4 days of holiday is great but it's not great for me... Been staying in here without going out is not fun!!! Well, nothing much I did today... Just TV, movies, music and that's it... Early morning had a nice cooling day because of the mild rain... Very nice indeed... Let's hope it comes tomorrow too... :D
Today, me and my two school friends went to watch Tamil movie in Jusco... Been a long time since I met them and watch movie together... The movie is Kandhasamy... It's about a guy trying to grant people's wishes and solve their problems...

I heard that many people said the movie is kinda boring... But for me, it was entertaining... Although it's 3 hours long but it's really interesting what's gonna happen next... This particular movie is kinda have the same base subject like from other movies such as Anniyan and Sivaji The Boss... Let's hope it's gonna be a hit before the deepavali releases...

Just watch the Vaanavil Super Star program... It's the second final round before the final showdown next week at JB!!! Really interesting to watch it... Ok then... See ya later...
As many people, especially my friends are asking me to change my style... As Zam suggested, he said I should change my clothing, my shoes, my hairstyle and also particularly my mustache... Lol...

So far, I changed my hairstyle and my mustache... The clothing will be changed after Deepavali... And I changed my "uncle" shoes today... Haha... Just went to the shoe shop here and bought a sport shoe... Hopefully it's not "uncle" enough... :P

Nothing much I did today... Just watch TV and download some stuff... The net is way way slow!!! Damn... It's like I hate to go net because of this slow connection...
Today during IT2 class, Ms. Rebecca told me that she bumped into my blog while surfing the net... And she saw Zam's smoking picture in Jusco... Hehe... I didn't know lecturers will come and read my blog... Who wonder?? :P

The classes today is great... Except the third floor, otherwise, it's all nice... QM is kinda interesting today... :P During break time, me, Zam and another guy went to Johor Jaya to send my phone for repairs... I ask the girl in there... She said it will take two weeks to repair so it's kinda disappointing... But it's ok... I wanna make sure the phone is perfectly alright coz I really like the phone a lot... Let's hope it's alright...

And for two weeks, I can't take HQ videos and pictures so bear with me while the phone is under ICU... But I'll sure take pictures with my 6300... :D

Today also got some heavy raining so it's still cold here... Nice!!! Just watch the magic show and it's the season finale... So sad... Hopefully they'll put the new season as soon as possible... Hehe...
I'm really start to wondering whether our QM lecturer is really a lecturer... Coz, in QM, you should talk about, well, maths stuff... Even though in the notes, it's about maths stuff but she starts to talk c**k!!! Did Sunway did well background checking on her??? And Wilson also starts to talk c**k also with her... Lol... Anyways, the classes today were nice...

Got some lots of exercise from FA lecturer... And Tey C helps me and Zam on the accounting things in the class... Hehe... It was raining during FOM class so till now, it's really cool... Tonight gonna sleep very nicely... :D

And the video below is dedicated to all of the students parked outside the campus... Thank goodness I'm not one of them... Me parked inside... :D :D :D

Pay special attention to the black car in the video... :P

The Moral Class... Wahh... How nice??
Don't worry... It's during break time of course... Haha...

Today, we got another 3 hours of moral class... Damn... It's most boring class I ever taken... Plus this week attendance was really low compared to last week's class... So you pretty much know why is that so...

Other than moral class, the FA class went quite well... And Zam's new talent got exposed in the class... Which is... Magic powers... Well, literally... Haha... He suddenly jump in the class (of course, silently... :P) and ask me to think about 3 digit number... Then I think 246... Then he ask me to type the number into the calculator... So after that, he ask me to minus the number by backward... (246-642) = -396

So he start looking into my eyes (nothing serious... whatever you're thinking... LOL!!!) and asks me to think the answer... Then he start to say the first number correctly... Then he takes some time and guessed the answers correctly... Haha... How he does that??? Zam: It's Magic!!!

