Zam : One down... Four more to go...

Haha... Yes indeed... ME has been completed successfully... Kinda easy though but still there are some parts which I can't understand... And since it's easy, around 10.30am, almost 80% of the students taking it passed up the paper... Lol...

The exam hall rules are getting bad to worst!!! Last sem's exam, they ask us to put our handphones inside our bags... This sem?? Don't take wallet and pencilbox also... To Sunway management, next time please post these "updated" rules outside or inform the students before the exam starts... I was literally thinking of the answers when suddenly the lecturer tells at the mic that wallets are not allowed... Plus, please STOP talking while we're doing the exams!!! Oh my God!!! You are kinda shouting to the students which are trying to do their exams well... Seriously, STOP TALKING!!! Damn...

Anyways, after the exam, me and Zam had lunch at Sayed... He's kinda want to have nasi goreng kampung... So do I... :D And the weather is superb today... Damn perfect to start the exam... Such a peace of mind... Ok... Gotta revise FA for tomorrow... Nightzzz
Is there tomorrow or won't be??? :P Well, tomorrow starts our final exams and we're gonna face with LAN subjects first! I tried to study ME but cannot tahan ready... I wonder why I cannot understand each freaking points... Today is cooler than yesterday though... Much more better... Me thinking whether wanna sleep now or later... Enjoy the day first... :P

Zam was literally trying to make a conference call but couldn't... At the end, I made it successfully... Haha... Sony phones... Don't know what to say ready la... :P Ok then... Gotta go... See yall tomorrow with some reviews... :P

>>> D-Day Is TOMORROW!!! >>>
Final Exam
Semester 4

I really don't know what to say this day... It's so hot making me go crazy... Seriously... Sometimes I wonder going to Jusco or Tesco just to get a cool breeze... This also making me hard to study... Even now at night, it's still kinda freaking hot... Should I go to air-con room and study there? How's my dad gonna sleep while the lights are on??? Lol... OMG... FOM is the most f**ked up subject... Should be the hardest subject after micro... It's freaking big subject and lots of things need to remember... Ok... I better stop blabbering myself here and go study... See ya tomorrow... And remember, tomorrow's the last day...
Mom is off today so she make us Thosai for breakfast + lunch... I tasted Egg thosai for the first time... Kinda, same like Egg prata... :P

Egg Thosai...
Yummy right? :D

Ok about the studying part... Err... Haven't quite did anything today... Because of the freaking weather... Rain never comes so it's hot here... Just went to Tesco... It was a life-saver for me... Thanks for the super cold air-cons there... :D

>>> 2 Days To Go >>>
Final Exam
Semester 4
Today is our final day for semester 4 session... We successfully completed the whole 4 month semester with much pain and suffering... Lol... Don't expect me to say happy because we really DO suffer!

Here's some short summary of the subjects we took this semester:

FA2 - Well, first class was kinda bored for us... Since the lecturer is new, he didn't perform quite well... But he did improve day by day... I don't know about the class but I do sometimes, understand the concept... Since it's been a year we touched FA, sure it's gonna take some time for us to grasp back the stuffs all, right?

Overall experience > B/C

FOM - Since we know about the lecturer for Management in semester 2, we all happy that she's gonna teach us again... She's such a well-experienced lecturer and she knows answers to everything (in this case, FOM stuff of course... :P) FOM is just about marketing... You just need to understand it and you're good to go... But we all did a fatal error... We didn't care studying about it till end of the semester... Didn't we do that for the rest of the subjects too? :P

Overall experience > B

IT2 - It's one of my favourite subjects so for sure I'm gonna like it right? Wrong!!! Even though it's my favourite subject, but I do sometimes don't understand... Especially the database stuff... I knew the DB part since my school time so I know it's gonna be hard... Thank god they didn't include the programming stuff... That will blow us to our knees... The lecturer, sometimes happy sometimes angry... Happy because of Zam's sweet talks and angry because of the whole class's "sweet" talks... Lol... Anyways, we still like the way she teaches... One thing we learn from her is, patience is crucial if you wanna become lecturer... She still didn't tell us her salary though... :P

Overall experience > B

QM2 - I've heard that the lecturer is new so maybe she might be falling into the same category with FA2 lecturer... But for me, I think she's better for some parts even though sometimes, can't understand at all... So far, we haven't encounter any bad things on her... The first month for QM is kinda in hell... Because it's all theory parts (and it's not coming for exams?!?!)

