*** Warning! Will be long post & pics + vids ***

Today, I had one of the most finest experience in my life... Let me go through the things I did today so just bear with me... Gonna be long post... :D

Woke up at 5.15am... Yes... Damn early in the morning!!! Me and my bro get ready while waiting for my uncle to come and pick us up... He's talking Paal Kudam (it's something like a milk in a silver pan/jar)... So, he asked us to come with him and take care of his personal belongings... We had to go early there to get a better carpark + a good spot to do Paal Kudam processes... Let me tell you something... Today's morning water was quite warm... Hehehe...

So after we got ready, my uncle picks us up and we straight zoomed to Setia Alam temple... We parked our car there and went across the Pasir Gudang highway to reach another temple there... Crossing the road was a difficult task... Since it's morning, not much cars coming that time... After we crossed the road, we went to the temple and do the necessary things for taking Paal Kudam...

Since this is my first experience of going to temple and seeing this LIVE, I can't explain more... :P Really... This is my first experience so everything was really new to me... Even standing with the unknown people was totally new experience... So, we waited there for, 2 hours I think... We were waiting for the police guys to come over and control the traffic... So the road was quite busy by that time... Once the enforcement arrives, we waited for the priest to come over and bless us...

The devotees are carrying Paal Kudam...

After which we were able to take Paal Kudam and joined in with other people... Another new experience is, my first time ever to cross the busy highway, Barefooted!!! Yes... No shoes... And we had to walk for more than 3 kilometers to reach the other end of temple... The enforcement guys are very helpful in controlling the traffic... :)

Like this shot very much... :D

Taking Paal Kudam...

The thing is, we all were walking on the edge of the road... Have you guys wondered what's lying in there? Haha... Lots of things actually... The uneven asphalt, lots of small and big chunks of rocks, and the worse, broken chucks of bottles... And on top of it, we all were walking barefooted... Imagine that... But we didn't get hurt or whatsoever... Before walking on the road, I prayed to God that keep me safe while walking on this road... Thanks to God... :)

Kavadi are preparing


So after walking more than 3 kilometers with more than hundreds of people who taking Paal Kudam and Kavadi, we all reached the other end of temple located behind the post office in Masai... Even I don't know there was a temple located there... Hehe... Anyways, we all just follow the flow... Went with the people and reached the temple... We all had to wait for our turn to go inside the temple and pour the milk...

The long traffic jam on Skudai highway...

After that, we just went to take some refreshments and sit in there a while... This is my first time ever to see such a crowd in my life... I mean Indians... Actually, I'm the type of person who avoids this places... Because, err, well, I'm not that much comfortable with the situation... It's unexplainable... :P But today was different... I was enjoying each minute of being in there... Feels like a BIG family gathering actually... This made me to relieve to the max...

So after finishing all of our duties, we went back to Setia Alam temple by, you're right... Walking! And it's barefooted again... We leaved our shoes at the car so in order to get our shoes, we had to walk to the temple... The time was around 11.30am so the sun was quite hot... When we walk on the same road again, we do felt the heat... But after few minutes, it's none... Miracle??? It's all on His divine powers... :)

My foot... It was really hot!!!

My bro walking on the road marking... It was cold as the colour...

So we again, walked for 3 kilometers back to the temple where we parked our car... It was another new experience to me... One thing I noticed though... Walking on the silver lining/marking on the road, makes you lot more comfortable than walking on the asphalt itself... Wondering why? Well, count me in too... Coz even I don't know... Hehe... So after several minutes, we reached the temple and quickly get into the car...

Walking to Setia Alam temple...

So to sum up what new experience I got today;
1) First time crossed the Pasir Gudang highway (with Police security though :D)
2) First time walked to the temple, barefooted!!!
3) The huge crowd I've ever seen in my life!!!
4) First time eating Puttu Mayam (courtesy of the temple management)
5) First time drank moore (sour milk)
6) Walked back to the temple in barefoot again, in hot weather...
7) First time looked up close on the processes of Paal Kudam and Kavadi...
8) First time felt being on the crowd like a big family and friends...
9) First time see the Police people doing a great job
10) Saw someone special in those crowds... Hehe...