During the moral break time, which is a generous 1 hour break, we went to SSD to play Chess... See the video... Enjoy and bubye...

Playing chess in SSD...
Well... It's all about my mustache... Haha... On friday, me and Zam was casually talking on MSN... Then he start up with the mustache thing again... And this time, he got a bit "furious"... He said if I didn't shave it, he won't talk to me and will go join other group for assignment... So that time, I was thinking he's joking... Then I repeatedly ask him sure or not... He keep on "blackmailing" me... Haha...

So yesterday, during bath time, when I finish shaving my beard off, I shift to my mustache... It was quite scary moment for me... But I overcome it and shaved it completely... All clean shaved!!! After I look myself on the mirror, I totally look another new person... It was like, another person standing in front the mirror... Then I laugh at myself damn aloud!!! Hahaha... So after having some chit-chat time, I off to sleep...



Begins a new day for me... Haha... I went to fetch Asttha this morning because no transport... When she comes into my car, she start to laugh... Haha... So after reaching Sunway, we went to library and start to study... My class starts at 11.30am today so imagine how many hours more... All because of parking... Damn...

Dehydrated??? LOL!!!

So after that, we went to cafeteria... Zam comes shortly and joins us... He had a big laugh on me and says I look younger... So far, all the people I met, my friends, my bro, they all tell I look much better and younger without mustache... Haha... Wonder how far that's true... Hopefully this will be better... Haha...

Fasting Overview...

The classes all ok today... Qm and FA are pretty boring... And yeah... The malay guys are fasting so we had to control ourselves from eating... In front of them of course... Haha... It's been a long time since I had Roti Bom... Haha... Couldn't control myself from ordering it so when I want to eat, I wanna cover so Zam and Firdaus won't see me eating... But Zam right... Hahaha... He say no need to cover... He wanna see me eating... LOL!!! He even took the plate and smell it... :P

Ok then... Gonna sleep soon... Later...
The day went well... Fixed the car's battery problem for now... Let's hope that this will ultimately solve the problem once and for all!!! Yesterday night was really damn heavy rain... The electric went off a lot of times... This made me to sit on the sofa just to on the damn circuit breaker back... I go back to sleep peacefully about 2.30am!!! Haha... But it was really fun... Enjoying the rain falling down heavily, the cold wind blowing, the darkness surrounding me... It's a perfect time for me to discuss some heavy issues... Ok la... Going to sleep... Bye...
Zam brought up this particular matter in yesterday's chat... I won't tell what it is... Wait till few days more... I'm still thinking about it... Let's see about it tomorrow... Nothing much happened today... My uncle kinda figure out what's the problem with my car... It seems the battery terminal has been oxidized for quite long time... That causes the battery not charging properly... I told my dad about this but he seems like don't care about it... If it's his car, he will go service on time... My car delay la... I hate this kind of people... Damn... So ok la... Logging off now... See ya tomorrow... And yeah... Today starts the puasa (fasting) month for muslim people so Zam, don't do the same mistake like on sem 1... Lol...
I got medium sore throat since wednesday... It's all caused by the Cultural club members! Well, I was sitting in the cafeteria during the induction day... Then these people came to me and they "forcefully" sell me the fried fish balls to me... I was hungry too so I bought it... Then they put some cream on top... I think it's mustard something la... Then when I ate it, I feel it like something buring inside... Not the food hot, but maybe the cream... Within minutes, I got sore throat... Damn right? So right now, I'm feeling better after taking lots of Hacks sweet... Trust me... It's lots more better than Strepsils! Try it if you got sore throat...

