Today is our final day for semester 4 session... We successfully completed the whole 4 month semester with much pain and suffering... Lol... Don't expect me to say happy because we really DO suffer!
Here's some short summary of the subjects we took this semester:
FA2 - Well, first class was kinda bored for us... Since the lecturer is new, he didn't perform quite well... But he did improve day by day... I don't know about the class but I do sometimes, understand the concept... Since it's been a year we touched FA, sure it's gonna take some time for us to grasp back the stuffs all, right?
Overall experience > B/C
FOM - Since we know about the lecturer for Management in semester 2, we all happy that she's gonna teach us again... She's such a well-experienced lecturer and she knows answers to everything (in this case, FOM stuff of course... :P) FOM is just about marketing... You just need to understand it and you're good to go... But we all did a fatal error... We didn't care studying about it till end of the semester... Didn't we do that for the rest of the subjects too? :P
Overall experience > B
IT2 - It's one of my favourite subjects so for sure I'm gonna like it right? Wrong!!! Even though it's my favourite subject, but I do sometimes don't understand... Especially the database stuff... I knew the DB part since my school time so I know it's gonna be hard... Thank god they didn't include the programming stuff... That will blow us to our knees... The lecturer, sometimes happy sometimes angry... Happy because of Zam's sweet talks and angry because of the whole class's "sweet" talks... Lol... Anyways, we still like the way she teaches... One thing we learn from her is, patience is crucial if you wanna become lecturer... She still didn't tell us her salary though... :P
Overall experience > B
QM2 - I've heard that the lecturer is new so maybe she might be falling into the same category with FA2 lecturer... But for me, I think she's better for some parts even though sometimes, can't understand at all... So far, we haven't encounter any bad things on her... The first month for QM is kinda in hell... Because it's all theory parts (and it's not coming for exams?!?!)
Overall experience > B/C
ME - Oh my god... Whenever I talk about this subject, the word come from me is OMG!!! Seriously... Probably one of the worst subjects ever... I don't know whether the lecturer is the problem or I suck on that subject... I do believe the whole class (including other groups too), don't understand her teaching either... If not, why do we have TWO feedback sessions about her class? Something fishy right? In previous semester for Micro, when we give the feedback for the lecturer, he immediately changed his teaching style but for this subject, even after two feedbacks, I hardly notice any changes from her... She do start to bring laptops after that but that doesn't included in our subject scope right? :P
Overall experience > D!!!
So here's the list for the subjects I like based on my experience rating above:
1 > IT2
2 > FOM
3 > QM2
4 > FA2
5 > ME
2 > FOM
3 > QM2
4 > FA2
5 > ME
*I really do believe the moral lecturer need some training... Seriously!!! For future students, please!!!
Ok now let's get back into today... Since it's the last day for our semester, we really do hope for some "last-minute" tips from the lecturers... But NIL!!! We didn't get anything... Damn... I really need to study super hard after this...
Our Group's Viewpoint Of The Final Exam!

My look says it all... It's gonna be hard time next week...

Zam's expression... Err... Hope you can understand... Coz I don't :P

Tey Cong... Aahhh... This one can be easily understood by everyone!
Are you sure??? :P
Enjoy the pictures below... The last day for semester 4... After this, begins a whole new day, The Final Exam!!! For all my friends, do for your best and remember that, getting A's is not important... At least you've tried your level best to answer the papers... That's what differentiate you from others... :)

All having last minute discussion with Ms Cecila...

Jaya studies... Zam wonders...
Zam's gonna miss his "darling" soooo badly after this...
Enjoy the video... And laugh yourself... :P
P.S : As always, the summary part is my OWN opinion only!!! And also, please no hard feelings... Whatever I said, is the thing I've experienced in these 4 months... If you want more info, please do ask other students too... I'm sure they'll be happy to give some few comments... :) Again, no hard feelings... For ME, please do something!!! OMG!!!
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