10 new experiences, 1 special day + seeing the particular person = PRICELESS!!!

There you go... My day for Thaipusam... Really enjoyed it to the max... I'm glad that I went to the temple... Will consider to go to Thaipusam next year... :)

==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====

Ok then... Back to college... Nothing much happened this week... There was lots of secondary students came over to listen to some talk... Was really crowded too... There was a huge wave of white and blue colours... :P

Fully covered the whole courtyard after this pic...

Fully jam packed on SSD...

Ok then... Till then, see ya on other updates next week... Take care people... :)
Lots of happenings this week... Let me go through one by one... :)

Well, the thing that's bugging me even right now is, the ARS assignment... We asked the lecturer not once but twice about the questionnaire thing... The response we get is, "Not challenging", "Too simple", "Many mistakes" and the most freaking one is, "So What????"!!! Seriously, I'm really at the boiling point right now... He say he's our supervisor la, mentor la and guide us crap stuff... But when we want to ask, he just make his smile and nods his head! This monday is the last straw! If he still be like that, then I'll sure ask him some serious questions... He plays with us like we're on long sem! Damn... Monday is the day... If you reading this, prepare yourself... (I'm sure you guys know who I'm referring to)... Have you ever seen me talking like this? ARS=#@%&*

Ok then... Other than the freaking assignment, let's talk about the college happenings... The new carpark is nearing its completion... I'm guessing it's gonna be ready by early next month... Zam already started to plan his parking spot... :P Can't wait for it to complete...

Before & After

And I'm starting to take my homemade lunch (which is three slices of bread) with me this week onwards... Seriously... Drinking water when you're starving is really NOT helping!!! And yeah... After three weeks in college, wednesday is the first time I bought something from the canteen... Haha... Currently in saving money + diet mode!!! :P

Yesterday is the day where "most" of the people living in Johor, well, became sad... The Sultan died on Pakar Puteri hospital yesterday at 7.15pm... The official news came around 11.20pm... Wondering why late? It's because of some "issues"... Ermm... Anyways, my condolences to the royal family... May his soul rest in peace...

Well, that's it guys... Another update will be posted next week as usual... So till then, see ya... And monday, here we come...
As I said before on most of my posts, I said that everytime I get into my car, it's suuupperr hot, right? Well, since I've put the thermometer on my car, this is the reading I get around 2.30pm when I was going back home... Get ready??? :P

70 Degrees!!! Are you serious??? Lol!

I was totally surprised on the reading... At first I thought it's malfunctioning so I just ignore it... But after I turned on my air-con, the reading started to decrease... So it's actually working... BTW, 70 degrees??? Haha... It's like a mini microwave... :P

And around 5pm, it was raining cats and dogs after a long time... Seriously... It's was DAMN HEAVY!!! I was literally gonna fall down because of the wind... Thank god I was holding the grill that time... Some of the clothes were wet... :( It was nice actually but at the same time, it's scary too... There were some weird noises coming from the light pole nearby my house... Some sparking sound... We called TNB 3 times and they YET to come and check... Our national electricity broad response team... Nice right? Lol...

Ok then... See ya on next update...
Yes yes.. Did lots of stuff this week... I'll try to write as many as possible... Depends on my memory... :P

Well, the classes were good this week... ARS was kinda... Err, boring?? :P We had some 1 hour of explanation about the assignment... He is strict... Diploma or degree?? Anyway, we did some discussion on thursday about the questionnaire stuff... Was really hard and confused which question to choose for... Damn...

