As I said before on most of my posts, I said that everytime I get into my car, it's suuupperr hot, right? Well, since I've put the thermometer on my car, this is the reading I get around 2.30pm when I was going back home... Get ready??? :P

70 Degrees!!! Are you serious??? Lol!

I was totally surprised on the reading... At first I thought it's malfunctioning so I just ignore it... But after I turned on my air-con, the reading started to decrease... So it's actually working... BTW, 70 degrees??? Haha... It's like a mini microwave... :P

And around 5pm, it was raining cats and dogs after a long time... Seriously... It's was DAMN HEAVY!!! I was literally gonna fall down because of the wind... Thank god I was holding the grill that time... Some of the clothes were wet... :( It was nice actually but at the same time, it's scary too... There were some weird noises coming from the light pole nearby my house... Some sparking sound... We called TNB 3 times and they YET to come and check... Our national electricity broad response team... Nice right? Lol...

Ok then... See ya on next update...
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