Today is the a once-in-a-lifetime day... Because, have you ever noticed the date today??? 09-09-09... Haha... Nice right... Last year, 08-08-08 was the Beijing Olympics and this year, err, well basically nothing... Lol...

The classes today are nice especially QM2 class!!! Today's QM class is the most hilarious class ever... As usual, she comes and gives us the explanation and answers... But during explanation time, she was explaining about some maths symbol... Then Zam asked her, "Who invented the symbol???"... Then she couldn't answer so she said later she go find out... :P

Our QM2 lecturer...

Then the whole class joins in the commotion... Haha... Later, some more weird questions came in... As she was explaining, Zam ask again who invented the paper and who built the great china wall... The whole class fell into laughing very hard... The thing I cannot keep myself without laughing is when Zam ask what is the town, of which invented the paper... Hahahaha... Even thinking now also I can't control to laugh... LOL!!!

From left, myself, Zam, Jansen and Tey C.
Chee Poh took the picture...

During lunch time, we all went to eat Pizza Hut... Had two large pizzas and two jar of Pepsi... Haha... Was totally full after eating it... I'm pretty much satisfied because I always ask them to go to Pizza Hut... :P Somehow, KFC was closed down for unknown reason... Bankrupt or renovating??? Hmmm...

After Lunch...
Zam couldn't get into the frame... Sorry about that macha... :P

The DiGi mascot... Err... I mean the yellow colour thing at the back...
The black one... Hmm... Does anyone don't recognize about HIM??? Seriously??? :P

We had a little bit of struggle to find a perfect parking spot too... See the video below for more clearer view... After parking, Zam and Jansen had a little puff... Which cost them losing attendance for FA2 class... Somehow, Zam manage to tell the lecturer to give some sympathy by his famous "sad" face look... :P

Finding a parking spot...
Pay special attention to the uncle later in video... :P

Ok then... Gotta go now... See ya tomorrow... Christine, I hope you happy now... Got many pictures and videos just for ya... :P
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