Overall experience > B/C

ME - Oh my god... Whenever I talk about this subject, the word come from me is OMG!!! Seriously... Probably one of the worst subjects ever... I don't know whether the lecturer is the problem or I suck on that subject... I do believe the whole class (including other groups too), don't understand her teaching either... If not, why do we have TWO feedback sessions about her class? Something fishy right? In previous semester for Micro, when we give the feedback for the lecturer, he immediately changed his teaching style but for this subject, even after two feedbacks, I hardly notice any changes from her... She do start to bring laptops after that but that doesn't included in our subject scope right? :P

Overall experience > D!!!

So here's the list for the subjects I like based on my experience rating above:
1 > IT2
2 > FOM

3 > QM2

4 > FA2

5 > ME

*I really do believe the moral lecturer need some training... Seriously!!! For future students, please!!!

Ok now let's get back into today... Since it's the last day for our semester, we really do hope for some "last-minute" tips from the lecturers... But NIL!!! We didn't get anything... Damn... I really need to study super hard after this...

Our Group's Viewpoint Of The Final Exam!

My look says it all... It's gonna be hard time next week...

Zam's expression... Err... Hope you can understand... Coz I don't :P

Tey Cong... Aahhh... This one can be easily understood by everyone!
Are you sure??? :P

Enjoy the pictures below... The last day for semester 4... After this, begins a whole new day, The Final Exam!!! For all my friends, do for your best and remember that, getting A's is not important... At least you've tried your level best to answer the papers... That's what differentiate you from others... :)

All having last minute discussion with Ms Cecila...

Jaya studies... Zam wonders...
Zam's gonna miss his "darling" soooo badly after this...

Enjoy the video... And laugh yourself... :P

P.S : As always, the summary part is my OWN opinion only!!! And also, please no hard feelings... Whatever I said, is the thing I've experienced in these 4 months... If you want more info, please do ask other students too... I'm sure they'll be happy to give some few comments... :) Again, no hard feelings... For ME, please do something!!! OMG!!!
Well, it's the last class for FA today... After 4 months, we had some hard time understanding the accounting concepts but at last, we did manage to grasp something which we can make it pass for exams... Thanks for your wonderful smile and "make sense?" dialogue... :D

Ok ok... Not too much emo now... Still got one more day to go... The classes today was nice... Nothing much did today... Zam taught me QM yesterday so now I'm able to do it nicely... Hopefully for exams, I should be prepared...

Ok then... See you all tomorrow... Have fun + studying... Ciaoz...

>>> 4 Days To Go >>>
Final Exam
Semester 4
Naaah... It's not C++ code or some other programming languages... It is, Chicken Burger With Cheese Double Special... Haha... Hungry ready? Wait for more... Lots of pictures and videos coming up...

Warning: This Post May Be Heavy On Content... Use with caution... :P

So, let me start the day today... Nothing much interesting anyway... FA, just the same old exercises... But for moral, I really don't know what to say actually... She just give one simple tip which may or may not be coming out... So, it depends... Damn right...

During the moral class (which is our final class), she show some presentation video of her past student's work... Kinda played nicely before the CD corrupted... Lol... After some freaking class session, I was pretty much tired... Had some coffee during moral break time... Helps me a lil I think...

So after the class, me and Zam planned to study at his house... So I quickly rush to his house and the first view in the hall was niceee... 50" TV set with "home-theater" system... LOL... So after saying hi to his mom, we both went upstairs and start to study QM... After that, we open FOM and both look blur ready... So we closed the book and went out... (FYI, Zam's sister was looking 90% exactly same like his mom! A small-scaled version... Seriously!!!)

