So, let me start the day today... Nothing much interesting anyway... FA, just the same old exercises... But for moral, I really don't know what to say actually... She just give one simple tip which may or may not be coming out... So, it depends... Damn right...
During the moral class (which is our final class), she show some presentation video of her past student's work... Kinda played nicely before the CD corrupted... Lol... After some freaking class session, I was pretty much tired... Had some coffee during moral break time... Helps me a lil I think...
So after the class, me and Zam planned to study at his house... So I quickly rush to his house and the first view in the hall was niceee... 50" TV set with "home-theater" system... LOL... So after saying hi to his mom, we both went upstairs and start to study QM... After that, we open FOM and both look blur ready... So we closed the book and went out... (FYI, Zam's sister was looking 90% exactly same like his mom! A small-scaled version... Seriously!!!)
Zam's HUGE File...
The whole notes from semester 1 - 3...
Zam conquer the world (until semester 3 of course... :P) One thing took me a surprised turn... His mom ask us to carry down some old small cabinet downstairs... So I was, it's ok, because it's small... Then I put down my bag and we start to carry down the cabinet... The first one was ok... But the second one, it's the super heavy of all of it... Let me tell you, don't judge the book by it's cover... Lol... BTW, we both look like some banglas carrying down the furniture... Haha... I couldn't control laughing at all...
After some "heavy-duty work", we both sweat like hell... Fortuner's AC saved us... :P Then went out and dumped the thing on the empty field... Then before the police comes, we ciao quickly... Lol... After that, we quickly went to JB city in no time... :P
Beautiful sunset...
The car was shaky..
Another sunset pix...
Damn freaking construction going on...
It's like 2012... Lol
Global warming!!! :PAnd you know where we will go if it's in JB... Either Bapok Alley or Bapok Stall... LOL... Too common for us ready... Haha... And as usual, Zam is the one who can't resist going to that alley... :P And we do saw some "big" improvements there... Not the roads or lights, but the bapoks... Lol... Zam turned on the "police" strobe light all the time there...
He actually stopped on one bapok and start his "move"... Full dialogue below...
Zam: Berapa? Bapok: 50... Zam: Boleh pegang? Bapok: Tak boleh... Zam: 50 mahal la... Bapok: Oh mahal eh? ... Zam: Takpe la... Muka macam sial... Bapok: (In state of shock)
Hahahaha... I was totally stunned when he say, "Muka macam sial"... LOL!!! I'm sure the bapok pissed off after that... Hahahhaha... After some "nice" talking, we went to park the car near the bapok burger stall... Zam installed some new lighting system on his car... Check the vids out... Me likey the strobe light thingy... Kinda having "Police" feel... Lol...
The lighting inside the car... Have like UV-light effect... Niceee..
The strobe light + tiny dots of light...
Damn nice for this car... Look like some JPJ guys... :P
We sit outside the stall and ordered, Chicken Burger With Double Cheese Special!!! Been almost 4 months since we eat it, to be exact, 19th August... :D So me and Zam really can't wait to try this baby out...
Bapok Burger!!!
And the after of Bapok Burger...
After having some delicious dinner, we off to Permas... JB was kinda dark and moderately crowded... Surprising? :P The motorbike riders are crazy... Going sooo close beside the car... Zam almost kena bang one fella... Thank goodness he escaped the big machine...
After arriving home, I say goodbye and start my car and off to JJ... Came to home around 8.30pm... The same time, my dad comes home from pasar malam... Lol... Didn't ask much though... Surprisingly... :P After some nice shower, opened up my computer, go online and check mails... Didn't study... :P Damn freaking tired by now...
My relatives called us to go to our "family" restaurant for some small gathering... I just ordered milo ice... Was damn freaking full by then... Around 11.30pm, came back home and now, writing this post...
Ok then... Hope you guys enjoy our whole trip by reading this... :D Always remember that, Bapok Burger always Rockzzz... Enjoy your days while studying for exams... :P
P.S : I'm sorry that I couldn't post this yesterday because it take me so long to upload those pics and vids... And sorry for the heavy content... I'm sure the Streamyx can't handle too much bandwidth... Understandable... Lol...P.P.S : And yeah... It was Zam's treat for the burger... Thanks for that man... Really appreciate it... Next time is my treat... I've gotta remember that... :P