At the back of Public Bank...
More Air-Con than Sunway College? :P

The day went well... Went to Public Bank with mom and dad... It was pretty crowded as always... Lunch and dinner are outside today... And the puasa starts tomorrow so Zam, better start to eat something nice now... Lol... Later...
The day went pretty bad... All because of the third floor classes... As you all know, only few classes on third floor are cold but most of the classes are freaking hot! You can't even concentrate the lectures with the hot environment... I hope that this week will be our last trip to third floor... Let the new intake students suffer and let us get the comfort first coz we're seniors! LOL!!! During the lunch break, all other guys went to take lunch outside except me and Zam... Haha... I knew by the time they come back, sure don't have parking... See the video below... :P

Walking long way home... Hahha...

And before Joyce and the guys come to class, me and Zam planned to give a shock to them... So we were waiting for them to come... And Elvina and her gangz come and saw us... Then they also join Zam... I stand in the corner just to distract them... I also took video too... :P It's sad that not the whole group come during that time... Haha...

Shocking Indeed... Hahaha...
Well, 19th august is very special day... Because of three main reasons... The first one would be, it's been a year since me and Zam talk... I still remember the events all, the IT lab, I ask him to tumpang his motor to go back, the library membership submission, the lunch break all... Too bad he forgot all... Hahahaha... Well, the second one is that today we get our semester 3 results and finally Zam's darling birthday is today... Haha... It's Jaya of course...

Well, let me explain one by one... So, on this day, last year, 19th August 2008, was our second day class... Still we all don't know each other well... So that day's first class was CA... So when I walking to the IT lab... These chinese guys all standing and talking there... We all waiting for the teacher... Then suddenly this big guy standing there and talking chinese too... I was curious... Then I ask him, do you speak chinese ah? Then he said a bit la... Then begins our friendship... After the CA class, I also followed him for lunch break... That time Firdaus and Sharir was there too.. After the lunch and finishing all the classes, we both walk out to the entrance of the college... Then that time, I didn't have any transport so I had to find someone with car to drop me... So I ask Zam where he stay all... He say get got motorcycle and only got one helmet... And also he got special class at 4pm... So I said it's ok and just sat in a bench outside the Admin office thinking what to do next... And at 3.30pm, Zam came back and ask what I'm still doing here... :P Then we both go submit our library membership form and had tea together... And that's how we became close friends until now... 1 year and still counting... :)

The second one, the results... I was pretty afraid to get it but I inhale and give my fee receipt and take the result paper... Oh well... First time, my record has been broken... I got 3A and 2B... I usually get straight A's but for now, I couldn't maintain it... So there goes my record for straight A! It's ok... After the micro exam, I was thinking something very hard... And I wanna share it here... No matter how long you get straight A but at some point of time, one semester which is very hard can ruin the results... Just like semester 3... It's the hardest semester for me... So after the micro exam, I knew it that I couldn't hold straight A's anymore... And there's when I realised, getting A is not important but it's the all the hardwork and dedication you put into the exam on which you get a simple pass also... A simple pass grade shows you that you've tried your best... And I'm saying this to every student and especially to Zam and Tey C... These two guys were disappointed on their results... Don't worry guys... You both did the best and I was there too... :)

And finally, Jaya's 19th birthday... Today is Jaya's 19th birthday... When she walked into the class, the started to hand out sweets to all the classmates... Very nice of her... No wonder the big boss fallen for her... Hahaha... And guess what... She also got straight A's for the exam too... And it's the big birthday gift for her... And during the break time also, our class girls go buy a cake and celebrate in the cafeteria... Tey C called Zam and he also took a piece of the cake... :D

Coincidentally, all these three occasions are happening in one day... That's very good and exciting too... A very special day indeed...
Today is very perfect day for me... I'm very happy now... :D Let me to talk about the morning stuff first...

Well, I had to wake up early just because to get a perfect parking spot... Lol... I saw some jokers park their cars in the grass around TNB substation and also made other people cannot go in or out... And some also park their cars outside... It's like a whole stretch of both the roads are fully parked... Imagine the student capacity now... Sunway, you've gotta do something or else, your future might be shaky...