Zam's HUGE File...
The whole notes from semester 1 - 3...

Zam conquer the world (until semester 3 of course... :P)

One thing took me a surprised turn... His mom ask us to carry down some old small cabinet downstairs... So I was, it's ok, because it's small... Then I put down my bag and we start to carry down the cabinet... The first one was ok... But the second one, it's the super heavy of all of it... Let me tell you, don't judge the book by it's cover... Lol... BTW, we both look like some banglas carrying down the furniture... Haha... I couldn't control laughing at all...

After some "heavy-duty work", we both sweat like hell... Fortuner's AC saved us... :P Then went out and dumped the thing on the empty field... Then before the police comes, we ciao quickly... Lol... After that, we quickly went to JB city in no time... :P

Beautiful sunset...
The car was shaky..

Another sunset pix...

Damn freaking construction going on...
It's like 2012... Lol

Global warming!!! :P

And you know where we will go if it's in JB... Either Bapok Alley or Bapok Stall... LOL... Too common for us ready... Haha... And as usual, Zam is the one who can't resist going to that alley... :P And we do saw some "big" improvements there... Not the roads or lights, but the bapoks... Lol... Zam turned on the "police" strobe light all the time there...

He actually stopped on one bapok and start his "move"... Full dialogue below...

Zam: Berapa? Bapok: 50... Zam: Boleh pegang? Bapok: Tak boleh... Zam: 50 mahal la... Bapok: Oh mahal eh? ... Zam: Takpe la... Muka macam sial... Bapok: (In state of shock)

Hahahaha... I was totally stunned when he say, "Muka macam sial"... LOL!!! I'm sure the bapok pissed off after that... Hahahhaha... After some "nice" talking, we went to park the car near the bapok burger stall... Zam installed some new lighting system on his car... Check the vids out... Me likey the strobe light thingy... Kinda having "Police" feel... Lol...

The lighting inside the car... Have like UV-light effect... Niceee..

The strobe light + tiny dots of light...
Damn nice for this car... Look like some JPJ guys...

We sit outside the stall and ordered, Chicken Burger With Double Cheese Special!!! Been almost 4 months since we eat it, to be exact, 19th August... :D So me and Zam really can't wait to try this baby out...

Bapok Burger!!!

And the after of Bapok Burger...

After having some delicious dinner, we off to Permas... JB was kinda dark and moderately crowded... Surprising? :P The motorbike riders are crazy... Going sooo close beside the car... Zam almost kena bang one fella... Thank goodness he escaped the big machine...

After arriving home, I say goodbye and start my car and off to JJ... Came to home around 8.30pm... The same time, my dad comes home from pasar malam... Lol... Didn't ask much though... Surprisingly... :P After some nice shower, opened up my computer, go online and check mails... Didn't study... :P Damn freaking tired by now...

My relatives called us to go to our "family" restaurant for some small gathering... I just ordered milo ice... Was damn freaking full by then... Around 11.30pm, came back home and now, writing this post...

Ok then... Hope you guys enjoy our whole trip by reading this... :D Always remember that, Bapok Burger always Rockzzz... Enjoy your days while studying for exams... :P

P.S : I'm sorry that I couldn't post this yesterday because it take me so long to upload those pics and vids... And sorry for the heavy content... I'm sure the Streamyx can't handle too much bandwidth... Understandable... Lol...

P.P.S : And yeah... It was Zam's treat for the burger... Thanks for that man... Really appreciate it... Next time is my treat... I've gotta remember that... :P
Is it 1 week or 6 days?? :P Anyway, the exam is just around the corner... And so far my progress, I've only touched on FA most of the time... Other 4 subjects are N/A atm... Gonna start that starting from tomorrow...

Zam's Pontianak Look... LOL

The class was good... Really tired right now... Have to get some freaking sleep... And during the class, Zam got "called" by the "pricipal" of the college... Hahaha... Then me, Tey C and Zam start to predict each other's exam result... See the video below... Gotta go...

Tey Cong... The Feng Shui master!!!

