It's all about college tomorrow... Haha... Since the holidays for diploma students gonna finish today, tomorrow begins our new semester! Got the title? :P
Well, I really enjoyed the day today... To the MAX!!! Got many happiness and also sad part too... Let's talk about happy part first as always... Hehe...
Today, me and my two uncles went to Persada convention center for PC Fair... Damn... Never saw those many people in my life... Seriously... Waking there was not a easy job... You must have a strong hands and legs to move around... Once you stuck there, it's gonna be forever to get out... Haha... And another thing I notice... When I go around the Persada roads, I always thought that it's the biggest convention center in Johor maybe in Malaysia... But once I went inside it, it looks like relatively smaller than I thought... Engineering disaster??? :P
After making through the crowds of IT freaks (including ME!!! :D ), we all went to Vanavil restaurant and had lunch... Then we continue our journey to Pelangi Leisure Mall... In there also some roadshow going on... It's not about IT stuff, but it's homely stuff... Haha... It's about a developer selling some nice array of houses... So my uncle and his wife went there to check out some houses... After that, we went to the location of the houses...
My first impression on the houses, is... AWFUL!!! Seriously... They (the developer) built the house on 2002 and till now, they can't sell it... Because
1) the houses are located far deep inside...
2) the Petronas gas pipes running directly underneath the houses...
3) and the houses are located on a possible landslide location...
So they made this huge promotion like 28% discount la, all the lawyer fees and etc free la, this la that la all!!! This made us like WOW... But when you see the houses, you'll know why the promotion is like that... Even the roads name leading to the houses are named as Jalan Lawa (beautiful)... Haha... They should rename it to Jalan Hodoh (freaking bad)... Lol...
After some hard times looking at the "perfect" houses, we went to Giant to buy some stuffs... The situation in Giant is pretty calm... It's not normal especially on Sundays... Rivalry building up??? Hmm... After that, we went to Kassim restaurant and all had a tea break...
Finally my uncle drop me at my house... I go out from my house at 11.30am and came back like 8.45pm... Nice right? :D :D :D Now wanna know the sad part? Haha... Here we go...
So I thought wanna pump some air into my car tyre so called my brother and went to my car... As I want to start it up, it wouldn't start... Then I saw that my battery gonna completely die out soon... Damn right? Then called my uncle again and he came with his MyVi and jump start my car... Thank god it works...
Then he checks the engine oil gauge and it shows that there's no oil in there... WTF??? Are you serious?? Then he top up the oil using my brother's car oil... He's been saving that for 3 months... :P Finally it's up to normal... I don't know why the hell the car don't want start up and the oil finished quickly... Especially the day before I go to college... Imagine if I start the car up tomorrow... Haha... Too bad then...
So now, after having a nice shower and quick shave, updating this blog on the last day of my holiday... So tomorrow, begins a new chapter... Whether it's happy ending or sad ending, let's find it out... Bye guys...
Well, I really enjoyed the day today... To the MAX!!! Got many happiness and also sad part too... Let's talk about happy part first as always... Hehe...
Today, me and my two uncles went to Persada convention center for PC Fair... Damn... Never saw those many people in my life... Seriously... Waking there was not a easy job... You must have a strong hands and legs to move around... Once you stuck there, it's gonna be forever to get out... Haha... And another thing I notice... When I go around the Persada roads, I always thought that it's the biggest convention center in Johor maybe in Malaysia... But once I went inside it, it looks like relatively smaller than I thought... Engineering disaster??? :P
After making through the crowds of IT freaks (including ME!!! :D ), we all went to Vanavil restaurant and had lunch... Then we continue our journey to Pelangi Leisure Mall... In there also some roadshow going on... It's not about IT stuff, but it's homely stuff... Haha... It's about a developer selling some nice array of houses... So my uncle and his wife went there to check out some houses... After that, we went to the location of the houses...
My first impression on the houses, is... AWFUL!!! Seriously... They (the developer) built the house on 2002 and till now, they can't sell it... Because
1) the houses are located far deep inside...
2) the Petronas gas pipes running directly underneath the houses...
3) and the houses are located on a possible landslide location...
So they made this huge promotion like 28% discount la, all the lawyer fees and etc free la, this la that la all!!! This made us like WOW... But when you see the houses, you'll know why the promotion is like that... Even the roads name leading to the houses are named as Jalan Lawa (beautiful)... Haha... They should rename it to Jalan Hodoh (freaking bad)... Lol...
After some hard times looking at the "perfect" houses, we went to Giant to buy some stuffs... The situation in Giant is pretty calm... It's not normal especially on Sundays... Rivalry building up??? Hmm... After that, we went to Kassim restaurant and all had a tea break...
Finally my uncle drop me at my house... I go out from my house at 11.30am and came back like 8.45pm... Nice right? :D :D :D Now wanna know the sad part? Haha... Here we go...
So I thought wanna pump some air into my car tyre so called my brother and went to my car... As I want to start it up, it wouldn't start... Then I saw that my battery gonna completely die out soon... Damn right? Then called my uncle again and he came with his MyVi and jump start my car... Thank god it works...
Then he checks the engine oil gauge and it shows that there's no oil in there... WTF??? Are you serious?? Then he top up the oil using my brother's car oil... He's been saving that for 3 months... :P Finally it's up to normal... I don't know why the hell the car don't want start up and the oil finished quickly... Especially the day before I go to college... Imagine if I start the car up tomorrow... Haha... Too bad then...
So now, after having a nice shower and quick shave, updating this blog on the last day of my holiday... So tomorrow, begins a new chapter... Whether it's happy ending or sad ending, let's find it out... Bye guys...
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