Well, today I felt pretty tired when I woke up... Don't know why... Starting from today, I have to sleep early I think...The classes were quite ok also... I helped our ME lecturer setting up the computer because he didn't know how to access it... You guys probably didn't noticed it because me, tey c and david only in the class... Haha...
I thought we might get our result today but didn't... :( Let's hope for tomorrow... The class ends at 12pm so we all went to took lunch in the cafeteria... Saw this person sitting infront of our table... Is it a GUY or a GIRL??? Anyone can hardly guess it??? Hehehe...Well, today also thosai so I have no choice but to eat it... :( Ok la... See you guys tomorrow...
Hehe... Today is pretty much nice day because I get to know my exam result for semester 2 today... Well, partially though... I only get to know whether I pass or not... The exam grade will be given on thursday or friday... Have to wait... The good thing is I passed both of my subjects!!! Woohoo... And Zam passed too!!! Yeah... That guy been worrying long time ago... Now you can clear your mind dude... ;)
Well, had some nice + bad classes... Hehe... First session of the class was great... Pretty much concentrated... We skip 30 minutes of IT1 class because there's a briefing on the auditorium about University of Leeds... So since our IT1 lecturer is our coordinator so she's pretty much 'pushed' us to go to the briefing... Hehe...
Well, the presenter whose from UK speaks like UK people!!! No wonder... Haha... Well, the university is really great but the thing is, the FEES!!! RM90k!!! Imagine that... Well, Zam was intially was interested because his favourite football club is nearby... After saw the fee structure, he changed his mind... Hehe... After that, we went for lunch...Took some rice because I have some suspicion that we might have ITL class later on evening... Well, ITL class is a go-go at 2.30pm!!! Haha... Well, after some cruel class session, we all finally went back home...By the time I reach Johor Jaya area, the rain started to pour down heavily!!! Super heavy!!! Thank goodness I escaped it... Hehe... Ok guys... Going to study now (hopefully!!!)... See ya tomorrow...
I had a blazt on this day... After 5 years, I get down wet during the heavy rain in here on evening... It's been a long time since I get wet... Really nice...
Totally Wet!!!Well, me and my parents all go to Kota Masai to meet up with our relative... Hang around in there and went back home at 10pm... That's why I update this blog late... Hehe...
Well, I didn't study this past days... I hope I can check up with the pressure... Ok then guys... Meet you tomorrow... And zam, sorry for you macha... Had a bad sore throat... Don't worry... You'll sure get well soon... ;)
Today is earth hour!!! All the lights will be turned off for 1 hour where the whole globe participates!!! I saw the Media Prima's main building turn off their lights live!!! Even some of the houses in my neighborhood turn off their lights!!! WOW... :P As part of this programme, I won't be blogging for 1 hour because this requires light??? Haha... See ya guys tomorrow...
Pretty boring staying at home... I thought every friday I go to Jusco and hang out in there... Let's see next week... Well, didn't do much at home... Music music music... I also didn't study because I was pretty much on sad mode... Hehe... So short ah this post... :P At least I update it... Someone isn't... LOL...
Haha... Well, somehow, today is good day for me... Waked up at 7.50am today just because I want to reach to college at 9am because SOMEONE said wanna come at 9AM!!! Hmm...
The classes went quite nice today but during law class, my concentration started to fade... Maybe because it's 1 and half hour class at 4pm!!! Thank god the lecturer got some meeting at 4pm so she let us go early to home... Hehe... First first time I ever seen lecturer allowed us to go early!!! The environment is quite ok... Not cold or hot just nice... But during the class, the air-con didn't work properly so pretty much was hot... Some students can't take the heat...
We had a class shift during the QM class... She ask us to do some exercise which we can't do properly because of the limited space on the table... The class ended successfully after 6 hours in college... Tomorrow also going to be a 'long-haul' class... Let's see about that...
Well, Zam complained to me that reading my blog is quite 'crazy'... Haha... He said I didn't do much spacing on the paragraphs and the background colour is black so after he read it, then he went to another window, he can see the image of the word on that window...
So because of that, I've changed my writing techniques now... Tell me ok or not Zam... Hehe... I'm going to my relative house now so going to do my homeworks after coming back... See ya tomorrow guys...