As I promised, the countdown starts now!!!

>>> 6 Days To Go >>>
Final Exam
Semester 4
Just finished doing the last work for QM assignment... But I still have some doubts... Oh well, whatever it is, I'm gonna pass up tomorrow... Took a long freaking time to do the conclusion and recommendation stuff... Hopefully it's all correct...

Did some cleaning stuff on my car too... The car started without a hitch... :) And yeah, the exams, errr, just a week away so I'm gonna start the countdown starting from tomorrow... Too scared??? I'm in the same feeling as you guys there... Hang on tight... We're on the page freaking page, each final exams...

Till then, take care and remember to study for your exams... Don't facebook way to much... :P
I woke up around 12pm today... Saw Zam's sms asking me to come to college and study... Too bad it's late... :P

He ask me to come to his house at 3pm... So I ask my mom can I go or not... She say Permas area is not too safe... I was like wth?? I'm going to pub or to study??? Seriously... Was damn fed up after that...

Well, I need to do the freaking assignment report after writing this so gotta go... And for those foundation students, happy graduation guys!!! :)
Went to college today to study QM and FA... Did I mention anything about FOM, IT or moral??? NO!!! And I'm really damn worried about it... Exams are less than one week... Happy or sad??? Hmmm...

Well, did enjoy the rain anyways... Almost kena blind because of the heavy rain... Took some pics and vids too... See below and I'll shall catch you later...

Can't focus on taking pic because I need to focus on the traffic light!!! :P

The Flipper is happily Flapping with the rain!!!
Flap it!!!


A Special Section!!!

I know you guys have been experiencing your internet connection (Streamyx) kinda faster especially when you go to YouTube and such... This is because they've build a new faster undersea fiber optic cable which has a 480GBPS connection!!! And only TM is using it so now you know why your connections is faster... Don't worry... Soon they'll cap the speed so enjoy it while it lasts...

And as you know by now, P1 W1MAX is the fastest wireless connection in Malaysia... So you may have seen their first ever promotional ads on TV recently... But the ad is been banned as of now... Because why? See it for yourself... And decide what you understand...

This is their new promotional "tagline", Potong!!! Of course they are referring to cut the landlines (which is TMNet!!!) but some people misunderstood it... So became so intense, it even went to the parliament!!! What I can say is, for those people who continuously read news related to IT stuff, they'll get the meaning... And for those who don't, they literally accept the ad as an offence... Personally, I do get the ad's message... It's a direct response to TM's Streamyx!!!

And I do read the comments below the videos... I've heard that even P1 also going to be same way as streamyx... Here's a user commented about his experiece... And btw, it's kinda harsh language so you guys might not wanna read it... Up to you!!! ;)


I've been using this p1 wimax for a year
and all i can say is
i can't even download a porn at times

in fact
all this country's internet providers FUCK
they can suck dick !!!!!!

and mostly FUCK WIMAX



Told ya'll too harsh... Lol...
Today went well... We finally get some FOM guidelines for exam... Damn a lot to remember though... Need to prepare it ASAP!!!

After the class, we stayed back for some revision... For Zam of course... :P Plus it's super heavy rain so I enjoyed it to the max...

Couldn't expand much right now coz I'm totally tired... My eyes are burning... Sorry... GTG... TC! And btw, enjoy the pictures...

Heavy rain!!!

Teaching time!!!

The lights...

Me likey this one... :)

2012...Best disaster movie ever!

Like the words...
Save & Safe... :P

During IT class, the electric went off suddenly... First time I saw the emergency light turning on... I always wondered whether it will work or not... :P

After the IT class...
Zam's "good-boy" attitude... Cleaning the board...
He said he look like Surya in this pix... True??? :P

Apparently they shut down the electric for some air-con installation... Suddenly Sunway have "loads of cash"!!! They bought this 10-15 units of air-con system... The brand name is Arcson... Never heard of it... Anyways, all the boxes are parked outside the lift entrance... Soon after the blackout, we were transferred to 301... I was sitting directly under the air-con so I wasn't that hot... Lucky me...

