Today, I got a call from CIMB Bank people... Don't get surprised... It's just a survey... Here's how it goes...
Me: Hello...
CIMB: Hello sir. I would like to talk to Mr. Kumaresan...
(They know my name??? Ermm...)
Me: Yes... Who is this?
CIMB: We're conducting a short survey about e-banking sir. So could we have 5 minutes of your time sir?
(E-banking??? WTF???)
Me: Ok sure but which bank are you from?
CIMB: CIMB Bank sir...
(CIMB Bank??? What???)
Me: Oh ok then...
CIMB: What is your age sir?
Me: Ermm... 19 years old...
CIMB: Ok... Have you ever tried online banking before sir?
(Online banking??? Do I have an account with you guys anyway???)
Me: No... I haven't try it before...
CIMB: So usually you will go to the bank to process your transactions lah?
(What the hell? Do I even go to bank and do some transactions??? Never... For now of course...)
Me: Ermm... No... See, I don't have Bankcard...
CIMB: Oh... Hmm... Ok then... Thanks for your time sir... Bye...
Me: Ya... Bye...
Hahaha... After she heard that I don't have bankcard, she just say thanks and bye... Haha... By the way, the CIMB people is a girl... So it's a girl, Zam... Yeah... :P
I seriously don't know where they get my number and she said my name correctly... Now that's weird!!! Well, the day went nicely... Me and my dad went to JB again to get his badge... RM44 for that badge alone... Can't government sponser the badges also??? Oh my god! Ok then... Going to study... See ya tomorrow... And remember people, tomorrow is NOT holiday... :P Ciaoz...
Haha... I had some problems doing the QM revision questions... So I called Tey C but he didn't pick up... He called me in evening... This guy ah...
I tried to do some ITL questions just now... But mom and dad said they wanna go to relatives house so I pack up everything and get ready... Haha... At last I can go out at night... With them of course... :P
So we had some nice discussions with them and took dinner just now in Sayed... And again, it's nasi goreng kampung... Don't ask me why for past 3 days I'm eating the same thing... The answer would be the same thing also... IT'S MY FAVOURITE!!! Got it??? Haha...
Ok then... I'll go and try to study now... See ya tomorrow... And remember, tomorrow is public holiday for all of us... And it's for Johor only... :P
It's been a long freaking time since I travel into JB city... There are lots of developments happening there... It's good to see this things because I always stay in the house so this kinda new to me... Hehe...
The one and only shop which specializes in police uniforms and stuff...(In JB of course...) And the reason I went there is because dad wants to do something about his badge... So there's only one shop in JB to do that... After giving the order, we went back home... And today, mom didn't cook so we took chicken rice for lunch and my favourite, nasi goreng kampung for dinner... Just now, I was studying micro and I hope to do QM if I'm not full yet... Hehe... Ok then... Later...
Well, the food in my house are the same for these past few days... Mom just cooking vege over and over again and the curry hasn't changed for quite long time... I'm starting to feel something wrong already... In my appetite of course... Haha...
Well, maybe mom is working everyday so she don't have time to cook nicely... So just now, me and my dad planned to go out and eat... Hehe... After so long I took nasi goreng kampung... Well, just now, I did some revision for ITL... Hopefully I'll do the same for other subjects soon... Ok then... Later...
The cool day comes back... This past few days were pretty cold... Even the temperature dropped to 30C this morning... NICE...
Well, the day went very nice... Today is the last day for ITL class so the lecturer gave us some last briefing on how to answer the questions... The BCom lecturer haven't gave any tips yet... But I think she did... Maybe I didn't paid much concentration in class... Haha...
And in the morning, there was some people (probably from government) came to college... I think it's about science expo going on for two days which started today... Ermm... It's pretty scary when you see these wave of colourful shirts in the cafeteria... :P Ok then... Going to sleep now... See ya...
Yeah people... Revenge is really coming... Wanna know more... Stay tuned for tomorrow's update... It's going to be special week tomorrow... :D
And today, haha... I really don't know why I wasted these three days without doing anything... Seriously... I didn't do anything... Didn't study, didn't wash my car (damn) and didn't clean up the house... Haha...
P.S. : Joyce and Christine, your presentation videos are completed... Get it from me today or tomorrow in class...
Yeah... Today also nothing to talk about... Haha... Guess I'm having the weekend blues... Need something to do... Can someone tell me anything to do??? I'm pretty much watching tv and listening to songs over and over again... Damn... I wish I can go out and rounding around my area... Ermm... Well, mom didn't cook today cause' she come back home late... So me and dad went out to eat just now... And I finally edited my group's video on the IT1 presentation... Check it out... See ya later...
