Today is the last day to pass up the IT assignment... We have to pass up in an envelope... It's also stated in the question paper too... But some students didn't notice it so they didn't buy the envelope... One of them is Zam... :P I thought he knew about this... But eventually he bought it... Haha...
The day went well... A bit hot though... Just finished digging up my old files from my diskette... Been a long time (I think it's 2004) since I ever open the files... Some are personal files too... Really interesting to read those after so long... :D
Today's fun fact is > Tablecloths were originally meant to be served as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating.
I just finished printing out the IT assignment... Hopefully the lecturer likes it... Coz my page is like 3 pages... She already wrote reduce to 2 pages... But I really can't make it 2 pages... Maybe tomorrow I'll have to explain... Damn...
All busy finishing up the assignment...The day, also like assignment, busy and tired... In morning, Asttha said her car tyre pancit ready... So during lunch time, me and Zam when to help her... But we couldn't... Then my class also gonna start ready... We had no choice but fix it later...
So Zam took my car and went to college... Me and Asttha, went to college by her car... It was slow ride... Lots of drivers honk at us... What the hell?? Can't you see we put double signal and the tyre pancit ready??? Damn...
Got shocked when I looked at this picture in the paper today...
Open it on another tab to see clearly...So gonna sleep soon... Pretty sleepy also... And yeah... Today is Vino's birthday... So happy birthday girl... Too bad I wasn't there to celebrate it... Busy with pancitzzz... :P
Before I forgot, here's today's fun fact >
The most popular first name in the world is Muhammad.
Seriously... Super tired today... Early in the morning, me and mom cleaned the whole house... Start at 10am finish at 3pm... Lol... And the weather isn't cool either... Damn hot also...
After finishing all those chores, I went to relaxation mode... At night, me and my parents went out to buy new clothes for Deepavali... But since The Store haven't put any offer yet, we canceled it... :P
We collected the Pepsi stickers which gives us RM1 for each sticker in KFC... So we bought spicy chicken and for me, Zinger... Just ate it... OMG... Super full now... Because I already took dinner... Ikan bakar... Very nice... Now super full!!! Damn
My Zinger Set... It's in my tummy now... :POk then... Gotta wake up late tomorrow... Haha... So here's today fun fact >
The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. It was the fashion in Renaissance Florence to shave them off.
Been a freaking long time since we all go eat at our "family" restaurant... Had a nice dinner in there... Just only came... Had nasi goreng kampung after so long... Not tasty as Neighbour's cafe though... :P
Ok then... Since me pretty sleepy, I'll give ya a quick fun fact > There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos!
These guys wouldn't stop trying those stuff... Got stoned again and I saw it live!!! :P Zam also included... And somehow, they all can walk, drive and eat... Lol...
Went to college today... Returned some books... Thankfully I didn't owe anything... The construction going on smoothly... They still trying to clear the cement on the basketball court... I think on monday, we should see some new platforms created...
Gonna have a personal-alone time this night... Need to think about something... :D
And today's fun fact is > The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache on a standard playing card!
The morning environment looked like some super heavy rain gonna pour but it didn't... And at the evening, it's totally changed... The hot sun came back... Not so hot but kinda hot... Confused?? :P
Zam's stoned look...The classes are nice... Today, we saw some developments in the college... They tear down the basketball and tennis court... It's hard to see but who cares??? I think I only saw 1 person playing in there, once a month... Lol...
Big lorries move in...
They tearing down the basketball court... Blocked by the trees...Today's fun fact is >
Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second!
From now on, at the end of the post, I'll include a fun facts for ya... This will be interesting and it will continue... Err, till I ran out of ideas... :P
So the first fun fact is this > In Tokyo, a bicycle is faster than a car for most trips of less than 50 minutes!
Well, the day isn't went well... Me really boring staying here... Gonna be super duper happy tomorrow coz the class starts again... :D And I was reading the newspaper at evening and came across this picture... Check it out...
Click it to enlarge...Seriously, Gay power??? Haha... I ever wonder if the guy in that picture come across the article here, sure he'll be pissed off!!! NST NST... ;-)
Sure the holidays are great for you guys... But me kinda suffering here... Alone... Can I go to college tomorrow??? And stay at the cafe, alone??? At least I'm happy sitting there than sitting here... :(
Well, the rain pouring down from time to time... Which is very great... :D Took some pics and a short video... ;-)
Should take a bit longer but it's raining so had to stop... :P
Haha... Watched the Man-U game with my relatives just now... My relatives kinda hoping Man-C to win but in the end, it's the most incredible goal changes all!!! I was totally tuned to the match... I know Zam also did the same too... :P
The goal at the end, was kinda weird coz the extra time was finished and the referee didn't blow the whistle... (Working under Old Trafford banner???) But it was nice game... Surprised to see Man-U wins... Haha...