Just seconds after the electric went off...
Someone thought we were celebrating birthday... :P

Today we finished the final chapters for FOM successfully... Let me tell you guys... It ain't going to be easy this exam for FOM!!! Seriously... I better start to start revision soon... Still got one more assignment to go... Damn...

Went to newly-opened E & W restaurant in Taman Daya for lunch... The food (as usual, nasi goreng kampung) was good... I like it... And as the rest of my friends say, the design of the restaurant really looked like a house... Plus I like the fan... :D And and they offer Wi-Fi too... Try to imagine the speed.... 1.65mbps!!! That's damn freaking fast... Will come here whenever I can... Just to enjoy the Wi-Fi of course... Heee... :P

Ok then... Better make a move... See ya'll later... Ciaoz... Adioz... Balikz... Bubyezzz...
Today's FA class was kinda nice... Had some long discussions with my buddies... About accounting and some other things as well... Ya'll might don't want to know about that... :P

Moral class, well, it's all about presentation... No lessons today... After the break, there's a teacher came to the class and gave a strict warning to 6 students... They are constantly late for class so they will get an academic warning letter if they come late again... Damn...

Ok then... Better make a move first... Tiredzzz... And here's a fun fact > The world's termites outweigh the world's humans 10 to 1.
Did some new chapter on QM today... Kinda easy but it's not... Lol... The FA class was nice too... Had to teach consol to Zam again...

Had a moral presentation today... Didn't prepare anything but still able to talk well... Haha... Tey C was one of the best presentations... Literally... :P

I seriously don't have anything to talk about... Too tired... So ciao first... See ya...
It's all about my car today... Did lots of fixes such as, spotlight, wiper, cigarette socket, bulbs, number plate and yeah lots of $$$ went out too... :P

Anyways, I hope it will run well tomorrow... I've got moral presentation early morning... Damn... Haven't prepare anything yet...

Well, I better make a move and here's a fun fact > Cat urine glows under a black-light.
Went to Tesco Tebrau City early in the morning... My brother received two coupons of RM25 each... So we went there, bought goods worth RM150 something and got discount of RM50 so we spent like RM100 only... Nice??? :P Hopefully my parents always go there to get the points... Much better than Giant...

I like the arrangement of the goods... Looks cleaner...

Zam's place which he calls it, "heaven" Lol...

Lots of oil stocks here...
I wonder why there's always a news that oil is "habis dijual"

Christmas is coming...
After the exam though... :P

On evening, I tried to start my car but it didn't... Did I mention that after changing the terminals of the battery, my car won't have these problems again??? Well, it happens!!! I was like what the hell??? Thankfully I checked it today... Imagine if I want to start on Monday... So quickly went to change the battery... RM120... Damn... Hopefully this works till next year coz the warranty expires after 1 year... :P

Flip Flap... Like the bee... :P

Mom and dad went to Cosway Giant and saw this device or whatever it's called... I've saw it many times but didn't know why it's always moving... Probably battery but it's not... It's using solar power... Nifty right? Gonna put this on my car tomorrow... Ok then... Ciaoz... And here's the fun fact > The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds.
Nothing much happened today... Went to college today but came back early... Don't know why... No mood I guess... :P Wanted to study at night but didn't... Did some adjustments for moral assignments instead... :P Had some nice seafood just now... So gotta sleep soon... Here's a fun fact > The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is "uncopyrightable".

The End!

Oh yes it is... The end is coming and we were already been warned... At least by this movie though... :P We went to watch the movie at Jusco Tebrau City at 3pm with some from our classmates and some are other people... Sorry I can't remember the names... :P

Anyways, in case you're wondering what's so hype about 2012 is, the answer is just plain simple... Google it... :P You'll find tons of information about it... I'm talking about TONS of it!!! Well, it's just another doomsday movie... Same like The Day After Tomorrow... BTW, it's the same director so expect the same quality output...