Haha... Don't get scared about the title up there... It's the two new subjects we learned today... Introduction to Law and Quantitative Methods 1... Well, the class went good today... Pretty much focused... First we start off microeconomics class... The second day, we get lecture notes of the subject... He teaches us chapter 1 a little bit... Then ITL class starts... The lecturer pretty much shouted all the time trying to raise her voice so that we all pay attention... Yeah right... Even though she looked pretty angry but can manage some jokes from the class when we all studying about Malaysian Legal System... She say even she can't finish the syllabus within 4 months so we all have to revise through it ourselfs!!! This lecturer also gives lecture notes of the subject... After Law, comes the Add Maths!!! Phew!!! What a class... Even during the first chapter, we all pretty much confused with the math terms... Imagine how the rest of the chapters going to be... And it's 12 chapters!!! I wonder why all the lecturers giving the lecture notes FOC!!! Sunway got enough money meh? Haha... After the class finished, I straight went back home... Wanted to go somewhere but maybe next week... Hehe... Fetch mom and went to dentist... Ate thosai made by my mom in the evening... At night, my parents went to pasar malam and bought some vege... Ok la... Have to revise now... See ya tomorrow...
Well, after two weeks of holiday, we finally went for the first ever class of our semester 3... I waked up at 6:50am today and turn off the alarm and went to sleep... Thank god my brother wake me up if not, I wouldn't come to college... Haha... Went to college as planned at 8am and met up with Zam... Me and Zam said there's going to be a bunch of new students waiting in the entrance hall but the first sight was pretty disturbing... Hehe... After discussion some stuff at cafeteria, we went to our first ever class of our semester, Microeconomics... Well, this lecturer seems to be like ah ben in ITB but we'll never know because today is the first class, I'll do some summary at the end of this week about this... After some introduction and an in-sight into the subject, the class ends... After that is Information Technology 1 subject... Guess who's our lecturer is... Our very own coordinator... Haha... She also teaches us pretty well too... Hopefully this will continue till the end of semester... After that, we got 1 hour break... I was really hungry then so I took some burger = RM2.50... Sigh... Then we went for our second part of our class... Another new subject begins, Business Communication... This lecturer seems to be pretty angry-faced by looking at her but that one just erased when she smiled at us... The subject, she said is pretty easy... Almost like Business English but let's see this first week... After the class finished, IT1 begins again... I was totally lose my concentration in the Business Com class because too tired... After the class finished, we all went back home... At night, I tried to revise the subjects but I closed it down... Maybe tomorrow... Hehe... Well, that's it... Tomorrow is Quantitative Management 1 and Introduction to Law class... My friends said these two are tough subjects... Let's see about that tomorrow... Going to sleep early... See ya...

During break time... In Auditorium
In Information Technology 1 class
Well, today is the final holiday for all of us... I pretty much enjoyed these 2 weeks of my holiday... I hope you guys also the same... Tomorrow is semester 3!!! 5 subjects... 5 lecturers... 4 months... 1 final exam!!! Haha... 5541!!! Nice number ah... Go and take it in TOTO tomorrow... Hehe... Well, took wantan mee in morning, then went to handphone shop to fix the phone... Then we went back home... I update my computer and cleaned up my car... Polished my dashboard and tyre... After that, me and dad went to BHP to refuel then went to car shop to repair the rear light on my car... And now, I'm listening nice songs because when the semester starts, I don't think that I can listen to these songs again... Haha... Tomorrow microeconomics, IT 1 and business communication... Let's hope the lecturers are good like ah ben... Well, that's it... Meet you guys tomorrow... Enjoy this night guys... Take care...
Haha... Yeah... After so long, the rain finally pours today... Hehe... Quite nice rain too... Raining right now also (8:19pm)... It's really nice right now... Feeling cold... :D Well, washed my car yesterday... Haha... Got it back wet today because of rain... See the pictures below...