The Sunway College Car Park... How far can you spot a free lot... Anyone? :P

Well, I'm lucky to get a spot in the parking lot... Saw Zam coming to the college... And that guy almost wanna ram his machine to me... Haha... So went inside and wait for my friends to come... Then Ms. Sheela and Ms. Mangai came and sat down on our table... Then we talk about Law exam and why so many people get failed for that... It's pretty disturbing to see the facts that 50% of the DBA August 08 students failed ITL... I'm not sure about me... Hopefully no... :(

And Ms. Sheela also mentioned that Jaya got almost perfect score for law... Almost 90% marks she got... Nice right? We didn't tell her she got that but kinda teased her a bit... Hehe... And yeah... All of us are getting our results tomorrow... Yeah all of us are excited but at the same time also afraid too... Last sem was super hard semester ever as of now... So the results aren't gonna be that good... Let's see what we all got... And it's tomorrow... :D

The classes today, well, kinda boring though... FA2 was nice... But the moral class where all the headache started... Well, the class started by few people... Then comes the whole group from group A, ACCA students and of course, our group... Then came this malay lecturer... I never saw her so maybe new... Then she starts to intro about her, her profession and her degree and stuffs... OMG... Then she starts to explain all the topic and hand out some papers... Immediately she gave all the assignment topics and ask us to form a group and select the assignment question... First, Jaya, Neevya and Elvina ask me, Chee Poh and Tey C to join... Then Tey C as usual, say that why always he have to join with me... Haha... Then Wilson was sitting next to him... So everyone was selecting their members and Wilson became angry... So suddenly Mr. Tey C here saw a chance to join the girls... Then he go to the girls group and we have 1 more member in our group... Then we ask Wilson to join and he became happy after that...

Then the whole class after that was crappy... Seriously... It's the worst 3 hours in my college life so far... Don't understand any single thing and she was like non-stop talking and talking... OMG!!! It was such a relieve that there was 30 minute break time in between there... Then the big boss sms me... Haha... That guy escape the class because he gonna take the islamic studies... On saturday... And in morning... Haha... I'll sure sms you on that day man... Just wait... Lol...

After that freaking class, we all went back... Then at night, me and Zam was talking and suddenly I said that wanna go out at city... Coz my parents are out so wanna enjoy some time out... Then he thinks hardly and accepts... Haha... Then I get ready and of course, the boss comes lately... Haha... So before I hop on the seat, he show me this cool lights... Check out the pics and vids below...

The cool blue lights from Zam's machine...

The Lights...

We went rounding all over JB and searching for perfect bapoks and girls location... Hahaha... As usual, where else we can start without going to our usual place, The Bapok Alley... Lol... Well, Zam's car was the perfect car of all... He first turn off the lights and go in slowy... Then we see some bapoks standing there and walking slowly inside the shop... Then Zam open up the light and fire up the machine... This caused the bapoks all running for their life... Haha... Then we saw this bapok going slowly also... Then he speed up the car causing this bapok to run like hell... Even the selipar came out of the foot... Haha... Then we go another round around there with my phone's strobe light... It's almost like police strobe light... Haha... This time did scare the bapoks... Then we take our dinner at the shop near there... Zam said the burger there was awesome... So me also wanna try it one... After the girl put the burger infront the desk, damn... It's super thick and super stuffy... Got cheese and eggs + chicken and the sos... Had the first bite and I was lost in the taste of it... It's super tasty... Will go there if I got another chance... :D

Going out to city...

The Big Boss While Driving... Look at his style wey... Haha...

After finishing the burger, we off to another spot of bapoks and girls... And we search this for quite long time... :P Then we off to Pandan market because Zam's friend said there's a place in there... So we search it all the way and couldn't find any... So we off from there... Finally Zam drop me to my house... And suddenly I noticed my house keys are lost... Then we both search and thank goodness it stucked in the seat below it...

The super nice and tasty burger...