What I like about the director is, he always uses the current facts and integrates it into full theatrical movie... Easy??? Think again... You've gotta convince the people at NASA, MIT and some other scientific organizations... The scenes about the Yellowstone park blowing up into pieces, the sun's huge energy burst-out and the global blackout are some of the real facts which gonna happen anytime... This places are ticking time bombs... Waiting to explode... Damn right??

If you can't visualize how this things gonna blow up, just head to your nearest theater and watch this movie ASAP!!! Seriously... The director did pack each of the elements into 2 hours and 40 minutes of great entertainment and adventurous movie... Most of the scenes in this movie are using CGI (Computer Generated Images)... No wonder the cost of making it exceeds $200 millions, same like Transformers... Even it's CGI, it look realistic enough to catch your attention...

And yeah... I did find this movie much bigger and better than Transformers... I thought Transformers was the best movie ever... Until 2012... :D In terms of graphics work, I'm thinking this movie gonna beat Transformers... So sad... :P

If you wanna see the Vatican City tearing down, California and Hawaii going down apart and most importantly, the White House destroyed by its' own "weapon", then you definitely must watch this movie... I didn't expect the ending suppose to be that way... I thought the world gonna blow up apart... But naa... They need the cast to end the story successfully... :P

We were warned...
Indeed it is...

Okkkk... Enough of the world ending part, let's talk about my "world"... Sunway College... :P Had nice day today... Since VK's birthday coming up, the girls bought some nice cake and waited for him in the IT class... Even the lecturer also made some arrangements by preparing the slide show for him... :)

Surprise!!! :D

The Birthday Boy...

The classes were nice today... Was kinda sad when I want to ditch FOM class... Because the movie gonna start on 3.00pm... And the class finishes at 3.30pm... Even though we got the premission, but still... Damn...

What's the best thing is, we watch the big blockbusters movie on the first day itself... Transformers and now, 2012... OMG... Still talking about the movie... Kk... Gotta stop now... :P See ya'll later... Adiozzzz

"(Slowly) Shhhuutt Uppp"
(Silence in the car)
"Engine... Start"
(The car starts)
"Voice activation system"
From 2012... One of the best scenes ever!!!
Today, most of the time is about FA!!! Lol... We had a long discussion on FA and most of them is about P&L... Taught Zam about consol thing... Hopefully he understands... :P Just now also, we were discussing the P&L too... He said we're the first one to discuss FA on MSN... Haha...

Had some fun today in class... We've got an early permission to go out early tomorrow to watch 2012... We're going on the first day and the first show itself!!! Niceeeee... Ok then... Gotta have some nice sleep so laterzzz...

The class was crappy today... Especially moral!!! Did some massive mistake there... Not my fault anyway... Last minute preparation troubled up everyone...

During Moral class discussion...
Somehow the teacher accept me as the Boss... :D

FA class was great, surprisingly... :P The lecturer gave us a new set of tutorial questions... Hopefully that's the same format he'll set for exam... Me and Zam got big problems doing the accounting... But did managed to get the thing balanced though... Hi 5 man... :D

Can't wait to watch 2012 movie... Awesome graphics works done in there... Should be like Transformers except there's no moving robots in this movie... So isn't??? :P Let's wait and see... Till then, byebyes...
Need to find the freaking 100 data for QM assignment... Damn... Why it must be 100 anyway???

Well, the day went well... No FA though... He's MC-ed!!! :P Tomorrow have two hours for class... So yeah... Happy or sad???

Small Boss Teaching Big Boss... :P

Since the exam is coming shortly, everyone are tensed up... Me too... Especially Tey C... I wonder how come he's not tired of saying the same word every semester > Waaah... Stress la... Cannot la cannot la... This exam no confident at all la... I was like, OMG!!! Every semester, same thing...

The guys playing cards + Mr. Ben "supervising" them... Nice lecturer?? :P

Well, me going to watch a new movie now... :P I'll write about it tomorrow... Ciaoz...
As requested by Christine, I'm posting the details for the final exam... Sorry for the delay... :P

30 November > Moral Education & Islamic Studies (9.00am – 11.00am)

1 December > Financial Accounting 2 (9.00am – 12.10pm)

2 December > Fundamentals of Marketing (2.00pm – 5.10pm)

3 December > Quantitative Methods 2 (9.00am – 12.10pm)

7 December > Information Technology 2 (9.00am – 12.10pm

Remember... Above details are for DBA August 08 Semester 4 students only... Please download the picture if you want a clearer view..