At The Back Of The BonetWell, at 7pm, I saw this beautiful sky outside... I took the picture of it but my phone crashed... Haha... My dad is off today so we went to eat wantan mee in the morning... After that, went to Johor Jaya market... Then we went to fix my car's battery cable... It's pretty loose... I couldn't start it up yesterday morning... Pretty scary... Yesterday night, me and zam share some nice videos... Hold on that thought!!! It's not the video you think... OMG!!! Haha... We share some prank call, accident videos on youtube... That's it... :P And also discussed about our semester 3 which going to begin in, well, 2 more days... Ok then... That's it... Bye...
Finally we received our third semester's timetable after so long... And in unofficial way that is... What I mean by unofficial is that Sunway College didn't send us the timetable... It was one of our classmates, Jason (waitwait) sent us the timetable... What's our coordinator, Ms. Rebecca doing anyway? Haha... Well, at least we've got it... By looking at it, what can I say? It's going to be a bad semester for all of us... And for those who taking Bahasa Kebangsaan, it's another headache... You guys have to come on Saturday... Well, thank goodness we got the morning 'shift' back like we had in semester 1... The time is pretty much beginning in morning and ends like evening... At least it's not like in semester 2!!! Begins like 12pm and ends 4pm!!! And also NO BREAK!!! Thank god we got at least 1 hour break between the day... So guys, you've got only 2 days for the holiday... Enjoy it your level best... Like Zam... He went with his... Well, haha... I'm sure you enjoyed yourself today macha... :D
Well, cleaned my car after so long... The paintwork started to get a bit rough when i touch it because all the dirt is in there... Because it was raining all week long and I parked my car outside... Wax washed and polished it... Started at 10:45am, finished at 3pm!!! Haha... At least I had a good workout today... Look at the pictures below... Shines like a star... Hehe... Ok then... See you tomorrow... Going to enjoy my last holidays... Hehe... Take care...

*** The Countdown Starts Now ***
*** 2 More Days To D-Day ***
*** Third Semester ***
*** 23 March ***
The hot sun is back again giving us the soaring heat!!! Oh well, guess the rainy season is finished ready... Tomorrow I'll go wash my car because it's really dirty... Well, all of us hope that we will receive our timetable for third semester today but all our hopes are broken... I don't know why they didn't give it yet... Hmm... Last night, I slept at 6am or something... Well, actually I went to sleep at 3am but I couldn't sleep... And woke up pretty lately today, at 12.45pm... Haha... Updated my phone with some new songs today... My fish is still in the same size... Hehe... Have to feed more... Well, only left 3 days guys... Make sure you'll enjoy these days because the suffering begins... Ok then... Bye...
*** The Countdown Starts Now ***
*** 3 More Days To D-Day ***
*** Third Semester ***
*** 23 March ***
Is there a English word, hotty??? Hehe... Well, today is really hot day... Had to shut the window because can't stand the heat... The rain didn't come for 2 days already... Don't know why... Well, please come back rain... We really miss you... Hehehe... At night, mom and dad went to Giant and bought some bundles of ice-cream... See below... So going to enjoy the following days eating it... Hehe...
After they came back home, we went to eat at our "family" restaurant here... Actually, we planned to eat ikan bakar at another shop but that shop is closed today... Wonder why... So we all go eat at another restaurant... Pretty full now...
Well Zam, I understand your feelings... We all didn't receive yet the timetable of our semester 3... Maybe tomorrow might be a lucky day??? Let's wait and see...
*** The Countdown Starts Now ***
*** 4 More Days To D-Day ***
*** Third Semester ***
*** 23 March ***
Nothing much happened today either... Dad went to pasar malam today and bought some food... I ate kuih lobak putih... Not so sure what's the name in English... Hehe...
Cleaned and fixed my computer problems on noon... Now, it should run properly... Well guys, we only got 5 days more to enjoy our holiday... Even though it's really boring but just enjoy it... You'll never know what's ahead of you... 5 subjects guys!!! :-| Enjoy your holidays...
*** The Countdown Starts Now ***
*** 5 More Days To D-Day ***
*** Third Semester ***
*** 23 March ***
Wow... Today is really nice day... Not like yesterday... So boring... Today I really had some fun... Waked up early today... Went to Jusco Tebrau City with my friend and his brother and watch Race To Witch Mountain... Really nice movie... Super GFX and sound mixing... You should go watch this movie as soon as possible before the show closes... The Rock is the supporting character in this movie... This movie is about UFO thiggy so if you're kinda in the "UFO" type, go and wacth this movie and be amazed... After came back home at 4pm, the boring life begins till now... Well, that's it... Bye...