Well, had a nice day in college and my best night with my close buddy, Zam... Sitting in the chair, eating the burger, drinking the milo, looking at people driving by, the lights, noises, smoke and all, makes me so happy... All this because of Zam... :) Thank you for that...

It's back to college people... Second year, semester 4, 5 subjects, all new lessons begins today... I so badly want to go back college!!! So boring staying at home without doing anything nice... Well, the start of the day wasn't so good for me... :(

Me and Zam planned to meet at the McD on morning before going to college... So as usual, I went to start my car up... And again, it didn't even start! Just like yesterday, the battery totally died! Just for few hours, the whole battery totaled up! I also what things consume so much power while the car isn't running at all!

So I woke up my brother, and told him to look what's wrong... He also couldn't do anything... So at that time, Zam sms me... I called him and tell the bad news... At first, he didn't believe me... Because usually I make some lie before telling the truth... But sometimes, it's true also... So he don't always take my words... Haha... I convince him that I really can't drive... So basically, the conversation goes like this in the morning...

Me: Dei, my car can't start la...
Zam: Wtf? Don't talk c**k la dei...
Me: No seriously la... Cannot start at all...
Zam: Hmm... Ok la... I go to college first la...
Me: No hey, can you pick me up here?
Zam: Ok la... I'll call you back...

See the part where I said cannot start at all then he say wanna ciao to college first? Seriously guys... If one of your friends, have some trouble to go out, and you're living near to their house, wouldn't you mind asking them back, can I fetch or pick you up something, right? See his answer... Haha... After he said like that, I was like HUH?!?!... Thank goodness before he hung up, I told him to pick me up... Haha... He thought I was playing with him... :P

So I told him the way and came to my house right on target... I hop on quickly and off to the highway... Before reaching the Jusco intersection, we thought having breakfast at McD Carrefour so we went there straight away... It was first time for me to go Carrefour McD... Before going to inside, Zam wanted to show me on his brand-new GPS... Haha... He tried to enter the Sunway College as input destination, but it took so long to load and route the mappings... My Garmin would worked better that Papago... Garmin rockzzz... Hahahaha...

So after that GPS thing, we went to take breakfast... The sausage chicken was damn tasty... :D After cleaning up, we off to college... Well, literally... Haha... What happened was, Zam cannot find a way out from there because we wanted to go straight the bridge which leads to college... But there's no other way without making a illegal turn around there... So, he uses his GPS so get a way out... That's where all the problems starts... Haha...

He followed where the GPS shows him so without going to the bridge, we both went to the another small road which leads to Perling highway... I was in this situation long way back and I knew there was a bridge somewhere there to make a U-Turn... So I wasn't carefully looking at the road since the GPS "horny" female voice continuously saying "Please observe your speed... Drive carefully" Hahaha... So we miss out that U-Turn and we now focus on the GPS...

Then it lead us to a small road... I don't know what's or where's that road is but we go ahead with the GPS... Then after some turning, we follow behind a big lorry carrying sand... The roads were bumpy and dirty... We were little worried where's this road gonna lead us... Our life depends on the GPS right now... Then I saw a road beside the drain... The road looks pretty familiar to me... Then after the lorry passed, we both saw the road... It's the road which just before entering the PLUS highway... Thank god we reach the right way... Haha... Now I say, Papago rockzzz... Lol...

So we speed our way to college... Our way is highway man... :P We reach the college in no time using Zam's foot power + Toyota's horsepower... Haha... The minute we enter the college, we saw this, massive, over crowded, big gush of multi-coloured cars!!! It was like a Sunway disaster made to happen! So somehow, we managed to find to park Zam's machine to rest... Then hop off to college...

He's looking at far distance of the Sunway field...
What's his result gonna be...

Going to second floor and slamming Ms. Rebecca's office is our first priority! Hahaha... But then before we could ram the window, we got a big letdown by the sticker pasted outside the window... It says we only can get the results on 19th August... :( But still it's only 2 days away... Will fly fast... :)

The MPH which commonly used for exam hall!!!

