Today, we got another 3 hours of moral class... Damn... It's most boring class I ever taken... Plus this week attendance was really low compared to last week's class... So you pretty much know why is that so...
Other than moral class, the FA class went quite well... And Zam's new talent got exposed in the class... Which is... Magic powers... Well, literally... Haha... He suddenly jump in the class (of course, silently... :P) and ask me to think about 3 digit number... Then I think 246... Then he ask me to type the number into the calculator... So after that, he ask me to minus the number by backward... (246-642) = -396
So he start looking into my eyes (nothing serious... whatever you're thinking... LOL!!!) and asks me to think the answer... Then he start to say the first number correctly... Then he takes some time and guessed the answers correctly... Haha... How he does that??? Zam: It's Magic!!!
During the moral break time, which is a generous 1 hour break, we went to SSD to play Chess... See the video... Enjoy and bubye...
Playing chess in SSD...
Other than moral class, the FA class went quite well... And Zam's new talent got exposed in the class... Which is... Magic powers... Well, literally... Haha... He suddenly jump in the class (of course, silently... :P) and ask me to think about 3 digit number... Then I think 246... Then he ask me to type the number into the calculator... So after that, he ask me to minus the number by backward... (246-642) = -396
So he start looking into my eyes (nothing serious... whatever you're thinking... LOL!!!) and asks me to think the answer... Then he start to say the first number correctly... Then he takes some time and guessed the answers correctly... Haha... How he does that??? Zam: It's Magic!!!
During the moral break time, which is a generous 1 hour break, we went to SSD to play Chess... See the video... Enjoy and bubye...
Playing chess in SSD...
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