Well, nothing happened that much today... Thought of waking up at 9am but was too sleepy so I continued to sleep at 10am... Hehe... Listened to music most of the time... Watched Slumdog Millionaire on evening... Wow... Simply amazing movie... Go and get original DVD to watch this movie guys... Seriously... Once of the best movie I watched... I watch this movie in Tamil dubbing so it's pretty interesting eventhough they dub with other language... You'll still get the concept and story... I wonder why the people in India don't like this movie... Maybe because it's (the film) showing the background picture of India while the country is developing... But that's the reality... I really like how the story goes when the director cuts back and forth to present and past of the character... Really nice movie... No wonder it bagged so many awards at Oscars... Ok then... See you tomorrow... Bye...
Well, today, the rain comes back with a bang... It was quite raining heavy in here... Took some pictures too... Hehe...

Well, after that rain, there's nothing to talk about today... Again, same story... Waked up, listen to music and sleep... Hehe... Hopefully it will be a better day tomorrow... Haha... Ok then... Take care...
Well, unlike yesterday, today is pretty boring day... Haha... Well, today we took wantan mee instead of thosai... Hehe... After that, we went to market to buy some meat... After that, we went back home... Didn't do anything today... Just listen to music only... Well, that's it... Pretty short blog ah today's one?? Hehe... See you guys tomorrow... By the way, Zam, please take care yourself... I hope you're ok before the semester starts...
Well, very busy today so sorry guys... Didn't write the blog earlier... Hehe... Well, a lot of things I did today... First of all, waked up like 9:30am and fresh up myself... Before taking breakfast, we went to BSN to deposit some savings... It took like 1 hour because a lot of people in the bank... Imagine la... How I was at that time... So hungry... Hehe...

Finally we went to take breakfast at restaurant there... No wantan mee today... Just thosai... So sad... Hehe... After that, we straight went to Sunway College to pay the third semester fees... After paying it, we went to Seri Alam to a temple there to check out my parents, my brother's and my own astrology... But the priest is so busy, he only calculated mine and my brother's one... Well, a lot of things he said about me... Hehe... After that, we went to Johor Jaya again and took lunch in there... Took chicken rice this time... Miss that shop also because been a long time since we go eat there... Then my mom said go check out some fish at fish shop near the shop... So we go check out some aquarium and bought the necessary fish supplies... We bought arowana fish (I don't know whether it's correct spelling... Hehe)... After that, we went back home and I cleaned the aquarium and set up in my study room... Now the fish is roaming around the aquarium because it's just small arowana and big aquarium... Hehe... Small cutie... Don't know how big it would be once it grows... Hehe... The food for arowana is... Well, shrimp... Dried one... And it's my responsibility to feed it... Haha...

At night, me and my family went to Puteri Specialist to check out my uncle's daughter who admitted in there... She's 1 year old... She got some kidney problem so have to do some operation... So after paying a visit, we went to take dinner... After that, I'm writing this post... Hehe... Very busy today... But enjoyed each minute of it... Ok then... Mom is off today so gotta sleep early... Bye guys...
Haha... Confused with the title??? Well, I don't know whether today is hot day or cold day because I don't felt anything also... Maybe because it's cloudy?? Haha... Well, kinda nice and also boring day... Well, still got 11 days more to go for the semester holiday to finish... Zam said he can't wait till next semester because ermmm... Hehe... Don't worry Zam, I don't tell them... Hehe... Waked up like 11.30am today... Still sleepy by that time... Hehe... Took breakfast and watch TV then went to computer listen to music... What else?? I've recieved my package today... Ordered a torchlight last week... Below are the pictures... Well, it was drizzing just now (6:56pm)... I hope at night, it will rain heavly so that I can sleep peacefully... Haha... Well, ok then... See you tomorrow guys... Take care...