After that, Zam wanted to pay his fees, and saw our friend and our small boss sitting there... Haha... Talked to them before going down to cafeteria... Soon, all our old folks arrived... Don't know how and where they park thier machines... :P So after some nice chit-chat, we all go to our first ever class... And it's QM2!!!

Estacy pills??? Lol...

Well, below are short summary of how the classes were today...

QM2 - New lecturer but got good teaching experience... Still a bit down on the enthusiasm of learning the subject but can recover that soon... First day what... Hehe...

IT2 - Who ever thought our old lecturer, Ms. Rebecca come back to teach us second time and it's IT again... Hahaha... Gonna be awesome...

FOM - Even this lecturer already teached us on management, but we all might be welcoming her back... :) Welcome back Ms. Cecila... And FOM kinda looks simple... For now of course...

FA2 - Another new lecturer coming with us again... He said our class is the first class he teaches... And how lucky is that? Everyone especially the girls, were craving for him and his sweet voice... Because he's handsome or just because he's looking almost like Tey C??? Haha... But for first day, he didn't quite teach us... Maybe on rate of 10, maybe 3 or 4... Not bad also but he needs some polishing... Haha... My experience as a Sunway student for 1 year... Haha...

* The opinions above are my personal views only... So before you hit me anything, read this again... MY PERSONAL VIEWS ONLY!!! Cool? :)

Just before going to FA2 Class... Enjoy the weather report...

Well, since my car is under ICU, so my brother pick me up... And just now my mom called, she told me the water supply was out... I took a vids for yall... Enjoy the clippings... Nights people... And it's a long post for first day right? Hahaha...

The water pipe I was talking about just now... Haha...

It's all about college tomorrow... Haha... Since the holidays for diploma students gonna finish today, tomorrow begins our new semester! Got the title? :P

Well, I really enjoyed the day today... To the MAX!!! Got many happiness and also sad part too... Let's talk about happy part first as always... Hehe...

Today, me and my two uncles went to Persada convention center for PC Fair... Damn... Never saw those many people in my life... Seriously... Waking there was not a easy job... You must have a strong hands and legs to move around... Once you stuck there, it's gonna be forever to get out... Haha... And another thing I notice... When I go around the Persada roads, I always thought that it's the biggest convention center in Johor maybe in Malaysia... But once I went inside it, it looks like relatively smaller than I thought... Engineering disaster??? :P

After making through the crowds of IT freaks (including ME!!! :D ), we all went to Vanavil restaurant and had lunch... Then we continue our journey to Pelangi Leisure Mall... In there also some roadshow going on... It's not about IT stuff, but it's homely stuff... Haha... It's about a developer selling some nice array of houses... So my uncle and his wife went there to check out some houses... After that, we went to the location of the houses...

My first impression on the houses, is... AWFUL!!! Seriously... They (the developer) built the house on 2002 and till now, they can't sell it... Because
1) the houses are located far deep inside...
2) the Petronas gas pipes running directly underneath the houses...
3) and the houses are located on a possible landslide location...

So they made this huge promotion like 28% discount la, all the lawyer fees and etc free la, this la that la all!!! This made us like WOW... But when you see the houses, you'll know why the promotion is like that... Even the roads name leading to the houses are named as Jalan Lawa (beautiful)... Haha... They should rename it to Jalan Hodoh (freaking bad)... Lol...

After some hard times looking at the "perfect" houses, we went to Giant to buy some stuffs... The situation in Giant is pretty calm... It's not normal especially on Sundays... Rivalry building up??? Hmm... After that, we went to Kassim restaurant and all had a tea break...

Finally my uncle drop me at my house... I go out from my house at 11.30am and came back like 8.45pm... Nice right? :D :D :D Now wanna know the sad part? Haha... Here we go...

