usual, wake up in the morning... Pray, put in new cloths, put in some rings and take thosai... Hehe... Sadly, didn't went to temple... After taking breakfast, we all hop off to relative's house and chill there till evening... Went to Kulai to my another uncle's house... Came back Desa Tebrau at night...

My uncle... What a style... :P

And here's his son... Look-a-like?? :P

The big guys take some liquor... The brand name is XO... Never heard of it... But it's freaking 40% alcohol... I never take so I don't know its power... :P And yeah... Today we blasted some patasu near the road... Took video of the whole thing but I can't post it here... It's freaking 300MB!!! Will take me forever to process it... Lol...

Saw this ad when going to Kulai...
Open it on new tab to view clearly...

The long cactus in my uncle house... :P

Either way, enjoyed the day so much... Now I've gotta focus on my assignment... Need to submit it on monday... Wish monday is holiday... Well, it is for goverment schools... Not private ones... Damn... Ok then... I wish you all a very Happy Deepavali... Enjoy your day... And don't forget to give me some angpau's... Hehe...
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