Today is very perfect day for me... I'm very happy now... :D Let me to talk about the morning stuff first...

Well, I had to wake up early just because to get a perfect parking spot... Lol... I saw some jokers park their cars in the grass around TNB substation and also made other people cannot go in or out... And some also park their cars outside... It's like a whole stretch of both the roads are fully parked... Imagine the student capacity now... Sunway, you've gotta do something or else, your future might be shaky...

The Sunway College Car Park... How far can you spot a free lot... Anyone? :P

Well, I'm lucky to get a spot in the parking lot... Saw Zam coming to the college... And that guy almost wanna ram his machine to me... Haha... So went inside and wait for my friends to come... Then Ms. Sheela and Ms. Mangai came and sat down on our table... Then we talk about Law exam and why so many people get failed for that... It's pretty disturbing to see the facts that 50% of the DBA August 08 students failed ITL... I'm not sure about me... Hopefully no... :(

And Ms. Sheela also mentioned that Jaya got almost perfect score for law... Almost 90% marks she got... Nice right? We didn't tell her she got that but kinda teased her a bit... Hehe... And yeah... All of us are getting our results tomorrow... Yeah all of us are excited but at the same time also afraid too... Last sem was super hard semester ever as of now... So the results aren't gonna be that good... Let's see what we all got... And it's tomorrow... :D

The classes today, well, kinda boring though... FA2 was nice... But the moral class where all the headache started... Well, the class started by few people... Then comes the whole group from group A, ACCA students and of course, our group... Then came this malay lecturer... I never saw her so maybe new... Then she starts to intro about her, her profession and her degree and stuffs... OMG... Then she starts to explain all the topic and hand out some papers... Immediately she gave all the assignment topics and ask us to form a group and select the assignment question... First, Jaya, Neevya and Elvina ask me, Chee Poh and Tey C to join... Then Tey C as usual, say that why always he have to join with me... Haha... Then Wilson was sitting next to him... So everyone was selecting their members and Wilson became angry... So suddenly Mr. Tey C here saw a chance to join the girls... Then he go to the girls group and we have 1 more member in our group... Then we ask Wilson to join and he became happy after that...

Then the whole class after that was crappy... Seriously... It's the worst 3 hours in my college life so far... Don't understand any single thing and she was like non-stop talking and talking... OMG!!! It was such a relieve that there was 30 minute break time in between there... Then the big boss sms me... Haha... That guy escape the class because he gonna take the islamic studies... On saturday... And in morning... Haha... I'll sure sms you on that day man... Just wait... Lol...

After that freaking class, we all went back... Then at night, me and Zam was talking and suddenly I said that wanna go out at city... Coz my parents are out so wanna enjoy some time out... Then he thinks hardly and accepts... Haha... Then I get ready and of course, the boss comes lately... Haha... So before I hop on the seat, he show me this cool lights... Check out the pics and vids below...

The cool blue lights from Zam's machine...

The Lights...

We went rounding all over JB and searching for perfect bapoks and girls location... Hahaha... As usual, where else we can start without going to our usual place, The Bapok Alley... Lol... Well, Zam's car was the perfect car of all... He first turn off the lights and go in slowy... Then we see some bapoks standing there and walking slowly inside the shop... Then Zam open up the light and fire up the machine... This caused the bapoks all running for their life... Haha... Then we saw this bapok going slowly also... Then he speed up the car causing this bapok to run like hell... Even the selipar came out of the foot... Haha... Then we go another round around there with my phone's strobe light... It's almost like police strobe light... Haha... This time did scare the bapoks... Then we take our dinner at the shop near there... Zam said the burger there was awesome... So me also wanna try it one... After the girl put the burger infront the desk, damn... It's super thick and super stuffy... Got cheese and eggs + chicken and the sos... Had the first bite and I was lost in the taste of it... It's super tasty... Will go there if I got another chance... :D

Going out to city...

The Big Boss While Driving... Look at his style wey... Haha...

After finishing the burger, we off to another spot of bapoks and girls... And we search this for quite long time... :P Then we off to Pandan market because Zam's friend said there's a place in there... So we search it all the way and couldn't find any... So we off from there... Finally Zam drop me to my house... And suddenly I noticed my house keys are lost... Then we both search and thank goodness it stucked in the seat below it...

The super nice and tasty burger...

Well, had a nice day in college and my best night with my close buddy, Zam... Sitting in the chair, eating the burger, drinking the milo, looking at people driving by, the lights, noises, smoke and all, makes me so happy... All this because of Zam... :) Thank you for that...

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