I was really hoping that Nokia would release a major firmware update for my phone... Because some of the cool features isn't available yet... I was having a v30 firmware... On saturday, I check the system and it shows me a v40 firmware update... I was like WHAT??? Then I check the internet and lots of news came up of it... So I quickly took my cable and update through my computer... It takes a full 30 minutes because the update size is 130MB!!! :P After completed, I look for the feature I'm waiting for... The kinetic scrolling... It's there!!! Woohooo... I would like to thank Nokia for this major update...


Expenses... Damn...

I've made myself some commitments that during weekend, I will do some household chores... Because my mom was kinda tired because of work... So I had to do it... Did some cleaning works on my PC too... Loaded with unwanted stuff... Just went to Tesco... Bought shaving kit and a thermometer... :D This shaving kit has 4 blades... And it's really super clean shave... Me like it...

Well, that's it for this week... Catch you on next week's update... Till then, see ya...
As I mentioned earlier in the blog, I've decided to update my blog for once a week due to some commitments... So here I am, back after 5 days, to update my blog... :)

The week is basically about the opening week of semester 5... We've got two subjects to learn this semester, which is ARS and E-Com... I did some short review of these subjects on the first day of college... Now after completed 1 week into semester 5, I just gonna do a bit review on this...

ARS > Even it's easy but it's gonna be tough just because of some factors... I'm not gonna say it... All of our classmates understands it so just ask them... :P

E-Com > "Mr. Prem is cute" Hahaha... Christine posted this on FB... Maybe the girls all like him?? :P Anyways, the subject looks very interesting... It's the same thing we learn on the IT1... But I cannot say it soooo confirm... Who knows what's gonna be like in the last week of the sem??? :P Let's see and wait...

It's been raining all day at evening... Damn nice... Wish it would rain during night time... :D The week is basically tiring... Had to wake up early in the morning because... You knew it... Because of the freaking carpark... Thank God they are doing something over that issue... Expanding the empty field beside the cafe... Hopefully it will be finished before sem 6 starts... :)

Construction going on progressively...

Even it's been raining so heavily, nothing can stop these guys... :P

Ok then... Going to sleep soon... See ya'll next week's post... Take care people... ;)

Fun Fact > You're born with 300 bones, but when you get to be an adult, you only have 206.
It's 5th semester on a brand new year... Basically it's gonna be like semester 2 because it's only 7 weeks of classes... But the subject is kinda hard though... Let me do a short review below... ;)

ARS - It's pretty tough (maybe peter teaching it??)... Mr Peter is back to teach us after Micro... But he himself already said that he won't be giving tips and changed his teaching styles... Didn't saw much today because of limited time... And the subject itself looks damn tough too... Ermmm...

E-Comm - The subject text itself looks like a thick library book btw... And we only get to learn all of that in 2 months... Damn... The lecturer seems to be friendly... Wonder why he's rushing today... Hehe...

Well, basically that's it... Didn't learn much today... Will tell later this week... :) And yeah... Got my results today... It's 3A and 1B... Of course B is for FOM... I heard lots of student didn't do well in this subject... :(

This is the surprise I told you earlier...
They did this for the whole floor in the college...

My Profile on the testimonial broad... Heeeee :D

I didn't tell you guys last week about some stuff... Well, on new year's day, my parents and me went to some warehouse to buy some dining table... And just only it arrived... Fresh from the production... Was fixing it in my study room... Look the pics and enjoy... :P Ok then... Will be sleeping soon... See ya...

Fresh from the manufacturer... :D

After completed assembling... :D
The pic was ruin by my stuff on the table... :P

Fun Fact > The average American/Canadian will eat about 11.9 pounds of cereal per year.
Well, if you guys go to this address > http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=475583 You can notice the JB's masterpiece... The ISKANDAR DEVELOPMENT REGION plan.

But if you guys check out the date on the post, it's dated 3 years back...

Yes... The LRT, JB's new waterfront and multimedia hub looks great.... But will it come to reality??? Hmmmm... Keep thinking guys... Lol...
After three weeks of holiday, tomorrow starts a brand new semester... Semester 5! We got two subjects and 4 days of class... Basically it should be easy but it depends on the subjects... I'll write a short review tomorrow...