So I thought wanna pump some air into my car tyre so called my brother and went to my car... As I want to start it up, it wouldn't start... Then I saw that my battery gonna completely die out soon... Damn right? Then called my uncle again and he came with his MyVi and jump start my car... Thank god it works...

Then he checks the engine oil gauge and it shows that there's no oil in there... WTF??? Are you serious?? Then he top up the oil using my brother's car oil... He's been saving that for 3 months... :P Finally it's up to normal... I don't know why the hell the car don't want start up and the oil finished quickly... Especially the day before I go to college... Imagine if I start the car up tomorrow... Haha... Too bad then...

So now, after having a nice shower and quick shave, updating this blog on the last day of my holiday... So tomorrow, begins a new chapter... Whether it's happy ending or sad ending, let's find it out... Bye guys...
No... Not the movie title... The semester gonna start very soon... Excited and also bit afraid... :P Had some seafood just now... After so long, I ate nice food! Damn... Haha... Took my new specs also... My power also increased by 100% from my previous one... Haha... Wonder how it happened... :P Well, tomorrow got something to do so bye for now...
Today, I've cleaned up basically all my stuff as the 4th semester is gonna start soon... Had a clean sweep on the things I have... And it's really messy... :P It's was fun though... And I've listening to this song for quite number to times... It's simply awesome!!! Here's the lyrics... Enjoy...

Takin' Back My Love- - Enrique Iglesias feat. Ciara

Go ahead just leave, can't hold you, you're free
You take all these things, if they mean so much to you
I gave you your dreams, 'cause you meant the world
So did I deserve to be left here hurt
You think I don't know you're out of control
I ended up finding all of this from my boys
Girl, you're stone cold, you say it ain't so,
You already know I'm not attached to material

I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love
My love..

What did I do, to give us the cue
I'm just confused as I stand here and look at you
You promised to be,honest with me***
Go 'head, keep the keys, that's not what I need from you
You think that you know (I do), you've made yourself cold (Oh yeah)
How could you believe them over me, I'm your girl
You're out of control (So what?), how could you let go (Oh yeah)
Don't you know I'm not attached to material

I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love

I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love

So all this love I give you, take it away, (Unh, uh huh)
You think material's the reason I came, (Unh, uh huh)
If I had nothing would you want me to stay (Unh, uh huh)
You keep your money, take it all away

I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love

I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love

I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love

Ooh, my love
Ooh, my love

Today is really hot!!! First I thought going to gym today but it was so hot, I couldn't take it anymore... So stayed in the house... 3 days to go and it's getting excited... Not about the results but the fact that I'm going to college back... Hehe... Ok then... Wanna sleep... Later...
Yes it is... The countdown of the 4th semester is coming pretty fast... It's just 4 days away... Can't wait to go to college... Pretty boring here... :P

Today, me and dad went to the college to pay the semester fee... Not that much people I recognize but I did see one major problem building up... It's the car park... I went there at 4pm and I thought there won't be much people in the college...

But there was lots of cars in there... And all the diploma students are in holiday too... Imagine that... I think it's only like 10 car park space left... And the next intake, August, is gonna bring more and more students because it's the last intake... This gonna make the matter even worse... I don't know how we gonna park the cars in there... Let's see about that on the first day...
The net is abit faster now... I think... But anything can change in TM's policy... Haha... Well, washed my car after so long today... Now it's looks pretty clean... :D Plus my roadtax is renewed so tomorrow I'll be going to gym... Gonna hit some nice exercise tomorrow... Today is a bit hot too... And the semester starts next week... Had some hard discussion in the midnight... :D Later...
Zam told me to get this IM... Was searching how to use it but it's crapy... Sorry dude... Haha... Well, the day went well... Had some back pain... Hopefully it will go away soon... It's officially 1 week more till the break ends... :P Enjoy your holidays...
Well, today so many things happened... And a dramatic change has occurred on me... Haha... Wanna know what is it? Wait till the semester begins... :P

My car roadtax just finished so me and my parents went to the insurance shope near here to renew it... It cost about RM700+ I think... Damn... So on the way there, we went to Avon shop and saw my relatives coming out from the restaurant there... Talked to them few minutes and we off to home...