Naa... It's not a bad word or something... Lol... It's actually > Foods, Assignments, Universities... F A U for short... It's to sum up for today... Hehe...

First, the food... Mom didn't cook again so we all went out to eat... Took them to the cheap restaurant in Taman Daya... Me bringing lots of people there... :P Overall was RM12... Cheap right?? :D And yeah... Had Pizza before lunch too... I ate a lot today... Damn... Going on "diet" mode tomorrow...

Second is the assignments... Just printed my part of the moral assignment... Gotta pass up tomorrow... Still got QM to do... Oh my god... Plus the exams are coming too... Kk... Cool down suresh... You're doing good... Good... Hmm...

And finally the universities... Me and Zam had a small discussion in evening... We talked about the universities we're going after finishing our diplomas... Still thinking though... :P

That's it... And yeah... Right now (11.30pm), there's a match between MU vs Chelsea... Hehehe... Hopefully Chelsea wins... :P

Before ending the post, here's a fun fact > A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
Mom woke me up early in the morning, asked me to go buy some chicken rice coz she's tired... So off I go with my car to buy the food...

After buying it, I went around my old secondary school... My school was near the restaurant so it's easy to go there...

Been a long freaking time since I visit my school... It's kinda sad actually... Since I have a great imagination power, whenever I go near my school, all the memories came crushing into my head instantly... It's damn nice feeling... Don't worry... I won't go into "emo" mode... Lol...

The students playing football...

The new block for Form 6

Saw some of the students playing football there... Some competition I think... And they build a new block for STPM students... Missed my school so much...

SMKTJJ2... Always in my memory!!!
Went to college today... Just wanna revise few things because my mind doesn't work well when I'm at home!!! :P

And again, me and Stephen went to the same restaurant again... Asttha also followed us too... She was surprised on how cheap the food was... Mine only cost RM3.30... :D

And yeah... I have some news about the new DiGi's baby, DiGi Turbo 3G... If anyone of you guys woke up in the morning, say around 8.45am, you'll definitely noticed some changes on your phone... I was lucky enough to saw it... :D

Nothing much... DiGi was testing their 3G network on morning... And the whole line was blocked during this period... At the same time also, you can see the 3G line coming in... But it went off few minutes after... Now it's all back to normal... I'm hoping they will activate the service soon because testing = conformation of activation... So stay tuned and watch your phone from time to time...

Watching Billa now, so see ya tomorrow... Gotta do some house chores tomorrow... Lol... I forgot to post a video yesterday so watch it below...

The Rain = Awesomeness post addition!!!

The Sunway College Football Field On (05-11-09)
Nice to play football or swim???

I don't know whether there's a word called awesomeness but I can't find a word to describe the day today... It's totally freaking cool and cold too!!! :P It's been raining like since morning and still raining!!! How cool is that??? Please don't ask me why I'm super-hyper whenever there's a RAIN topic... Me kinda like it so much... So bear with me please... Lol...

Basically the whole day is raining... Other than that, the class was quite ok... Something interesting happens during the FOM presentation... Firstly, the whole class enjoyed Wilson's group maily because of Wilson of course... LOL... Secondly, during VK's group, the whole electricity in the IT lab went off... Not sure whether the whole block went off but some parts of the lab's equipments were running i.e. computers and air-cons...

Don't worry... It came few minutes later... Lol... Ok then... Me off to enjoy the rest of the day... Before I go, here's a fun fact for ya'll > Clinophobia is the fear of beds.
As I discussed in my 100th blog post (, I've said in there that the next milestone would be 250th post... And guess what??? This is my 250th blog post!!! Hahaha... Too fast I reached ah??? :P

As I said in that post, I've never, ever once forgot to update my blog... From the day I start till now, not even a single post!!! Can't be true?? Just check out my archive if you wanna see it's true or not... Lol...

