It is a very special day indeed... Because it's my birthday!!! Lol... Well, lots of things happened today other than my birthday... So expect this post to be longer... Get your reading glasses people... Me going into in-depth mode now... :P

The day started at 6am... I woke up super early just to make sure everything for the presentation are on the deck... After checking everything, I quickly dress up to formal clothes and hop off to Zam's area, Permas Jaya... The thing I hate most is the roads there... It's always jam... Not sure at night though... Lol... After fetching him, we went to McD to have breakfast and discuss the presentation... He paid for me as a treat for my Birthday... Woohooo :D After that, we quickly went to college...

Straight went to class and attend both IT and QM classes patiently... :P After the classes finished, we went to cafe to chill first before we start to prepare the presentation, there's a surprise waiting for me in the cafeteria...

Before going to cafe, I was asking Zam to go down and discuss the assignment... But he said just stay at the IT lab first... I didn't thought much about it... But there's some background activities going on there... They all set up a birthday cake at the cafeteria and wanted to give me a surprise...

In IT lab... Final discussion...
See how he tries to delay the time... Lol...

So after few minutes at IT lab, we went to cafe with Zam and Tey C... When I enter the cafe, I saw this box containing the chocolate cake with my friends surrounding it... They start to sing birthday song and I was like totally speechless... I stand at the middle, surrounded by the candles, the song and my friends... I wish and blew the candles... Happy 19th Birthday!!! Hehe... I was totally happy and cannot react so I really was blur during the whole time... It was really nice moment for me... Took some shots so enjoy the pics below...

Giving some pose

Hmm...Chocolate... Yummy

Group Shot

Me cutting the cake...

How sweet... Owhhh... :) :)

XinZin helping me to cut the cake

My special piece

Another nice shot...

After eating the delicious cake, we went into "FOM-mode" so everyone practice their presentation skills... Zam and Tey C looked pretty chilled out but I wasn't... Lol... Was trying hard to memorise the points because I'm sure at one point, I'll forget it... So after some hard time memorising it, me and Zam went to take his speaker and changed our clothes... Why bring speakers? I'll explain in awhile...

After changing, we went to the classroom and saw the laptop and projectors are ready... When we want to put the speakers in, we found out that there's only two sockets in there which is already pre-occupied... So we walk till the lift and saw this IT staff coming in with speakers... We ask her to bring the multiplug but her actions are really rude... Thank goodness Zam and me didn't lose our coolness... Ceehhh... :P

After all the things set up and our classmates arrived, we start the presentation... Christine's group was the first to go present... Meanwhile we were practicing some last minute points... And then comes our turn to go present... With brave heart, three of us went in front and face the audience a.k.a. our classmates... :P I ask Fridaus to record the whole thing but I didn't upload it... The sad part is it's freaking 500MB video!!! Don't ask me why... It's super HQ video so I knew about the size issue...

I'll try to explain in words as detail as possible... After Zam finished his part, then came my part... So as I was explaining the points, suddenly the laptop and the projector went to blank... At first I thought maybe I stepped on wire something but after Zam adjusted it, he go check the computer... The f**king laptop shut down itself... WTH??? Seriously... In the middle of the presentation where people are listening to you closely, the freaking laptop crashed... Again, WTH????

Thank goodness someone gave their laptop for the sake to continue our presentation... I think it's melody so very thanks to her... After setting up her laptop, we continued our presentation... During Tey C part, he was, well, kinda nervous so he paused a little long... I ask him to take the notes and he continued normally after that... He felt really bad for that... Told him to cool down... Everyone's not perfect, aren't they???

So after he finished, here's comes our secret weapon... The ChipsterZ commercial video!!! Yeah baby... Our own creation... Straight from DBA mindset... Lol... Remember the speakers part? I'll explain everything in detail below... So the video idea came a long time ago, like last month... When me and Zam was discussing about the assignment in the cafe, Zam came up about making a video thing...

First I thought it was cool so I quickly agreed to do it... But I was kinda unsure whether the video idea will go on perfectly or not but I was totally impressed by the idea, me and Zam really can't wait to make into reality... We both were discussing on MSN late night trying to come up with the perfect storyline... To give some teaser to ya'll, here's my first drafted storyline... "BF and GF both arguing about something... After awhile, BF cools down and try to calm down his GF but nope. So he gives her the ChipsterZ and she stopped crying."

After some discussion with Zam, he refines the story further... Me on the other hand, created the screenplay which is the scene where the cast gonna be and what they gonna do... After created that, I went to search the perfect song for the background score... Meanwhile, Zam selects the cast which is Sanjay and Vhino... I also thought they'll be perfect for doing this role... Can you imagine we created the story and all other things in just few hours in late night? Haha... So all the things are set and on 2nd of october came our perfect timing to do this...

We went to a theme park in Desa Tebrau because I created the background to be like in park... So that place is suitable for this shooting... After surveying the place, we sat down on one pondok there and I tell the story to Sanjay, Zam and Vhino on their roles, what they gonna do and what I was expecting from them... After that, we went to shooting business... Asstha was there too... :)

After recorded the whole scene, segment by segment, we finally finished it... We went there at 12pm and finished at 2pm! 2 hours for 2 minutes clip... Imagine that!!! And it ain't that easy as you think... I was basically standing in the hot sun trying to capture the best from these three people... I'll make another video which is behind the scenes soon... In that video, you can catch the hardwork we put into making this video...

The day after that, I've finished edited all the scenes, put in some background music, get some voice-overs and save the video... We waited till this day without telling anyone to give them a surprise... Since we put some music inside, we need the speakers to hear it so I ask Zam to bring the speakers... But since the college provide it, it's useless... But the college one also sucks... Cannot hear the voices that much... Damn... But the whole class enjoyed the video when we showed to them... It was really welcoming sign for both of us... We put such a hardwork and dedication into making the video as perfectly as possible... When the whole class claps at the end, all of those hardwork seems like we really did super well...

Yes yes... I know you guys also wanna catch the commercial... I've just uploaded at YouTube so here's the video below... Remember... It's a brand-new, unseen commercial video straight from Director's table... Ceeehh... :P

So after the presentation, me and Zam go hang out at Permas for a while before going home... Basically, that's it about today... Long post uh? Told ya earlier... Lol... I still perfectly remember each single thing happened today... Damn nice day... Can't and won't forget it... It's gonna be one of those memorable day...

Love you guys a lot... Today is really a great day for me... Enjoyed it to the max!!! A special thanks to Zam... I'm glad that I've picked you up today... :) Thanks for the McD, the nasi goreng kampung, the "Macho Man" and the birthday cake planning... Seriously... Love you man... *Brotherly hugs* :D

Zam is the first one to wish me... :D

Ok ok... Enough of talking... Me gonna get some rest now... Been waking up at 6 and sleeping very late nowadays... Gonna get a decent rest after this... Enjoy the day... And remember... Today is super duper special!!! And to end today's post, here's some fun facts which is about me myself... Lol...

I was born on a Monday and since my birthday...
I've been living for 19 years
I've been living for 228 months
I've been living for 991 weeks
I've been living for 6,940 days
I've been living for 166,571 hours
I've been living for 9,994,287 minutes
I've been living for 599,657,251 seconds
I've breathed more than 95,000,076 times!
I've blinked my eyes more than 100,700,076 times!
My heart has beaten more than 699,600,090 times!
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