And after the match, went to take seafood and just arrived home... The folks took 3 bottles of beer... Too little??? Haha... Mom was shouting to them so they stopped at 3... Ok then... Gotta go to sleep...
And yeah... Happy Hari Raya people... Enjoy the holiday before the class starts again... Have a good night sleep... :)
The title sums up the day, today... Rain pour down again today but not so heavy... We still feel the coldness surrounding us... Saw the temperature went down like 29C... :)
When I was sleeping last time, my dad as usual, turn on the air-con... Since yesterday was super cold, I wake up in middle of the morning like 4am to realize that I'm shivering!!! Haha... I normally won't shiver because most of the time, the air around the house is hot... Since yesterday was exception, so yeah... :P
Plus I updated my music database on my phone... It's full of superb songs which last 21 hours!!! I'm sure my battery not gonna last till that long though... :P
Ok then... See ya'll tomorrow... Ciaozzz people...
Today, after so long, we had a good heavy rain... This clears off any extra heat hiding out there... :P The temperature also dropped to 30.5C indoors... Been ages since the temperature read like that... Gonna sleep peacefully tonight...
Droplets 1...
Droplets 2... I like this pic... :)
After so long, today is much cooler than previous days... Because of the little rain in evening... Hopefully it continues till next week...
Had a good class session today... Kinda tired after lunch... Went to neighbour's cafe and took my favourite dish... Hehe...
During FOM class, the lecturer ask us to do some presentation tomorrow... We spent some time in the class to discuss this...
And yeah... Zam bought a new can of laughing gas today which finished by 1pm... Haha... I didn't join them coz I went for lunch... Too bad... :P
Ok then... Later...
Here are some videos taken using Zam's camera... Enjoy laughing all the way... LOL...
Enjoy the sleep with these fellows... Nightzzz people... Laughing Gas Rockzzz!!! :P
Today is the Sunway College Fun Fair... I think it's the first time Sunway planning it??? :P I heard it's kinda ok but the heat is unbearable... Even sitting inside the house, I wish I could go to Jusco to enjoy the cooling air-con... Damn hot today... I wonder how the guys at the courtyard takes the heat... Lol...
I was searching for some assignment info just now... Since IT2 assignment have to pass up end of this month, me kinda scared... So yeah... Scaring the students with the due date... It works... :P
Ok then... Dinner time... See ya peepz...
I'll explain about the title later on... Today's class is pretty nice... Especially the IT2 class... Because today's class is not a class actually... :P We explored almost all of the classes in the college except for the science lab and the lecture theater...
The lecture theater... Woohoo...
The lecture hall again... Finally my dream come true... Today, for the first time, we went to the lecture theater for IT2 class... It's quite big actually... According to Zam's calculations, the hall can occupy more than 800 students... WHAT??? Haha... After rechecking his calculations, he said more than 80 students... Hehe... It's quite comfortable plus very chilling... :D Can't wait to go there again... Let's hope we go there next week...
Prof. Zam writing his HUGE answer writing on the BIG board...
The two pretty girls in class... Ceehhh... :P So about the title... During lunch break, Zam was explaining about his "laughing gas" a.k.a. muscle puller gas... This used in football games whenever the players had some sprain... This acts like temporary relieve to the sprain...
*** Warning. Do not try this at home!!! Seriously!!!***
So his buddies at Taylor's taught him that if you inhale the gas, you'll feel like someone is pounding on your head... This will immediately bring a burst of laughter from you... So everyone was trying it including me in Zam's car... The gas was finished ready so the concentration isn't much heavy... I didn't get any feeling... Zam say wanna buy it today... Haha... Ok then... See ya...
Today, is the most earliest time we finish our class... Today after FA, we suppose to have moral class... So when Jaya came to first floor, she said that the class canceled!!! Haha... That's was the nicest news ever... So we only have two hours of FA class...
During the class, we had so much fun doing the questions... I tried it to do yesterday but I couldn't concentrate... But in the class, I understand how to do it... Damn right? :P
After the class, we had a small chill out session in the cafe... There was some "ghost" walking around cafeteria promoting for the Sunway College Fun Fair happening this sunday...