I can't even imagine that I'm soooo "obsessed" to update my blog every single day... Too much time on the net??? Naaa... Just that I wanna share my day with all of you... So that you guys can enjoy what I've had during the day...

So, what's next?? Hmm... I must say, continue to update it till I can... So the next milestone would be around 400th post!!! So just keep counting my post growing and in no-time, I will reach it!!! Soon... Soon... :P Pray for me...

***** ..... ***** ..... ***** ..... ***** ..... *****

So, the day today... Kinda hot and cold... Not on me... On the weather that is... LOL... Freaking hot in morning and freaking cooler in evening... Even just now, we had a sudden burst of heavy rain from nowhere... Asked Zam about this and he says the same thing too... World gonna end??? Let me watch 2012 movie first before the world ends... Just wanna see how accurate the director made the movie... :P

Had lunch in Sayed with my buddies... Something interesting happened during the "smoking" time... Jansen said some some to Wilson which made him sad sad for a while... :P Can't understand??? Good!!!

And yeah... TM!!! If you're reading this (of course you're not!!!), you're a cheater!!! Seriously... Wanna say another word but it's censored... So it's cheater!!! I don't know why the hell my DSL keeps on disconnecting... Thank god I've got DiGi Interner as backup... Me using it now... Kinda slow but much much much better than Streamyx!!! Seriously, TM are money-sucking baskets!!!

Before I end this milestone post, here's a fun fact > The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog." uses every letter of the alphabet. Interesting huh?? :P

Well... Saw another breakdown today... Not accident though... Err... Not so sure... Just look at the video below... I didn't take well because the police was all over the place... Controlling the traffic... This junction is really super busy road...

Shot 1...
The policeman was looking directly at my camera... LOL!!!

Shot 2...
It's slightly raining by now... They moved it in right time...

The day went well... During FA class, I tried some accounting stuff... Some able to do and some need to ask the lecturer... Exams is coming quickly and we haven't start anything yet... Damn...

And during moral break time, Wilson go to SSD and took the Sunway College's brochure and saw my picture there... Hehe... I remembered Mr Ben asking me and the girls in the picture to pose in the counter... He took two pictures but only came out one... Maybe it's in another brochure... :P

MEEE!!! :D

Ok then... Slightly headache so need to have break now... Ciaoz... Here's a fun fact > The sun is 330,330 times larger than the earth.
Don't worry... Not on me this time... Or Zam either... :P It's on a motorcyclist... Well, the story goes like this... I was driving normally on my neighborhood... It was raining today... I looked at my head mirror and saw a motorbike coming so fast... As I was approaching a junction, suddenly a car turn in my side...

I wasn't driving fast so I didn't put hard brake... I wanted to see the motorcylist since he was driving fast... I don't know what happen, when I look into the mirror, I see him like skidding on the road and then thrown from the bike... I thought he might come under my car because he was so close to my car...

After driving slowly, I saw him lying on the ground... As far as I know, I didn't brake hard plus I didn't go that fast... It's raining and this guy wanna go fast... Without HELMET!!! Imagine that... I think he's a teenager because of the young look... Ermm...

Cloudy sky covering Sunway...

Pretty deserted!!! Poor car... BTW, is that my car?? :P

The day went well... Again, hot at morning, cold at evening... Damn nice now... The internet is kinda pissing me off... Totally slow... No mood to stay online ready.... So see ya tomorrow... Before that, here's the fun fact > Taphephobia is the fear of being buried alive.
It's another birthday joy in a new month... Happy 20th Birthday to Asttha... Enjoy your special day

As I said, it is a new month... Lots of things are coming up... Especially exams... Oh my god... I have to start preparing for the D-Day soon... Tomorrow class starts so me gotta have some nice sleep...

See you all later then... Ciaoz... Here's some fun fact for ya'll > If you counted 24 hours a day, it would take 31,688 years to reach one trillion.