Just did some final minute preparation for college tomorrow... Just realized that my notes is getting thicker and thicker... :P Well, I better off to get some sleep... Need to wake up early... See ya...

Fun Fact > One in every 4 Americans has appeared on television.
Lots of people having some confusion about when the class gonna start... Let me help you guys... The class for semester 5 starts on 5th January 2010 (Tuesday)!!! Want proof??? Below are the proofs...

( 1 )

Ms Rebecca wrote in the email stating clearly that 5th January is the opening day!

( 2 )

In the timetable, she also wrote the same!

( 3 )
Ms Rebecca personally sent me a message which written as below:
Ms Rebecca here. Pls check ur email 4 d timetable. 4 Dip BA aug 08 gp b class starts on 5 jan 2010 tue, 9.30am to 1.30pm. pls help me spread d message 2 ur friends.

Notice the time and date exactly matches on the timetable?

( 4 )

As you see up there, Ms Ong called Christine and she say that class starts on 5th January

( 5 )
And finally, I wonder whether you all remember or not but Ms Rebecca said that class starts on 5th January during our final exam (IT Exam).

So there you have it... For sure it's Tuesday so don't get yourself too stress on the day issue... Instead, enjoy your last holiday tomorrow before the class starts again... :)

P.S: Once again, it's Tuesday!!!
Had lots of personal discussion about the things I did last year and the things I'm gonna do this year... So as I said yesterday, I did some New Year Resolutions today... I'll post some of it here...

New Year Resolutions:
1) Reduce the time on the net
2) Save money
3) Less on entertainment
4) ...
5) ...
6) ...

The most important ones are above... As I wrote in number 1, it means reducing the activities I'm doing online... This includes facebook, chatting, friendster, blog, youtube + other IT sites and etc... And also since blog is included in the list, I've come up a hard decision...

Blogging takes a significant time for me to be online... So I've decided that starting from next week (4th January), I'll only blog once a week... This will be continued, err, basically forever... But don't worry... I sure will update the blog if I got something interesting to share... :) Since next week is the opening week for semester 5, sure I'll blog about it... But the thing is, I'm gonna update once a week basis thereafter...

With this, I'm able to keep myself organized from unwanted stuff... I'm gonna make sure 2010 will be a great year for me so I've decided this things and I'm gonna stick to it! It takes me a long time to think about this things so yeah, it's all well planned and it's decided!

Basically the day is about NYR only... I can't wait to go back to college... Heeee... :D :D :D Hopefully the carpark is completed... (Yeah right) :P

Nights people...

Fun Fact > The average person has over 1,460 dreams a year. Start dreaming now... :P
It's New Year and lots of new stuff are coming... I'm gonna make some New Year Resolution later this night... Will post some of it tomorrow... :)

My primary school... Miss it... :(

The only way to go to Jusco is by walking through this heavy grass...
Will you brave enough to walk through??? MPJB???

The day, well, basically we go "rounding" around the JJ area... Was searching for a perfect mattress, shoe racks and dining table... We bought dining table and mattress ready... Only shoe rack remaining... Will buy it soon... Had some nice seafood just now... Tomorrow, everyone's going for work... Too bad I can't enjoy my wantan mee... :(

My cousin playing some football... So cute when she says goalllll :D

And we received the timetable from Sunway ready... Basically it's same in terms of subject like semester 2 but there's a significant difference... In semester 2, we only get 1 hour break on monday only... But this time, we get 1 hour break everyday... That's a improvement for sure... But there's a thing I don't understand... Why group A gets two days off??? Hmm... BTW, the class STARTS ON 5TH OF JANUARY!!! Remember that!!! Because someone is getting ready to come on 4th... Lol...

Oh well, I better get going now... See ya tomorrow... And happy new year guys... Will meet you all soon... Can't wait!!! :D

Fun Fact > Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie.