Today is New Year's Eve!!! I'm gonna update the blog early coz I might going out later on... Let's see... And today Tey C called me... Was asking me whether the timetable is out or not... I thought it's gonna come today but didn't!!! Hmmm... Then Christine posted some info on her blog and FB...

We're gonna have two subjects for next sem... I hope it will be easy coz short sem... And Christine wants business law to be added... Hahaha... Two months short la... That one long sem for sure... And as the pic says, the timetable will be sent out tomorrow... So watch your mail guys... I better ciao first... See ya tomorrow in a brand new day, in a brand new date and of course, a brand new year!!!


P.S. : Start sending your new year sms'es now before the whole network gets jammed!!! Lol...

Went to Sunway today to pay up semester 5 fees... And it was really surprising!!! Not that they waived my semester fees... But it's something else...

Sunway is actually doing some renovations and upgrading process inside and outside the campus!!! Can you believe that? I won't tell you guys what they're doing... Just wait for few days until the semester starts... Or you can go there and see for yourself when you wanna pay the fees... But it will surprise you!!! For sure... :)

Proof of payment... Lol...

I will have some private discussion moments after I finish writing this... Gonna be a looooong discussion so don't disturb me will ya??? I meant the ghosts... Hahaha... JK! Ok... Ciaozz...

Fun Fact > A cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off - it dies from starvation. - Anyone wanna try it??? :P
I was watching the BBC program about how to lose weight faster... Was really interesting!!! Had some tips right now... Will use it soon... Me in Dieting mode now so yeah... :D

I never knew that Pepsi changed their brand image...
Now it looks very clean and simple... :)

Was searching for a perfect wantan mee shop in the morning... I don't know why there's many people out to eat today... We ended up eating a crappy wantan mee... Damn... Hopefully tomorrow will be best wantan mee... Heeee...

Crowded huh? :P

BTW, new year is coming very closely... Anyone had any crazy ideas how to spend the new year??? :P I'll be doing some some over next few days... So catch you guys tomorrow... :)

2009 in total!!!
Taken from NST!!!

Fun Fact > The Earth weighs around 6,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons (5,940 billion billion metric tons).
Some interesting facts I've gathered just now... Read it... :)

15 facts on Global Internet

  1. 35.6% of internet users are Asian
  2. With average of 389 million of internet surfers each month, Asia is the largest internet crowd among other world regions
  3. In Afirca, 3 out of 100 surf the Internet
  4. In Asia, 10 out of 100 surf the Internet
  5. In Europe, 38 out of 100 surf the Internet
  6. In Middle East, 10 out of 100 surf the Internet
  7. In North America, 70 out of 100 surf the Internet
  8. In Latin America, 16 out of 100 surf the Internet
  9. In Australia, 53 out of 100 surf the Internet
  10. Only 16.6% of world population surf the internet
  11. 1 billion users around the globe are surfing the Internet every month
  12. Amount of internet surfers in Asia (389,392,28 mil) is 11 times the population of Australia (34,468,443 mil)
  13. 19% of internet users are from United States (210,080,067 mil)
  14. Around 18 countries still doesn’t have Internet connection
  15. North Korea’s internet penetration statistics is not publicized

16 Interesting Facts About Google
  1. The prime reason the Google home page is so bare is due to the fact that the founders didn’t know HTML and just wanted a quick interface. In fact it was noted that the submit button was a long time coming and hitting the RETURN key was the only way to burst Google into life.
  2. Due to the sparseness of the homepage, in early user tests they noted people just sitting looking at the screen. After a minute of nothingness, the tester intervened and asked ‘Whats up?’ to which they replied “We are waiting for the rest of it”. To solve that particular problem the Google Copyright message was inserted to act as a crude end of page marker.
  3. One of the biggest leap in search usage came about when they introduced their much improved spell checker giving birth to the “Did you mean…” feature. This instantly doubled their traffic, but they had some interesting discussions on how best to place that information, as most people simply tuned that out. But they discovered the placement at the bottom of the results was the most effective area.
  4. The infamous “I feel lucky” is nearly never used. However, in trials it was found that removing it would somehow reduce the Google experience. Users wanted it kept. It was a comfort button.
  5. Orkut is very popular in Brazil. Orkut was the brainchild of a very intelligent Google engineer who was pretty much given free reign to run with it, without having to go through the normal Google UI procedures, hence the reason it doesn’t look or feel like a Google application. They are looking at improving Orkut to cope with the loads it places on the system.
  6. Google makes changes small-and-often. They will sometimes trial a particular feature with a set of users from a given network subnet; for example Excite@Home users often get to see new features. They aren’t told of this, just presented with the new UI and observed how they use it.
  7. Google has the largest network of translators in the world
  8. They use the 20% / 5% rules. If at least 20% of people use a feature, then it will be included. At least 5% of people need to use a particular search preference before it will make it into the ‘Advanced Preferences’.
  9. They have found in user testing, that a small number of people are very typical of the larger user base. They run labs continually and always monitoring how people use a page of results.
  10. The name ‘Google’ was an accident. A spelling mistake made by the original founders who thought they were going for ‘Googol’
  11. Gmail was used internally for nearly 2years prior to launch to the public. They discovered there was approximately 6 types of email users, and Gmail has been designed to accommodate these 6.
  12. They listen to feedback actively. Emailing Google isn’t emailing a blackhole.
  13. Employees are encouraged to use 20% of their time working on their own projects. Google News, Orkut are both examples of projects that grew from this working model.
  14. This wasn’t a technical talk so no information regarding any infrastructure was presented however they did note that they have a mantra of aiming to give back each page with in 500ms, rendered.
  15. Quote: Give Users What They Want When They Want It
  16. Quote: Integrate Sensibly
Was trying Google's Picasa software... It's basically a photo editing software... Just like Photoshop but Photoshop is for professionals... Picasa is much more easier to use... I feel the interface needed to improve though... But no offense... It's still a nice software... Easily fixed my photos with natural colours... :)

Was preparing to go somewhere with SOMEONE!!! And SOMEONE screwed up... Lol... Had a hair cut... My hair was very very messy... Now it's super thin... I wish my old hair back... :P Ok then... See ya tomorrow...

Fun Fact > Hummingbirds can weigh less than a penny.

Just came back from relative house... Was doing something in there... Actually, searching.... :P I'm super tired now... Will sleep soon... Ok... Bye...

Fun Fact > A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 foot tall child inside.
Went to Giant just now... Bought two packs of small fish to my arowana to eat... Now it's started to eat normally... Maybe the fish tastes better??? :P Last time, we bought like 20 small fishes then after 2 weeks, all gone... :P Let's see how many fishes gone... Hehe...

Also went to my relative house for some discussion... It was weird... :P Anyways, the college gonna start soon... I better start to prepare myself for the big day... :P See ya...

Fun Fact > Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone.
I wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone... Enjoy the days before the 5th semester starts guys... BTW, can't wait to go college!!! :D :D :D

Had some nice day today... The time went so fast until I realized it's 11pm ready... :D Plus the weather was nice as well... Ok then... See ya tomorrow...

Fun Fact > A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in just one night.
Had a major cleanup on the house today... Clean bathroom, carporch, mop the floor and some other stuffs... Wanted to go gym but something hold me back... It was raining damn early morning so till now, I feel the coldness here... Nice!!! My old 2 buddies came by my home today... Been a while since I met them... Too bad it didn't last long... :( Downloaded some movies and songs... Gonna enjoy it before the sem starts... Ok then... Ciaoz...

Fun Facts > Human teeth are almost as hard as rocks.
Not the movie 300... This is my 300th post... :D 100 more to go for my 3rd milestone... Will I reach it?? Let's see about it...

Well, today is my mom's birthday so wish her... Got a small argument about the wishing thing... Damn... Really want to "run" away from her ASAP!!!

Oh well... Today, I download some movies, update FB and read some news... Maybe I'll go to gym tomorrow? Let's see... Ok then... Gotta go...

Fun Facts > The placement of a donkey's eyes in its head enables it to see all four feet at all times.
Went to pasar malam just now... It's been a while since I went there... What can I say??? It's a total mayhem! Lots of people with less space to walk (aren't pasar malam suppose to be like that?? :P)... Anyways, I don't going through crowded places... Damn... Went to The Store to buy some chocolate for mom's birthday... :) That's it... See ya...
I got email from Facebook that they suspend my account due to suspicious activity... Err, playing games is suspicious??? They ask me to change my password all... Damn...

And today is exactly 3 years away from the "actual" doomsday... :P Count your days... Hehe...

It's really boring because nothing to do... Tomorrow will be going to meet my old friend... And didn't go to gym today... Because I slept at 2am yesterday... :P Adiozz...

Fun Facts > Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.
Had some special events today... Went to temple early morning for my uncle's daughter prayer... Had some nice thosai on the restaurant near temple... Me and my bro had some plans to celebrate my mom's birthday on my uncle's house... Since her birthday is on 23rd, so all our relatives are off today... It's the perfect time too... :)

The temple near Ulu Tiram

Went there and ordered some nice cake... :D

So me and my bro planned all the events without my mom's knowledge... :D I belanja for KFC while my bro the birthday cake... My uncle sponsor some mee hon's... Around 9pm, my parents reached my uncle's house... And we all celebrate for her birthday... Had some family moments before we take off to our house...

Mom's Birthday Treats!!!

Ok then... Gotta go for gym tomorrow so see ya'll tomorrow... Ciaozzz...

Fun Facts > Windmills always turn counter-clockwise. Except for the windmills in Ireland.

The highly anticipated audio, Vinnai Thandi Varuvaya is finally launched in London... Can't wait to listen to the songs... It's the first time Gautham Menon, the director of the film, working with A.R. Rahman so everyone are expecting some top-notch songs... Really can't wait!!! Plus Vijay's Vettaikaran is released yesterday... It's gonna be a hit since Sun Pictures take over the marketing... The songs are rocking as well... Too bad Jusco don't premier the movie... Damn...

Yeah, my day went well too... By watching tv... :P Tomorrow I'm going to temple to gotta sleep early... See ya...
Wanted to jog early morning but didn't... Too sleepy... I don't know why I can't sleep... I sleep very lately... Damn... Have to wake up tomorrow!!! Plus my arms are healing over pain... Going to gym on monday... And Zam and his friends going to melaka tomorrow... Have a safe trip guys and Zam, drive carefully!!! Have fun there...

BTW, I've stop posting the facts for long time... So I'm gonna start today onwards... :) Here's a fun fact > The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
Had some major issues with my phone... Still doing some repair right now! Some files got corrupted... Damn...

Watched the football match on TV3... Didn't want to but dad ask me... :P Kinda bored because their game is soooo boring... I really surprised Vietnam doing like those things... Such as wasting and lagging their time just to drag to finish faster... The commenter said, "Sangat drama"... Haha... At last, Malaysian team managed to get 1 goal and slam those Vietnamese faces... :P

Ok then... Ciaozz...
Yes... More pain... Not from the jogging but from the gym I went on monday... Damn... My muscles are really making lots of pain... Good sign or bad sign??? Good because it shows my muscles are building and bad because it might torn the muscle... :( Tomorrow wanna jog again... I've been taking breaks so it's time to push it...

I'll Be Back!!!
Went to RHB Bank to apply a savings account with Zam... Had to rush back home to get a birth cert just because my freaking IC can't be used as a valid document... Why? Invalid chip!!! This is malaysia... And in malaysia, this what you'll get... I'm waiting to be 21 so that I can change my IC... Damn...

Zam took over my car after I applied the card... And as usual, he drives, like Fortuner... Speaking of Fortuner, someone's battery were "stolen"... By opening the hood, the "thief" got away without the car's alarm "activated"! Someone... Lol...

I have some bloopers that I took from NST today... See ya self below...

Law is charged??
I thought you have to refer to the law for the punishment...
Now Law is under police custody? LOL..

Aliens??? Haha... Wanna know who's the alien is?

Three foreigners... Hahaha... Since when foreigners become aliens???
So can we call each Singaporean coming to Malaysia as an aliens???

Went to Tesco just now... We got two RM15 discount coupons... But it expired yesterday... Lol... So can't use it... Damn... Anyway, we bought some nice goods... :D Too bad I can't enjoy it fully... DIET!!! Went to gym early morning... Did a good workout... I'm hoping that tomorrow I'll get some muscle cramps... :P
Today is family day... Because most of the time, I spend my time with my family and relatives... :D The day was awesome... Went around the biggest mosaic warehouse in JB, near... err, I think it's beside JPJ after you go through Mount Austin... Sorry, me not that good in remembering the place's names...

The warehouse was freaking huge... Let the pictures do the talking... We went there to search for mosaic for my uncle's new house...

***Warning!!! Heavy on content!!!***

BSN??? :P

Array of wonderful mosaics...

Me likey this one... BTW, it's a mosaic... :P

Mickey mouse @ RM50+... Anyone???

At night, my relatives all come lepak at my house... Since mom didn't cook anything so me and my dad go bought Pizza... 6 of them = RM80+ :P I ate 4 slices... Since I'll be going to gym tomorrow, so can la... :D Ok then... Wanna sleep... See ya...
Nooo... Not about the exam but it's about yesterday's jogging... I didn't do some stretching I guess so my muscles all over my body are aching up... Damn pain right now... Can't walk properly also... :( Hopefully by tomorrow, it will be healed...

Nothing much happened today... It's really hot today but the winds are blowing damn cold too... Perfect for picnic... :) Cleaned my PC and defraged it... Windows 7 rocksss... :D

I was kinda sad today... Don't know why... No one to talk to I guess... Hmmm... And today is Superstar, Rajinikanth's birthday... The whole India is celebrating for him... :) Ok... Adiozzz...
Had some private moment for myself... I dig up my old diary and read it... Really nice and interesting... All those moments are stored in my brain... Wow... Damn nice feeling...

At night, I did some expenses for next year... Hopefully I don't spend lavishly like this year... :(

And yeah... Woke up damn early in the morning and went for jogging... Now my muscles are aching up... Hopefully tomorrow I can continue... Ok... Gotta go... Adioz...
I'm doing nothing basically... :P Holidays are fun... For those who going out... For me, it's staying in JAIL!!! Can't go out... Didn't do anything too... And yeah... The gym thing... Wanted to wake up early but can't... Too sleepy... :P I'll get over that soon... Soon... :P

And I have some news for ya'll... Anyone who have Friendster will notice their recent changes to their site... Plus Friendster is losing its popularity over Facebook... So they are looking for investors to buy the site... Valued nearly over $100 million, an asian more specifically Malaysian investor, bought the site... is a malaysian company... I think they bought it around $150 million... So there you go... New Friendster owned by Malaysian... But I don't think they gonna win over Facebook... FB is going over the top...

And below are some general knowledge stuff... Enjoy...

The country which is the largest producer of tin in the world is
The biggest island of the world is
The country which is the largest producer of rubber in the world is
The first man to reach North Pole was
*Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary
The independence day of South Korea is celebrated on
*15 August
The earlier name of Sri Lanka was
The primary producer of newsprint in the world is
'Last Judgement' was the first painting of an Italian painter named
The national flower of Italy is
The national flower of China is
The national flower of Britain is
Sorry about yesterday... Was busy... Here's the yesterday post and today's post...


WOOOHOOOO... Finally the exam finished!!! And the last paper was IT2!!! Don't know about getting A but at least there's a B for me... Hopefully... I was literally writing so fast until my hand was super hurting... Wanted to take break but I want to go out before the final 15 minutes... :P So at 12pm, I called Ms Rachel for extra paper and a string... Yeah... Only for IT paper I've used extra answer book... Before this none... Can you imagine that??? Last sem, for each paper, I use 2 books... LOL...

Ok back to the story... So I was basically putting the paper using the string but couldn't... And Ms. Rachel is standing beside me, laughing at me... Hahaha... Too much stress... To tie the paper of course... :P Finally after three attempts, I was able to tie the paper successfully... :P Submitted the paper, walk across the hall, took my bag and ciao from there... Released a big headache while walking down to cafeteria... Hahaha...

About IT2, it's just like IT1 paper... I memorised damn a lot of stuff but just came few... Oh well... It's the same lecturer right? So, go figure... Anyways, I did my best... For the last paper... :P

After that, waited at cafe for Tey C and others to come... Did some "post-mortem" with Tey C and both sisters (Ms Rebecca and Rachel) walk by our table... They say "Don't discuss anymore... Go dating with your girlfriend now..." And somehow they made Tey C happy... :P

And that's it... Enjoy your holidays and don't worry about your results... For only 1 month though... :P See ya...



Well, waked up pretty late... Just enjoy the fresh day... :P As I said before, I've got many things to do in this holiday... And one of them is going to gym and clean up my stuff... I did the second thing today...

Cleaned up my closet, put all my "expired" notes into my shelve, cleaned my study table and of course, my handphone... Got lots of fingerprints into it... Damn... Now it's looking like a new phone... Heeeee... :D

Ok then... Will update on other stuff soon... Till then, stay tuned... :)
***Today's post will be updated tomorrow***
Haha... Not the first but last day of the exam... YAHOOOO!!! Gonna have some "laughing" moments after the exam... :D

Just to update, I'm currently under stress to complete studying IT... Yes, it's me!!! Because friday I didn't study at all and only yesterday at night I started... Just finished 2 chapters, still got more to go and I'm still online?? Zam asked me... Haha... I'm downloading some stuff so I "had" to be online...

Ok then... Back to study and will update ya about tomorrow's stuff... Till then, Adiozz...
Nothing much did today...

Wake up pretty late... Had a nice sleep...

Studying IT now so catch you tomorrow...

P.S.: This probably the shortest post I ever made... :P
(By Kumaresan)

Went to college today because wanna study IT but didn't worked...


Went to IT lab to surf the net but can't because password expired. IT staff also not available.


Waited in cafe while drinking nescafe. No one was there except the cafe people.


Tried to surf the net but can't because of f**ked up speed by Streamyx. On DiGi now.

It almost seems like the final day of exam but it's not... :P Just that QM is finally finished and 1 more subject to go, IT2... Still got three days for that so can la... :P

QM paper was 50-50 to me... Because I didn't revise very well so kinda have low confident with that... Let's see la how...

After QM exam, I cheered damn happy in my heart as I was walking outside the hall... The hardest subjects all finished... (IT not hard??? :P)

Well, didn't study anything today... Enjoy it first... Going to have a long break... :D Till then, see ya...
Well, FOM was kinda easy than Micro... Was too much worried though... But today morning, went to college and revise back everything plus discussing with my friends made me a bit confident... The questions all were as 90% perfect... 10% less because I didn't study chapter 2... :P Zam was really concerned with his answers... Don't worry man... Everything gonna be alright... For sure you'll get B... :)

After coming back home, I feel like super tired... Just only woke up from 1 hour nap but couldn't take it also... Still feeling sleepy... Me still thinking whether continue to sleep or study... I'll see after this... BTW, I gave my testimonial to Ms Rebecca today... She likey my testimonial... :D

Ok then... After FOM is 60% free now... After tomorrow's exam, it's 99% free... Hopefully I do the best for tomorrow... Till then, see ya later...

It's the day 2 and lots of things happened today... Did some practices of FA stuff in the college and pretty much prepared for the accounting parts only... The theory part not much... I think that I did well but still got some parts where I screw up big time... Lol... Hopefully can get B at least... Confidence... :P

Got Semester 5 payment slip today...
Haven't finish the exam yet but the slip come ready...

Before the exam starts, Ms. Rebecca called some of the student's name to go see her after the exam... That includes me and Jaya... She specifically mention my name (Kumar from DBA august 08)... I was like WHAT??? My mind immediately goes into memory mode to think where or when I did something wrong... But couldn't find one... So I thought, if I didn't do anything, why my name was called??? After few minutes I start doing the exam...

After the exam, I went to see her and accept the worst to come... She say she want to talk outside made me more nervous... I guess she could read mind as well... She said no need to be worry... Then I calm down... :P Her matter was totally different than I've expected...

She called me because there's gonna be open day on 19 december so she's gathering some student's feedback about the college... Like some testimonial about the experience in college and etc... So she called a few students about 4 people to write about this... I was one of them... While she was explaining the things, she say she chose me because I study pretty well plus I have a good attitude and behave well... I was totally proud when she say like that... :D

After that, she took my photo (not my best one because just finished FA exam so my mind was kinda tired)... Oh well... I guess many people will be guessing why these people's name are being called... Chee Poh said I was famous after she called my name twice... Ceeh... :P

After that, me, Zam, Jansen and Chee Poh took lunch at Sayed... Me was kinda late because of the peak hour rush... :P After I went back home, my mom wanted to go see her friend's new house... So me and my mom went to see her house... Check the pics below... :)

Me likey this one... :D

Nice lighting system...

Fish are exposed to Sun??? LOL

Tomorrow is FOM which is probably gonna be hardest subject after Micro... Let's hope for the best... Not only me but for everyone! Pray guys... Pray to God... Right Zam? :P Gotta go sleep... Adioz...
Zam : One down... Four more to go...

Haha... Yes indeed... ME has been completed successfully... Kinda easy though but still there are some parts which I can't understand... And since it's easy, around 10.30am, almost 80% of the students taking it passed up the paper... Lol...

The exam hall rules are getting bad to worst!!! Last sem's exam, they ask us to put our handphones inside our bags... This sem?? Don't take wallet and pencilbox also... To Sunway management, next time please post these "updated" rules outside or inform the students before the exam starts... I was literally thinking of the answers when suddenly the lecturer tells at the mic that wallets are not allowed... Plus, please STOP talking while we're doing the exams!!! Oh my God!!! You are kinda shouting to the students which are trying to do their exams well... Seriously, STOP TALKING!!! Damn...

Anyways, after the exam, me and Zam had lunch at Sayed... He's kinda want to have nasi goreng kampung... So do I... :D And the weather is superb today... Damn perfect to start the exam... Such a peace of mind... Ok... Gotta revise FA for tomorrow... Nightzzz
Is there tomorrow or won't be??? :P Well, tomorrow starts our final exams and we're gonna face with LAN subjects first! I tried to study ME but cannot tahan ready... I wonder why I cannot understand each freaking points... Today is cooler than yesterday though... Much more better... Me thinking whether wanna sleep now or later... Enjoy the day first... :P

Zam was literally trying to make a conference call but couldn't... At the end, I made it successfully... Haha... Sony phones... Don't know what to say ready la... :P Ok then... Gotta go... See yall tomorrow with some reviews... :P

>>> D-Day Is TOMORROW!!! >>>
Final Exam
Semester 4

I really don't know what to say this day... It's so hot making me go crazy... Seriously... Sometimes I wonder going to Jusco or Tesco just to get a cool breeze... This also making me hard to study... Even now at night, it's still kinda freaking hot... Should I go to air-con room and study there? How's my dad gonna sleep while the lights are on??? Lol... OMG... FOM is the most f**ked up subject... Should be the hardest subject after micro... It's freaking big subject and lots of things need to remember... Ok... I better stop blabbering myself here and go study... See ya tomorrow... And remember, tomorrow's the last day...
Mom is off today so she make us Thosai for breakfast + lunch... I tasted Egg thosai for the first time... Kinda, same like Egg prata... :P

Egg Thosai...
Yummy right? :D

Ok about the studying part... Err... Haven't quite did anything today... Because of the freaking weather... Rain never comes so it's hot here... Just went to Tesco... It was a life-saver for me... Thanks for the super cold air-cons there... :D

>>> 2 Days To Go >>>
Final Exam
Semester 4
Today is our final day for semester 4 session... We successfully completed the whole 4 month semester with much pain and suffering... Lol... Don't expect me to say happy because we really DO suffer!

Here's some short summary of the subjects we took this semester:

FA2 - Well, first class was kinda bored for us... Since the lecturer is new, he didn't perform quite well... But he did improve day by day... I don't know about the class but I do sometimes, understand the concept... Since it's been a year we touched FA, sure it's gonna take some time for us to grasp back the stuffs all, right?

Overall experience > B/C

FOM - Since we know about the lecturer for Management in semester 2, we all happy that she's gonna teach us again... She's such a well-experienced lecturer and she knows answers to everything (in this case, FOM stuff of course... :P) FOM is just about marketing... You just need to understand it and you're good to go... But we all did a fatal error... We didn't care studying about it till end of the semester... Didn't we do that for the rest of the subjects too? :P

Overall experience > B

IT2 - It's one of my favourite subjects so for sure I'm gonna like it right? Wrong!!! Even though it's my favourite subject, but I do sometimes don't understand... Especially the database stuff... I knew the DB part since my school time so I know it's gonna be hard... Thank god they didn't include the programming stuff... That will blow us to our knees... The lecturer, sometimes happy sometimes angry... Happy because of Zam's sweet talks and angry because of the whole class's "sweet" talks... Lol... Anyways, we still like the way she teaches... One thing we learn from her is, patience is crucial if you wanna become lecturer... She still didn't tell us her salary though... :P

Overall experience > B

QM2 - I've heard that the lecturer is new so maybe she might be falling into the same category with FA2 lecturer... But for me, I think she's better for some parts even though sometimes, can't understand at all... So far, we haven't encounter any bad things on her... The first month for QM is kinda in hell... Because it's all theory parts (and it's not coming for exams?!?!)

Overall experience > B/C

ME - Oh my god... Whenever I talk about this subject, the word come from me is OMG!!! Seriously... Probably one of the worst subjects ever... I don't know whether the lecturer is the problem or I suck on that subject... I do believe the whole class (including other groups too), don't understand her teaching either... If not, why do we have TWO feedback sessions about her class? Something fishy right? In previous semester for Micro, when we give the feedback for the lecturer, he immediately changed his teaching style but for this subject, even after two feedbacks, I hardly notice any changes from her... She do start to bring laptops after that but that doesn't included in our subject scope right? :P

Overall experience > D!!!

So here's the list for the subjects I like based on my experience rating above:
1 > IT2
2 > FOM

3 > QM2

4 > FA2

5 > ME

*I really do believe the moral lecturer need some training... Seriously!!! For future students, please!!!

Ok now let's get back into today... Since it's the last day for our semester, we really do hope for some "last-minute" tips from the lecturers... But NIL!!! We didn't get anything... Damn... I really need to study super hard after this...

Our Group's Viewpoint Of The Final Exam!

My look says it all... It's gonna be hard time next week...

Zam's expression... Err... Hope you can understand... Coz I don't :P

Tey Cong... Aahhh... This one can be easily understood by everyone!
Are you sure??? :P

Enjoy the pictures below... The last day for semester 4... After this, begins a whole new day, The Final Exam!!! For all my friends, do for your best and remember that, getting A's is not important... At least you've tried your level best to answer the papers... That's what differentiate you from others... :)

All having last minute discussion with Ms Cecila...

Jaya studies... Zam wonders...
Zam's gonna miss his "darling" soooo badly after this...

Enjoy the video... And laugh yourself... :P

P.S : As always, the summary part is my OWN opinion only!!! And also, please no hard feelings... Whatever I said, is the thing I've experienced in these 4 months... If you want more info, please do ask other students too... I'm sure they'll be happy to give some few comments... :) Again, no hard feelings... For ME, please do something!!! OMG!!!
Well, it's the last class for FA today... After 4 months, we had some hard time understanding the accounting concepts but at last, we did manage to grasp something which we can make it pass for exams... Thanks for your wonderful smile and "make sense?" dialogue... :D

Ok ok... Not too much emo now... Still got one more day to go... The classes today was nice... Nothing much did today... Zam taught me QM yesterday so now I'm able to do it nicely... Hopefully for exams, I should be prepared...

Ok then... See you all tomorrow... Have fun + studying... Ciaoz...

>>> 4 Days To Go >>>
Final Exam
Semester 4
Naaah... It's not C++ code or some other programming languages... It is, Chicken Burger With Cheese Double Special... Haha... Hungry ready? Wait for more... Lots of pictures and videos coming up...

Warning: This Post May Be Heavy On Content... Use with caution... :P

So, let me start the day today... Nothing much interesting anyway... FA, just the same old exercises... But for moral, I really don't know what to say actually... She just give one simple tip which may or may not be coming out... So, it depends... Damn right...

During the moral class (which is our final class), she show some presentation video of her past student's work... Kinda played nicely before the CD corrupted... Lol... After some freaking class session, I was pretty much tired... Had some coffee during moral break time... Helps me a lil I think...

So after the class, me and Zam planned to study at his house... So I quickly rush to his house and the first view in the hall was niceee... 50" TV set with "home-theater" system... LOL... So after saying hi to his mom, we both went upstairs and start to study QM... After that, we open FOM and both look blur ready... So we closed the book and went out... (FYI, Zam's sister was looking 90% exactly same like his mom! A small-scaled version... Seriously!!!)

Zam's HUGE File...
The whole notes from semester 1 - 3...

Zam conquer the world (until semester 3 of course... :P)

One thing took me a surprised turn... His mom ask us to carry down some old small cabinet downstairs... So I was, it's ok, because it's small... Then I put down my bag and we start to carry down the cabinet... The first one was ok... But the second one, it's the super heavy of all of it... Let me tell you, don't judge the book by it's cover... Lol... BTW, we both look like some banglas carrying down the furniture... Haha... I couldn't control laughing at all...

After some "heavy-duty work", we both sweat like hell... Fortuner's AC saved us... :P Then went out and dumped the thing on the empty field... Then before the police comes, we ciao quickly... Lol... After that, we quickly went to JB city in no time... :P

Beautiful sunset...
The car was shaky..

Another sunset pix...

Damn freaking construction going on...
It's like 2012... Lol

Global warming!!! :P

And you know where we will go if it's in JB... Either Bapok Alley or Bapok Stall... LOL... Too common for us ready... Haha... And as usual, Zam is the one who can't resist going to that alley... :P And we do saw some "big" improvements there... Not the roads or lights, but the bapoks... Lol... Zam turned on the "police" strobe light all the time there...

He actually stopped on one bapok and start his "move"... Full dialogue below...

Zam: Berapa? Bapok: 50... Zam: Boleh pegang? Bapok: Tak boleh... Zam: 50 mahal la... Bapok: Oh mahal eh? ... Zam: Takpe la... Muka macam sial... Bapok: (In state of shock)

Hahahaha... I was totally stunned when he say, "Muka macam sial"... LOL!!! I'm sure the bapok pissed off after that... Hahahhaha... After some "nice" talking, we went to park the car near the bapok burger stall... Zam installed some new lighting system on his car... Check the vids out... Me likey the strobe light thingy... Kinda having "Police" feel... Lol...

The lighting inside the car... Have like UV-light effect... Niceee..

The strobe light + tiny dots of light...
Damn nice for this car... Look like some JPJ guys...

We sit outside the stall and ordered, Chicken Burger With Double Cheese Special!!! Been almost 4 months since we eat it, to be exact, 19th August... :D So me and Zam really can't wait to try this baby out...

Bapok Burger!!!

And the after of Bapok Burger...

After having some delicious dinner, we off to Permas... JB was kinda dark and moderately crowded... Surprising? :P The motorbike riders are crazy... Going sooo close beside the car... Zam almost kena bang one fella... Thank goodness he escaped the big machine...

After arriving home, I say goodbye and start my car and off to JJ... Came to home around 8.30pm... The same time, my dad comes home from pasar malam... Lol... Didn't ask much though... Surprisingly... :P After some nice shower, opened up my computer, go online and check mails... Didn't study... :P Damn freaking tired by now...

My relatives called us to go to our "family" restaurant for some small gathering... I just ordered milo ice... Was damn freaking full by then... Around 11.30pm, came back home and now, writing this post...

Ok then... Hope you guys enjoy our whole trip by reading this... :D Always remember that, Bapok Burger always Rockzzz... Enjoy your days while studying for exams... :P

P.S : I'm sorry that I couldn't post this yesterday because it take me so long to upload those pics and vids... And sorry for the heavy content... I'm sure the Streamyx can't handle too much bandwidth... Understandable... Lol...

P.P.S : And yeah... It was Zam's treat for the burger... Thanks for that man... Really appreciate it... Next time is my treat... I've gotta remember that... :P
Is it 1 week or 6 days?? :P Anyway, the exam is just around the corner... And so far my progress, I've only touched on FA most of the time... Other 4 subjects are N/A atm... Gonna start that starting from tomorrow...

Zam's Pontianak Look... LOL

The class was good... Really tired right now... Have to get some freaking sleep... And during the class, Zam got "called" by the "pricipal" of the college... Hahaha... Then me, Tey C and Zam start to predict each other's exam result... See the video below... Gotta go...

Tey Cong... The Feng Shui master!!!

As I promised, the countdown starts now!!!

>>> 6 Days To Go >>>
Final Exam
Semester 4
Just finished doing the last work for QM assignment... But I still have some doubts... Oh well, whatever it is, I'm gonna pass up tomorrow... Took a long freaking time to do the conclusion and recommendation stuff... Hopefully it's all correct...

Did some cleaning stuff on my car too... The car started without a hitch... :) And yeah, the exams, errr, just a week away so I'm gonna start the countdown starting from tomorrow... Too scared??? I'm in the same feeling as you guys there... Hang on tight... We're on the page freaking page, each final exams...

Till then, take care and remember to study for your exams... Don't facebook way to much... :P