During the rehearsal day...
The actual presentation day...
Sorry about the middle part... Someone messed it up...
Today is basically like that... Nothing to do!!! Seriously... I don't know why today is really boring... And as you guys can guess it, there's nothing to blog about... Sorry about that... Let's see whether tomorrow got something to talk about... See ya...
Today is pretty tired for me... I didn't have the concentration in the classes today... Maybe because of BCom class is two hours??? Haha... Ok then... The day went well though...
In the morning, saw these TNB guys working on the lamp post here... I guess they were fixing the freaking problem that's been going on forever...
It's like the lamp is always get spoiled... And when they fix it, it only work for few days and went off again... This is been continuing since I live here... Haha... Let's see whether now it's working for long time or not... Ok then... Ciaoz...
I don't know why... But today I'm the one who finished the QM tutorial... Haha... Maybe I felt it's too boring to I was trying to do it... And also Tey C went to sit in front so there's wasn't anyone to talk with... So I was trying it and it turn out pretty good...
Don't say that I'm too "smart" here guys... Just because the lecturer praised me, doesn't mean that I can do well... Haha... I was bored... That's the only reason I did the tutorial... And Tey C gonna keep telling me this thing till end of this week... OMG...
Well, the day went pretty nicely... During the ITL class, the lecturer gave us some more tips for exam... Hopefully she will give more specifically later on... And Jansen didn't come today... He called me just now... He said his grandfather passed away... He borrowed my Law notes so I have to wait till next week to get it back... :(
Just now, I edited our group presentation video... I want to upload it here but guess what how big the size is... 240MB!!! Haha... Don't expect me to upload here that big size... I'll try to figure out someway to cut the size... Ok then... Sleepy... Ciaoz...
What can I say about today??? It's totally Fattastic day... Haha... I know you guys are wondering why the word fantastic became fattastic instead... I'll explain about that in a while more... As I said in previous posts, today is the day we have the IT1 presentation...
During our presentation...
Thanks for this picture, Christine... So after we prepared a little bit in morning, we (Zam, Tey C and me) are pretty much hoped that we will do the best... And after the ME class, the time comes for us... As usual, we all went in front of the class... But Zam and Tey C went out of the class... Only me was in the computer opening the presentation file... After I opened it, I also went out of the class...
My Group Members...
Or Shall I Say, The Fantastic Three!!! All of our classmates were laughing and confused why we all go out... After few seconds, we came in back with lots of applause from our friends... And we start off our presentation with a bang... We took everyone's attention and held it with us until the end of our presentation... I hope they all enjoyed every bit of our presentation...
Me, Myself and I...
In the presentation costume... I also recorded the video during this period but unfortunetly it couldn't record properly because Mr Wilson put his hand all over the table and completely blocked the video... I also wanted to edit it but I don't have proper software to edit it now... So I will upload it within this week... Don't worry about it... ;-)
After The Presentation Ends...
Business Talk!!! Haha... And yeah... The fattastic thing... Well, it's a long story but I summarize it... The whole assignment is about explaining what type of business is Fatt Fatt company running... The business part is free for us to choose and create it...During the time, I came up with the word... I thought it's pretty nice so I put it into the presentation... Who knows the little word became a popular word!!! Haha... Other groups also did very good too... We didn't know who did best... Will ask that tomorrow...Well, don't worry about the video... I also took some picture today... So will upload it now... Enjoy it... See ya tomorrow... And yeah...
Have A Fattastic Day!!!
Tomorrow's the day!!! Remember that we got 1 more presentation left? That's coming tomorrow... Me, Zam and Tey C kinda prepared... I hope we'll do best... Let's see... Since the whole class gonna present, it's going to be a little bit harder...But let's about that tomorrow... Me not gonna write anymore after this... Going to sleep now... Ciaoz...
Me and Zam went to Oldtown at 12pm today to discuss about the presentation... We did something... Hopefully it will work on the presentation day... Let's see about that... The day is pretty hot at beginning but there was strong wind cool off everything in evening... Now also still cool a bit... Ok then... That's it... Bye...
Haha... Just did some major work for IT1 presentation... That's why I update my blog super duper late... Sorry about that... Hopefully it will be finished before Monday... Coz Monday is the D-Day!!!
And we're the second group to be on the waiting line for the presentation... And if Wilson didn't come, we're going FIRST!!! Haha... Me haven't prepared yet also... Damn...
Well, at college, the class went well... I pretty much got a little bit mood out... Don't ask me why... Because even myself don't know why... Haha... Weird right... :P Ok then... Going to sleep... Too late ready... Haha...