Well, unlike yesterday, it's pretty hot today... Don't know why... Rain, please come as soon as possible... Hehe... Well, me and zam really did a lot of work yesterday night!!! We both sleep like 4 am... Haha... We both trying to solve what's wrong with zam's blog because his blog cannot be view in Firefox platform... We revert the script back to original and also compared the old one... We did come changes on the background colour and some tags and walla, finally fixed it... Yahoo!!! Now, his blog can be view on firefox and also IE... Not so sure on Opera, Safari and also Chrome platform though... Haha... I watch High School Musical 3 in my laptop just now... Really nice movie... Remember we all went to cinema to watch this movie guys?? Haha... Miss that day... Dad went to pasar malam just now... I have to eat apples everyday... Haha... Well, see you tomorrow... Bye...
Well, pretty heavy raining here during the noon time... I took some snapshots below... Well, today is public holiday so my dad is off... We went to eat wantan mee again... This wantan mee shop is nice one among the stalls in Johor Jaya... Hehe... After that, we both went to Ulu Tiram to check Avon shop out but today is public holiday so the shop is closed... Haha... Then mom asked us to buy cendol... We search around our area but didn't find one also... Guess they also holiday... Haha... Then went back to home and I sit and listen to music on my computer... Thank goodness I got the in-ear headphone... This earphone cancels some noises from outside... So, I didn't hear there's raining outside when the electricity cut off... Then I went to open the main and saw the very heavy rain... Haha... Then my mom shout at me because the neighbour beside us was shouting at the front gate... I didn't hear anything also... Imagine how loud the noise of the rain was... Then I saw at the road, well, what can I say? WOW... So much water where coming from top of the road... Even the neighbour's house also flooded... They try to push water to the drain but the drain also full... Imagine the situation la... I moved my car to a safer place the water started to reach the car's skirtbody level... I forgot to take a picture at this point because I was totally shocked to see this... Now, the rain stopped and we still can feel the coldness around us... Tonight going to be a very nice sleep... Don't open your air-con guys... Hehe... The sky stared to get more darker now so expect some heavy rain... Ok then... Have a nice day...

Well, the title explains all... Pretty boring staying home la guys... Can we fix like a meeting on somewhere??? Like in Jusco? Haha... Well, waked up at 9am today... Yesterday, I slept at 4am!!! Imagine that... Was watching Tamil movie in my laptop... 2 hours! Haha... Thank goodness my parents didn't wake up... Then, me and my parents went to eat at Restaurant Kassim here at dedap... I took thosai... Been a long time since I eat it... After that, we went to BHP to fill up my dad's car...

Then went to Taman Molek to check out Avon... A lot of people are buying in there because today is Sunday... So we went back to home... My uncle came here so we chit-chat and watch movie at Astro... Rain poured down and interrupted our viewing for a moment... So sad... Astro, please fix this freaking problem soon... If not, Mr. Zam will sue... Hehe... After the raining, when the sunset comes in, I took some pictures in my phone... Hope you guys like this... Ok then... Going to take my dinner... See ya...
(c) All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009. Kumaresan Graphics.
Hello to everyone... Well, today is the opening ceremony of my blog... I'm sure that I am the only one who attended this function... Haha... It's ok then... Well, now the blog is fully builded and completed, I will post in here everyday my experience on what happen during that day... Hope you all enjoy it... If anything need to be fixed, comment here guys...
Well, today waked up at 10am, went to take wantan mee after so long... Haha... Miss it... After that, went to market in Johor Jaya and bought some food... Well, all day long, I was listening to music and watch TV... So boring ler... Hope can come to college and enjoy the day with you guys... Haha... Still got like 3 weeks to go so better enjoy your holiday guys because next semester got 5 freaking subjects to learn and study... Pray for your result to come good also... Haha... Ok guys... Till then, take care... See you tomorrow...
Well, today I've changed the font colours and some design... I hope you guys like it... I also added a poll below this page about how's my blog... So, just simply vote it... Remember that, the poll ends on monday... hehe... Right now, it's 75% completed so expect the opening ceremony tomorrow... hehe... Take care guys...
Hey there guys... I've created my blog in here... It's still under development stage... I'll build it up in few days more... Come back often to check it out... Have a nice day...