After some nap time, mom want to go to saloon so dad sent her there... Took like 4 hours??? :P Had nasi lemak just now... Very nice and tasty... :D And yeah, today is the masquerade ball function held at Danga Bay in JB!!! Zam and his friends are going there... Too bad I didn't go... Haha... Hope you guys have lots of fun... Enjoy it...
Today's post is about the police force here... Well, sort of... :P Today, me and dad went to Sri Sutera Auto (Honda) in JB to service his car... So as we were taking some break on a stall below the showroom, suddenly there was loud sound coming from the super-heavy road near there...

It's none other than the police guys themselves... I just stood there because my dad told me that sultan might be coming... So as I was watching the road, there's a police guy stops in the junction and another one on the far end of the junction...

They totally block the whole left side of the road until about 500 meters of clear road is achieved... This is because they want to make way for the VIP using that very road... Then I saw this super heavily guarded car with the police cars surrounding it... It doesn't look like sultan's car so it might the head of Johor police guy or some special VIP...

After they went off the clear road, those two police guys took off and go to the another junction after few meters more... The traffic resumes normally... Imagine that... They just clear the road just to escort the people in that "car"... ??? Security reasons or just want to go fast??? :P

The video below will give you some ideas on what I saw so enjoy it... :P Plus I checked my MSN inbox and got a mail from my friend... The mail is also relating to police... :P I wonder why today is about police... Hmmm...

Explains all???
Seriously nothing to write about anymore... This holiday is going from good to bad in terms of boring!!! I've got nothing to do other than surfing the net, listening to songs, watching tv and err that's it... :P
Well, went to gym after so long... Didn't work out well... Damn... Will continue on saturday... Had a blazt chatting in MSN with some known and unknown people... Haha... Got a letter from Sunway today... Asking to pay the fees of course... Haha... What else they sent it for? Ok then... Ciao...
After so long, rains comes and takes away the heat... Thankfully it came because the heat is really high!!! Wanted to go gym but something hold me back... Haha... See ya..
Now the holiday is getting boring day by day... Damn... Plus my dad is going to melaka and mom and my bro is working too... Now I'm in the house, alone!!! Home alone maybe? :P This adds up more boring times!!! Well, gonna watch movie now... See ya...
Today is really tiring day... Went to gym after 3 days and I think I had some extra workout something... :P That's why tired now... Mom and dad just came back from Giant now so gotta check what they bought... Didn't took my lunch today... :P
The hot days are back again... And it's really getting hotter day by day... Started to reach 34.5C in evening... Wonder how hot it's gonna get tomorrow... And the internet is getting slower day by day too... I heard that there's a cable fault around singapore so it will take time to fix those...

Yesterday night, had some mind-blowing conversation with Vino a.k.a. Mr. Zam and Sanjay as his counterpart... Haha... They thought can fool me but I knew it right from the beginning when Zam changed his name to Vino... Haha... Gotcha at the first place guys... :P
Got a shock when I woke up today... It was my mom... She just simply shout at me because I didn't attend her calls in the morning... Her autogate remote didn't work properly so she call my phone... No answer then she proceed to house phone... Nothing too then press the calling bell... Still no answer...

Then she somehow got managed to open the gate and came in the room and start to yell at me... I was like wtf??? Imagine you're sleeping peacefully and all of sudden you get a hard shock to wake you up! That's how I felt...

I left my phone on the study room and I really won't wake up when I'm in a very tight sleeping period... No matter how small or loud the sound is, I will be in sleeping mode... Unless it's very big shock though...

Other that the shocking thingy, the day went well... Actually pretty boring than ever!!! Watched Vaanavil Super Star program... :D One month holiday is great*

*Terms & Conditions apply... :P