I'll explain about the title later on... Today's class is pretty nice... Especially the IT2 class... Because today's class is not a class actually... :P We explored almost all of the classes in the college except for the science lab and the lecture theater...

The lecture theater... Woohoo...

The lecture hall again...

Finally my dream come true... Today, for the first time, we went to the lecture theater for IT2 class... It's quite big actually... According to Zam's calculations, the hall can occupy more than 800 students... WHAT??? Haha... After rechecking his calculations, he said more than 80 students... Hehe... It's quite comfortable plus very chilling... :D Can't wait to go there again... Let's hope we go there next week...

Prof. Zam writing his HUGE answer writing on the BIG board...

The two pretty girls in class... Ceehhh... :P

So about the title... During lunch break, Zam was explaining about his "laughing gas" a.k.a. muscle puller gas... This used in football games whenever the players had some sprain... This acts like temporary relieve to the sprain...

*** Warning. Do not try this at home!!! Seriously!!!***

So his buddies at Taylor's taught him that if you inhale the gas, you'll feel like someone is pounding on your head... This will immediately bring a burst of laughter from you... So everyone was trying it including me in Zam's car... The gas was finished ready so the concentration isn't much heavy... I didn't get any feeling... Zam say wanna buy it today... Haha... Ok then... See ya...
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