P.S. : Even Zam ask me not to update my blog... But I don't care... Day or night... Attentive or sleepy... Free or busy... I'll sure update it... :D :D :D
Well, today is pretty cool than the other days... But it's still freaking hot anyway... Haha... The classes today was all at 110 so we're cool... :D ITL class got cancelled because the lecturer had a "minor" accident... So we pass up the assignment to Ms Rebecca...
The Boss is trying to understand what he's going to present...After the class, we all went to library to discuss about the IT assignment... First of all, we really don't know where to start... We all just talk nonsense only... Haha... I haven't type yet... Oh my god... Have to start tomorrow cause me kinda busy now...
Stephen comes in with his "weapon"... Hehe...And during the discussion, Stephen comes and takes his camera and start gunning those lens to three of us (Me, Zam and Tey C) and suddenly there's a lot of flashes thundering down to our face... Hehe... I can't upload the pictures from his camera because he's not online now... Will get it later... But I also got took some pictures... Have fun...
Boooo!!! Haha...
Who's blocking the camera??? Grrr....
Wait a sec... It's looks like... Err... Someone i know... Hmm...
Oh... It's none other than Tey C himself... Haha...
Today's ME class was pretty interesting... First time the lecturer caught everyone's attention... Well, it's not about the subject anyway but pretty much related to it... The lecturer talks about his past life... Where he worked, how much he got and so on...
In case you're wondering, he worked in many banks before this... And the bonus is 6 months of salary!!! That's right... 6 freaking months people!!! And there's a proverb he said during those time... Which is, "Money isn't everything... But everything is money"... Didn't understand that part quite well... Whatever... So at the end of his story, everyone clapped... And that's the end of the class... Haha...
Today's IT class was fun... Especially the system analyst... I know those guys who totally changed the meaning of the system analyst... Please people... Don't ask me what's the "ACTUAL" meaning of it... Haha... Well, just now, I finally finished my ITL assignment... After soooo long... I hope everything is right... After this, gotta do the IT assignment... Well, that's it for now... Ciaoz...
Naaa... Not the exam... The ITL assignment pass up day... It's only 2 days to go and I haven't finish mine yet... Damn... First of all, let me go take my dinner... Then I'll try to do my assignment... That's it for now... Bubye...
After so long, I finally watched the Ayan movie, the first super hit movie of 2009... The music and the technical specs such as picturization, cinematography, fight sequence and etc. is really superb...
Well, about today, nothing I did actually... I wanted to do the assignment and stuff but the heat got me to hold back... I really can't take the heat at all... That's why the whole day didn't do anything... Damn... I've gotta start everything tomorrow... Ok then... Gonna take my dinner... See ya later...
Nowadays it's getting hotter and hotter... Is it global warming or just summer??? Haha... Thank goodness Sunway got some cold air-con running... If not, we'll be "death" by now... And also no classes on the third floor too!!! :D
We did some selection for who's going first for the IT presentation today... Tey C and Zam ask me to go and take the number... And guess what? I got number 2!!! The same number as I got in BCom assignment... Hehe... Wonder that's our lucky number...
ITL is getting to its climax now... We're just few chapters away fron finishing it... And the exams also nearning soon... I better gotta study now... Ok then... See ya tomorrow...
Well, I thought new month and bring new hope but today, I don't think it will bring... Got my QM1 test result today... And the result isn't very surprising... See it for yourself in the picture...
My Result... :'( The day went well until I got the QM result... After that, was pretty mood out... Thought wanna go watch Terminator but that one also canceled... Straight went to home, surf the net, listen to music, and completely relaxed myself...And the temperature is freaking... Let me tell you again... It's FREAKING HOT!!!!!! Took some snapshots below... See it too... At night, I tried to study but can't because of the heat is unbearable... Wanna go and sleep under air-con pretty long now... See ya tomorrow...
36.1C... Just within minutes, the temperature increased!!!
Yeah right... I don't think there's any hope after this... Only got like 4 weeks to go before our final exam comes... And I haven't prepare anything yet!!! Oh well...
Spinning Round & Round!!!It's a new month today so I hope everything will be nice and different... Last month was pretty much a disaster for me... Accident, someone cause my mind to disturb, my studies, assignments and much more... I hope this month brings new hope for me...
So, today's class was pretty nice... Someone didn't come to class today... Interestingly!!! Because he always comes to class... Everyday!!! Today he didn't come... We had blazt on IT1 class today... We tease the lecturer till the max... Brad Pitt!!! :P
My New Phone!!! Hehehe...Thank god in the class got pretty cool air con! Outside, it's toasting like hell!!! 35C!!! That's just few degrees before it matches our normal body temperature!!! Imagine that... Ok then... Gotta go and sleep... Ciaozz...