So after hanging out, me and Chee Poh went to Jusco to buy new prepaid plan... It's especially for students... Ok then... Gonna sleep soon... Kinda tired... See ya...
My baby a.k.a. my phone is back today!!! Hehe... After two weeks, I got a call from the shop... So after the class, I went to take my receipt and take my phone back... It works for now... Let's hope it stays like this forever... Now I can take my HQ pictures and videos again... :)
And today's class... The first half of the class session is nice... Mainly because of, we're still fresh, the class is in 1st floor and the class was pretty cold... But after the break, the whole class was totally disaster... Especially during FA2 time... We couldn't concentrate at all... I'm talking about the whole class...
FOM class was blazt... During the discussion time, we were giving very "super" examples... One of those examples were Zam's one... He said "the bread enter the plastic"... Haha... If you can't understand this, then don't bother asking me... Coz, it's kinda complicated... :P
Just cleaned up the fish tank... That's all... Hehe... The class starts again tomorrow and it's gonna be a month... Kinda boring actually... Let's wait and see...
I miss my baby so much... Don't get shocked... My baby is my phone... Haha... I sent it for repair so I had to wait for two weeks... Next week is the 2nd week so can't wait to get it... Damn... Miss it alot... :(
Tomorrow class start and ends late!!! Haha... But I'll be in the college as early as possible... Just for the perfect carpark spot... Errr...
That's the winning song sung by Michael Rao... He's the Vanavil Super Star 09 winner!!! His voice is really great with the romantic song!!! Hats off to him... And other contestants, you guys did the best too...
The show was great but I still prefer the last year's show... Because the lighting effects and picturization are really great... This year, the set was really great... That's the good part... The worst part would be the picturization... I think either the cameraman crew is new or the director really sucks on controlling them... Either way, the show went well...
That's the highlights for today... See ya tomorrow... Congrats again...
Me and my dad went to top up the car's air-con gas today... The air-con is really damn freaking hot!!! Can you imagine during sunny day, the air-con just blows, well, hot air??? Is that the function of it?? Lol...
Nothing much to talk about today... Tomorrow is the Vaanavil Super Star finals and it's in JB!!! Will be on TV from 7.30pm on so don't freak out in case you didn't see my online people... :P
Dinner time so bye bye...
Today, we got a surprise from the class listing... IT class is on 207, the biggest class in Sunway?? They should give that for Moral class... Then during FOM class got another surprise also... The class is hot (as usual) and not much tables (not usual??) So Ms. Cecila went to the admin office to ask other class... Then we get 206 which is 90% much more nicer than 311!!! Damn la...
And did I saw someone break fasting very early??? So I took a quick snapshot of the guy... Check it out below... LOL...
Anyone recognize this guy??? :P
No no... Me not going to Bali... Don't worry... :P Just had a bali water drink with mee soup just now... Haha... My uncle is kinda having bad sore throat so took mee soup as a medicine?!?! :P
Today is not that much cooling like yesterday but still nice... The classes today is kinda nice... The thing we hate is that we always go to third floor... Damn... Not only it's hot, but it's very far plus it's very not attractive... Hopefully Ms Rebecca do something...
I talked to Zam and Tey C that I wanna update my blog once a week... Coz, whenever I see other people's blog (for example, Zam's one... Hehe...), they all didn't update very frequently... So this makes me discouraging to update mine... But they say that don't do like that... They say I already making a trend to update blog EVERYDAY!!! Then I think, who else in this world update their blog everyday??? Hehe...
Today, during moral class, we had a small quiz... It contributed 5% to the coursework markings... So me and the rest of the class thought we're gonna face some tough question so we studied the moral values and god knows what the hell rest of them are... When we got paper, it was super EASY!!! One of the most easiest questions I've ever done in my whole life... Hahahhaa...
The day was really really super cooling and super coldness! Till now, I still feel the coldness surrounding me... Just had a nice dinner... Dad bought my favorite dish kuih lobak putih... :D
Ok then... Ciaoz for now... Wanna sleep in the cooling night...
Happy 52nd Independence Day to Malaysia... Hopefully this 1Malaysia concept by Mr. Najib works... Err, Soon... :P
The day went like a breeze... Nowadays it's not so hot because rain keep pouring down from time to time... Hopefully the climate would continue to stay for a long time... Been so hot this days...
So the holiday ends today and tomorrow begins our class normally... It's gonna be third floor because there's no IT subject... Damn...
Ok then... Gotta go to sleep... ZzZzZ